Chapter Fourteen

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I wake up in a frenzy. The memories of last night floating through my mind. I barely remember it though. I remember waking up on a bed...but why was I on the bed? I was hurt, I know that. But what hurt me? I remember hearing the voices surrounding me and then Luckas shows up.... Seth was there. He get's mad... He get's mad because he found out that Luckas kissed me. He made Luckas leave and then he... he kissed me. I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes. I stopped somewhere. Seth still kissing me and then biting into me... He told me to drink.... Drink what? What did he tell me to drink?

I jump up when I remember what I did. I race out of the bed to the mirror and am not surprised that i'm running particularly fast. I look into the mirror and gulp. It's true then. My memories aren't playing tricks on me. Seth turned me and then I hurt him. I couldn't stop. I was so thirsty. The thought of my thirst sends me into reality and I clutch my throat. My thirst has worsened. I grip the counter sink and yelp when it breaks into pieces. I just broke the counter... I just broke the counter. I back away from the stranger in the mirror. My beauty has increased- by a lot. I look down at my naked body and sigh. I walk into the closet. I throw on the nearest clothes I can find. I can't help but laugh when I end up wearing one of Seth's burgundy colored shirts and my grey joggers. I just shrug my shoulders and go get some all black Converse. I walk out of the room not caring that my hair's a mess. I'm so thirsty but I need to find Seth first. I walk to the infirmary and sigh when I see Seth peacefully sleeping. I can't help but run up to him and wrap him in a hug. His eyes widen and he gasps. "Easy Dorris," he breaths out. I loosen my grip and kiss his cheek and then his neck. "I'm sorry," I say sheepishly. He just smiles and runs his hand through my hair. "Hey, I don't want you to feel bad about last night," he says with a sad smile. I look down at the floor, mad at myself. I shouldn't of done what I did. I should of controlled myself. "Well I do, it's my fault you're in this bed," I say. He takes my hand and rubs circles into it as always. "NO, it's normal for that to happen. It happened to me. I actually killed the person who turned me," he says. I look up at him with curious eyes. "You did," I ask. He nods and then scowls. "But anyways," he sighs. He looks at me with a big grin. "So how is it," he asks. I look at him confused. "How is what," I ask. He chuckles. "How is being a vampire? Do you like the taste of blood? What am I saying, of course you like the taste of blood," he says and sits up in the bed. I give him a small smile and remember the taste of his blood. It tasted really good now that I think of it. I growl at the thought of blood, my thirst becoming my main priority. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You didn't feed fully," Seth asks. I'm the one who scowls now. "Luckas said I had to rest to complete the process or whatever," I say. He hums and looks towards the entrance of the room. I look where he is gazing and almost run into the wall trying to get to it fast enough. I open the fridge and I bite my lip at what I see. I could smell the blood from his bed, I just thought it was him. I'm surprised to find the fridge isn't cold, it's actually kind of hot. I guess blood is better warmer than cold. I take the cup of bright red liquid and take a small sip. I moan and drink the rest in two seconds. I hear Seth chuckle as I take another and drink it. I take another and another and another until there s no more. I try to reach for another and mumble an 'oops' when I realize there are none left. "Sorry," I say. I didn't mean to drink all of his blood. "It's okay," he says getting up off the bed. He seems fine, well enough to run around the mansion actually. That blood must of really helped. I'm glad he is better. "I'm full anyways. The doc just wanted it there just in case," he says walking over to my crouched position on the ground with the fridge door still open. I close the door and stand up. He gives me a hug and I hug him back, this time gently so I don't crush him to death. He let's go and places a hand on my hips, the other coming up to rest on my jaw. He tilts my head up to his and kisses me. He licks the remaining blood from my lips and smirks. "I like that shirt on you," he says. I blush and he laughs. "We can go to the mall today, like we were supposed to a few days ago," he says. I nod my head and play with the hem of my joggers. He kisses me again, this time more passionately. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck. He moves both of his hands to my waist. He bites my bottom lip and I growl. Suddenly I hear someone cough and I pull away from Seth quickly, blushing. We both look over to see Kyle. I mentally stab him for interrupting Seth and I. "What," I say before either Seth nor Kyle speak. I don't hear it, but I can feel Seth shake against me from laughing. Kyle chuckles and puts his hands up. "I just need to talk to Seth," he says. I look at him for a second and put my hands on my hips. "Whatever you need to say to Seth, you can say to me," I say. Seth finally speaks up. "What is it," he asks. Kyle glances between Seth and I for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders. "It's that mutt. He wants to speak to you," he says with distaste. Mutt? Sammy? I put my hands down to my sides. "What wolf," I ask not using his cruel use of words. Kyle turns his gaze away from Seth to me with a confused look. "What wolf," I repeat. "I don't know. His names like Scott or Steve or something like that," he says. "Sammy," I correct. "Oh yeah, Sam," he says. He gives me a weird look and then glances at Seth. I glance at him also to see he is looking at me with a glare. "Husky huh," he asks. I gulp and look at the ground. "Wellll..." I trail off. He sighs angrily without looking at me and walks out of the room with Kyle. I run up to them and pop up in front of them, making them give me their full attention. "Why is he here? He didn't do anything wrong," I say. Seth gives me an annoyed look and brushes past me. I appear in front of him with a frustrated face. "Why is he here," I repeat. Seth growls and stops walking. "If you must fucking know, it's because he was there when you got attacked. He had blood on him. We killed the other wolf. It was nearest, we kept your little mongrel because we need to ask him questions about his pack. If we have to torture it out of him, then we will. How do you even know him? Is that why you've been going out into the woods? What are you, his booty call or something," he yells the last part in my face. I can't help but fling my hand at his face. He stumbles back from the impact and grabs his cheek. "Have some respect," I sneer. He looks at me shocked and then his words get to him. "Dorris," he say coming towards me. I shove him away. "Don't," I say. I glare at him. "I fucking hate it here. You treat me like i'm a slave, like i'm just a piece of meat that you can have whenever you please. You don't treat me how I imagined the love of my life to treat me," I say turning around and walking away from him. I feel his hand catch mine before I get to far, and turn around resisting the urge to punch him. "I'll take you to him," he says softly. "Why would you do that," I ask. I can feel the tears building up. I don't want him to see me crying, I can't show him weakness. I have to be strong. "If it's what you want, then that's what i'll give you," he says. I take my hand away from his and think about walking away. "Okay," I say. I can see his muscles loosen up. He starts to take my hand and then stops, knowing i'll just pull away. WIthout another word he starts to lead me to Sammy. Kyle keeps glancing back at me, his usual smirk absent.

In no time we are at an old looking door. Kyle pulls it open and walks inside. I guess I imagined it to be a dirty old cellar with chains on the walls and blood streaking the floor. I'm happy to say i'm wrong. I don't want Sammy in that kind of condition. The room is painted a chalky grey. It's pretty small and has a window, showing off the beautiful scenery of the forest. The only furniture in the room is a table and two chairs on opposite sides of it. Just like the movies. I stop from laughing at their stereotypical layout. Like how basic can you be. They practically stole Criminal Minds ideas. My eyes dart to Sammy and I gasp. He's bloodied and he looks like they knocked him out. His head is laying on the table, blood spilling out of his mouth. I cover my nose at the smell. "They smell don't they," Kyle says referring to Sammy, aka a werewolf. I shake my head. "No it's the blood," I say. I forse myself to block out the sweet smell and walk over to Sammy. Seth stiffens at my movement. He instantly appears at my side, ready to pounce if Sammy tries anything. But I know he won't. I reach my hand out and touch his shoulder. He moans in pain and his eyes flutter open. I bite my lip, trying not to scream my head off at Seth. I don't know why I care if Sammy gets hurt. We only talked once, but still. I feel this need to make sure he is okay. He looks at me with confused eyes and then slowly sits up looking between Seth and I. "Are you okay Sammy," I ask. Seth scoffs and rolls his eyes. I grit my teeth and clench my fists. If he knew any better, he would just leave us alone. I hope he hasn't forgotten that i'm much stronger than him. Sammy laughs and I looked at him sort of shocked and confused. "Am I okay? Well obviously i'm not fucking okay. Do you not see me right now," says and chuckles again. I can hear Seth growl beside me before he rushes up to Sammy and pulls him towards my mate by the collar of his shirt. I can feel the anger radiating off of him. "Look you dickhead. You should be happy she's even talking to you. I'm actually quite surprised she doesn't hate you for what your little friend did," Sammy's face goes pale at the memory of what the wolf did to me. He then looks at me and then back at Seth. "Well you didn't exactly help her now did you? She's a vile bloodsucker just like you now," Sammy sneers. I'm taken back by what he said. Seth let's out a roar of anger and then without hesitation flips the table, making it loudly collide with the wall. I see Sammy flinch and then gulp. I sigh and then push Seth out of my way. "Who was he," I ask referring to the wolf. Sammy looks down at the ground and then to Seth before he moves his gaze back to me. "She," he corrects before slowly pulling his hands over his face. He drops his hands back down to his sides and looks at Seth. "I'm not saying anything else with them in here though," he says. I turn around and give Seth and Kyle a knowing look. Kyle shrugs his shoulders and the walks out of the room but Seth stays in place, glaring at Sammy. "Please," I say to Seth. He turns his glare to me and his expression softens. "If he touches you... Even the slightest-," he says. I cut him off walking up to him. "I can take care of myself. I'll be fine. And if he moves an inch, i'll be sure to call for you," I say. Seth nods and then hesitantly turns around walking out of the room. I shut the door and turn back to Sammy. He gives me an absent look. He sighs and then puts his hands together. I walk over to the chair that was knocked over by the table when Seth flipped it, and pulled it up a foot and a half from Sammy. "I know you're not like her," I start. He leans forwards in his chair and tilts his head. "And how do you know that? What if I was just pretending? What if I had this whole thing planned out," he asks with a questioning look. I laugh lightly. "Then I wouldn't hesitate to kill you myself, but that's not the case. I know you're good," I say. He crosses his arms across his chest. "Why would you let him turn you," he asks. I give him a small glare. "Don't change the subject. Who was she," I ask crossing my right leg over the left. He sighs. "Her name was Cora...she was my sister."

Thought you guys deserved a treat since it's the holidays. Here another chap in the same day. Bye-bye nuggies XP 

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