Chapter Thirteen

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"You have to," says a distant voice. "I can't. She said she doesn't want it. I don't want her to hate me for the rest of our lives, for my decision," someone familiar says. "Get him out of here," a guy yells somewhere off in the distance angrily . I feel something cold touch my forehead and I gasp. I try to open my eyes, but they won't open. "Can't you give her anesthesia," the familiar voice says. "We're working on it, don't worry," the first voice says. "I don't want her to die. She can't," they trail off and then they talk again. "If she doesn't make it, I want you to do it. I won't be able to wait for death. Use the Carl- Gustav m/45," they say referring to a type of gun. I know who the voice is now and can't help but cry. "Seth," I whisper out. It get's quiet and then i whisper it again. "Dorris," he says and I can feel his ragged breathing against my face. It sooths the pain and I sigh. "I'm not going to die," I whisper. I feel a warm drop of liquid hit my face and realize he's crying. "Don't cry," I say. I try to open my eyes so bad, but I can't. No matter how hard I push to open them, they remain closed. He says nothing but the warm tears continue to fall. It is now that I can feel myself moving. I'm being pushed on a hospital bed somewhere. "I can't open my eyes. Where are we going," I ask softly. Seth breaths in a breath of air and I can hear his quiet sobs. They grow slightly louder and my instinct to reach up and comfort him, can't be accomplished. I now remember why i'm on this bed, and why I can't open my eyes or move and why Seth is crying. A wolf attacked me. It flashes in my mind. The wolf tilting it's head after it pushes all the air out of me. "The wolf," I whisper out. Seth sucks in a sharp breath of air and growls. "Dead," he says in a harsh tone. I don't know how to feel about that. "Seth," i whisper calmly, trying not to think about what i'm about to say next. "Yes," he says. "I'm not going to die," I say. I try to smile but I can't feel my face so I don't know if I did or not. "You don't know that Dorris," Seth whispers sadly. "Seth... I want you to turn me. Not because I want to live, but because I want you to live, and if that's the only way. The only way that we know for sure will work, then so be it," I say trying to have a confident voice but it comes out kind of shaky. Seth starts to say something when someone interrupts. "Dorris? Dorris? Oh my god Dorris," I hear Luckas say next to me. "She's fine," Seth says. I hear a hint of jealousy and hatred in his voice. Did Seth find out what Luckas did to me? He shouldn't be too hard on him. He thought I liked him. It's not his fault he likes me and thought I liked him too. It's really my fault for becoming too close with him, I was giving him the wrong impression. "I will be fine," I correct. "How will you be fine. These are serious injuries. I don't know if the doctor will be able to help you this time," Luckas whispers at the end. I sigh and it hurts so I stop and hold my breath for a moment, before letting the air out slowly. "The doctor won't be helping me, Seth will," I correct. I can practically feel the confusion extract from Luckas and try to open my eyes again. I can feel them slightly open and close them back tightly when a bright light evades my vision. "Luckas..." I trail off unsure how to tell him this. It shouldn't be this hard. Should it? I'm just telling him that Seth is going to turn me into a bloodsucker... Yeah, it's not that hard. I don't even know why i'm unsure to tell him. I decide to choose my words carefully, in the best way I can explain it, without bursting into tears at saying i'm going to be a vampire. "I won't be human anymore. I'm going to be like you and everyone else. I can't let Seth die," I say. I feel like i'm talking to a three year old. "So what she is trying to say is, i'm turning her into a vampire," Seth says clearing up any confusion of Luckas's. "Yeah," I say. The bed is still being wheeled somewhere and I wonder where we are going that is this far in the mansion. Pain erupts in my hand and I grit my teeth. A cold substance touches my hand. It get's hot, and then turns into a normal temperature. "Oh," Luckas says. That one symbol word makes me feel weird. "Now if you would please leave, I don't want you to 'accidentally' assault my mate again. I gulp. Well shit. He knows. "I...I..." Luckas stammers for a few seconds and then I hear him turn around and walk away quickly. "Why would you say that? What if he get's drunk again," I ask Seth. He scoffs and growls. "Honestly Dorris, I wouldn't care. And why wouldn't you tell me that he did that? Did you like it? Huh Dorris? Did you like it? Was it better than when I kiss you," He asks angrily and then I feel his hot breath on my face. "Was it better than this," he asks and then kisses me roughly. I instantly kiss him back. He growls and my stomach flutters a little. He pulls away slightly. "Was it better than this," he asks and trails his lips down my jaw to my neck. He sucks harsly and I let out an awkward moan. "Stop," I say breathless. "Stop," he questions. "Oh my dear, I haven't even started," he says and bites into me harshly. I let out a small scream before he covers my mouth. This bite is different from all the others. It's more intense. It feels like heaven, but at the same time it also feels like hell. It's now that I realize the bed has stopped and all the voices have disappeared. The only thing I can hear is the blood draining from my body. I can hear it. Why can I hear it? I start to panic. He's killing me. I shouldn't be able to hear him. "Seth," I try to say against his hand. He just pushes his hand harder against my mouth. "You're killing me," I whisper. He pulls away and licks my neck. "No Dorris, i'm saving you," he says. I can hear him pull something out of his pocket. I shouldn't be able to hear this. What is happening to me? I wine when I hear something sharp pierce someone's skin. I can hear a drop of blood fall from the wound and shudder. "Drink Dorris," I hear Seth say as he releases my mouth. He sounds distant. I try to concentrate on his voice as he says it again, but all I can hear is the blood dropping from the wound. I know understand what's happening. I open my mouth and I can feel his soft neck come in contact with my mouth. A warm drop of coppery liquid falls in my mouth and almost as instant as a light switch is being turned on, I open my eyes and grab him shoving him as close to me as possible and bite into the wound, drinking as much blood as I can. "Good girl," I hear Seth whisper. He smoothes my hair with his hand. I can feel my body twisting in weird ways, my bones being snapped back into place. It's a weird feeling. It hurts, but it feels better after it's all back to normal. I can feel my leg heal. I glance down at it, seeing the skin grow back. I continue to drink. It's like the more I drink, the more I want. The thirst consumed me and soon Seth is trying to pull me away. Surprisingly he can't. I'm actually clutching him so hard, I can hear him cry out in pain. "You have to fight it Dorris. You have to stop, or you'll kill me," he gasps still trying to pull me away from him. My heart is telling me to stop, but my body is saying to drink all of him and then continue where I left off, with the nearest person I find. I catch a glimpse of his face and pull away from him backing away as much as I can. He looks so weak and drained. I crouch down backing myself into the corner. I look at him, trying to push himself off the wall. He does and looks at me. I don't know what expression he is giving me, but it looks like one of fear. I regret not pulling away sooner. He hesitantly walks over to me and calls for Alex. Why Alex. Alex is a douche. Alex strides in and chuckles at what he see's. He comes over to Seth and puts Seth's right arm around his neck. "What's a matter little bro? Was she too much to handle," he asks smirking at me. "Alex shut up and help or fuck off," Seth growls. Alex rolls his eyes and takes Seth out of the room. In an instant he's back in the room looking at me. "Are we going to cooperate Dorris," he asks me like a little kid. I growl and stand up. He tries to grab my arms but I slap his hand away. "Feisty still I see," he says. I walk out of the room that i'm assuming Seth brought us into for privacy at an immense speed. I can see people around Seth talking quickly. Did I hurt him that bad. I feel my thirst heighten when I see blood covering the doctor's hands. I hold my breath and slowly walk over to Seth. I breath in a slow breath. I feel someone take my hand and don't pull away as I smell who it is. Luckas. He smells like honey and strawberries with a hint of blood. But that's probably because i'm surrounded by blood. I look back to Seth and widen my eyes when I see his mouth on some girls wrist. He is sucking violently. I can feel his strength grow more as he drinks. The girl pulls away and is replaced by another. I now realize they are both human, but neither frightened. I feel a twinge of distaste towards both of them as they easily offer their wrists to Seth. I don't like him drinking from them. I don't like it one bit. Luckas's hand tightens around mine and I realize that i'm trying to move towards the girls. I see Seth look up to me and I guiltily turn around. I need to get away from all this blood. I'm so thirsty. "You need to rest," Luckas says loosening his grip on my hand. "I can't. I'm too thirsty," I say wandering farther and farther from Seth and the blood. "You need to, to complete the process. You are only half a vampire right now. I know you're thirsty but you must rest," he says. I sigh and pull my hand away from his. 'Okay," I mumble, and with that i'm racing down the halls towards Seth and I's room, leaving Luckas far behind me. I open the door, stepping in and shutting it instantly. I strip all my clothes off and decide to take a shower first. I reek of blood. I hastily take and shower and plop into bed not bothering to dry off or put some clothes on. I fight back the thirst and allow my body to sleep.

Emotion chap I think. Ahhh. She's a vamp now!!! I know, I know. This story is all over the place. Love you guys, Merry Christmas!! :))

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