Chapter Ten

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I'm going back to see him, but first I need to gather my thoughts. Why did I want to get away from Seth? What if he's not my mate? We had sex... I can't just pretend that didn't happen and then run back to my old life. Would he hunt me down, and make me return with him? Maybe I should give it time. But I seemed to be in a spell, before just a few minutes ago. We told eachother we loved each other. Was what I said true? Even now thinking about it I am starting to doubt myself. How could I possibly love a person I essentially just met? Then something hit me. When Seth talked to me before about all of it, something seemed to slip my mind until now. If I leave him, he will die... ending in me dieing as well. Fuck. How could I of not thought about this until now. Ughh. I scream and hit my fists against a nearby tree. I must of not learned my lesson the first time, because after a few hits, my hand started to bleed. I sighed and looked down at my bloodied hands scowling. Stupid me. I'm about to get up when I hear a low growling noise come from somewhere in front of me. I lean back against the tree bu eyed. What is that? "S-Seth...?" I ask gulping. A low growl erupts, this time closer making me stand up quickly turning in every direction. Who or what is that growling come from? "H-Hello," I ask balling up my fists in anger. I turn around once more and stop breathing. There on all fours is a gigantic wolf breathing densely. It's eyes are a dark chocolate brown and it's fur is a light shade of grey. It growls again and I stumble back suddenly awheare of my situation. When I say gigantic, I mean like it looks like the wolves from Twilight. Werewolf... That's why i'm not supposed to go into the woods. Surely it's going to kill me. My family will never know what happened to me. As I stumble back, it marches forwards with dark threatening eyes. "Please," I whisper looking at it. It stops in place for a moment and then strides up to me and takes a long heavy breath inhaling the scent of my neck. It growls lowly and I shudder involuntarily. It looks down at my bloodied hand and whimpers. I clutch my hand against my chest. Do werewolves eat people? I turn my head sideways wanting it to just kill me and get it over with already. Good bye life. But the pain I expected never occurred, instead I feel a soft patch of fur glide across my arm slowly. I look at the wolf with wide eyes. It's rubbing it's head against my arm in soft slow motions. It lowers its head and whimpers again. I gaze at it and my heart starts to beat a little faster for some reason. I shakily bring my hand up to caress the top of it's head lightly. It glows softly to show comfort. It starts to lean down, and I sit down next to it, petting it's head softly. It rests it's head on my lap and I lay my head against the tree. We sit there for awhile. I don't talk, just continue to stroke it's soft grey hair. I should be scared, terrified even, but I feel oddly calm. And petting the wolf, makes me even calmer. I feel sort of protected by it. Like it would protect me from all danger. It can't be a normal wolf, it's much too large, that means it has to be a werewolf. I stop petting it, and it raises it's head questionably. "W-who are you," I say. I feel weird asking the question. It gets a peculiar look in it's eye and stands up on all fours. I watch as it runs away out of sight. I sigh and am about to get up when I hear a rustling in the leaves. I stand up and walk towards the rustling . I'm about to walk through the bush, when out walks a tan boy with dark brown hair. I gasp and and parallelized by shock. Is he the wolf? He's not naked like the wolves in Twilight become, instead he is in grey cargo shorts and a white tee unbuttoned at the top. I stare at him with wide eyes. He laughs at my reaction and looks down at the ground. "Sammy," he says huskily. I bite my bottom lip looking down at the ground too. "Dorris," I whisper. He looks back up at me and smiles. I can't help but smile back. He has boyish features and a mole on his jaw. "That's a very pretty name," he says inching a little bit closer to me. "Uh... yeah I guess," I mumble wanting to back up. I feel less comfortable without him in his wolf form. "May I ask something," he says smiling still. "Uh sure," I say looking into his eyes with a guarded expression. His smile falters but turns back to it's full grin a second later. "Why didn't you run? Most people would probably faint right then and there. Weren't you scared at all," he asks smirking now. I gulp and play with my hands nervously. "Well a little," I admit blushing. He makes me feel so awkward. "But yet you didn't run," he says more or a statement then a question. I hum lightly in response. "Interesting," he murmurs looking into the distance. He suddenly lets out a low growl. "I should go," he says. His fists ball up and he clenches his jaw. I look in the direction he was gazing but hear nor see anything. "O-okay," I say. He looks at me and sighs. "Stay safe," he says, and with that, he runs opposite the direction that most likely made him want to leave. "Luckas," I whisper. "Luckas," a confused voice says next to me. I turn to see Seth's confused and guarded eyes staring at me intently. I stumble back surprised. "Oh...uhm... I need to talk to uh Luckas," I say. He looks at me like i'm an idiot. "Why would you need to talk to him," he snarls, the jealousy shining through. And why did you leave like that? And why in the fucking hell did you go into the forest again Dorris? You're not allowed in here anymore," he says crossing his arms. I scowl at him and turn to where Sammy left. Did he leave because of Seth? He had to of, I guess it is true that vampires don't get along with werewolfs. I look up at Seth, trying not to get upset with him. "I just need to talk to him about a few things, and I will go into the woods if I please, you are not my father," I say. My choice of words suddenly triggers something in Seth and he smirks at me. "I might not be your father..." he starts to say. I already know what he is about to say, so I groan and turn around, starting to walk back the the mansion. "Dorris," he calls. In a second he's by my side smirking. "You didn't let me finish," he says. "I don't want to hear your innuendos right now Seth," I sigh walking faster. I see Alex ahead with -what looks to be- a bruised eye. "Did you punch Alex in the face," I whisper trying to keep the enjoyment out of my face, because i'm not too happy with Seth at the moment. "He deserved it," he says monotone. I nod my head and walk past Alex and into the mansion. Seth one foot behind me and I spin around with a glare. "You don't need to watch me twenty-four/seven," I growl. He looks taken back and then sighs. "You're right. When you feel like talking to me again, i'll be in our room," he says faltering on the word 'our'. "Can I ask what I did wrong, why you are so upset with me now," he questions, almost with a pleading voice. I feel bad at his confrontment and try to hold onto that feeling. I don't like being like this, but at the same time I love it. "We'll talk later," I say. He looks down at the floor and mumbles and okay. He looks like a little kid when he does that. I smile lightly and slowly bring my hand up to his cheek. I caress it lightly and then turn around walking away. I can hear him turn around and walk the opposite way and sigh in relief. I keep walking through the maze, that is the mansion, and finally find Luckas's room. I knock this time, remembering his attire -or lack of I should say- and wait patiently for him to open it. A few seconds pass and the the door creaks open a bit. "Oh, Dorris, it's just you," he says. He breathes in and crinkles his nose. "You smell like dog and se..." he doesn't finish the sentence, just opens the door. "Uh come in," he says brooding. I smile a small smile and walk into his room. He smells Sammy on me. Could Seth smell him on me? I go and sit on his bed. It's now that I notice, he has circles under his eyes and his hair's a mess There are beer bottles on the ground and a pair of underwear. They are a girls... "Are you okay," I ask looking anywhere but him and the ground. "He chuckles nervously, knowing why i'm not looking at him. He swiftly picks up the bottles and the underwear throwing them away in a little metal trashcan next to a desk. "So what brings you to my lovely abode," he says cheekily. "Did you get drunk last night," I question suspiciously. His smile disappears and he sighs. "Yeah, but you don't needa worry about that stuff Dorris," he says. "I worry about you," I whisper. He shakes his head dismissively. "I'm sorry for hurting you yesterday," he says. "Hurting me," I ask confused. "When I touched you and you were in pain, I didn't know it would hurt. I just wanted to help," he says sadly, recalling yesterday. I sigh. "You didn't know," I say drawing imaginary lines on his bed. "I know, I still feel bad," he says woefully, plopping down next to me. "Why did you get drunk," I ask putting on my stern face. He mumbles something under his breath and turns away from me. I get up off the bed and walk to his balcony to see more beer cans. I sigh in frustration and turn back to him glaring. "Was it something I did, did you still want to talk to me when Seth came to get me," I ask dropping my glare and walk back over to him. He shakes his head no and pats the bed next to him. I sit down and take his hand. "Tell me stuff, i'll listen, just don't keep doing this to yourself," I say quietly. "It's just when Seth took you, it reminded me that I will never have that happiness. I will never have a mate," he says bleakly, looking down at his hands. I rub circles on his hand trying to comfort him and he looks at me with a small smile. "I'm glad you came back," he says. I nod smiling lightly. He takes his hand from mine and gets up walking to his closet. He opens the door and steps indie humming lightly. I don't know what he's humming, but it's pretty. He comes back out a few seconds with something silver in his hands. He walks over to me and hands it to me. I look at it puzzled and take it slowly. "It's a present," he announces smiling brightly. "Oh," I mumble. I smile and turn it around inspecting it. It's a silver shiny rectangular box about the size of half my hand. I tear the wrapping paper off and bite my lip. I hope this isn't what I think it is. I open it and mentally groan. It is. I pick up the sparkling necklace and look at it trying to smile. "Oh Luckas you shouldn't have. I have nothing in return," I say sadly. He laughs quietly. "I don't expect you to give me anything back Dorris," he says sitting down next to me again. "Oh," I mumble. He grins and take the necklace from me, unhooking it and looking at me for approval. "May I," he asks sweeping my hair away from my neck. I shudder at the action. I nod and watch him gracefully pull it around my neck and hook it. He let's it fall against my chest. It dangles glistening and I look at him with wide eyes. "What could ever be the occasion," I ask. He grins wider. "I just thought it would be a good welcome home present," he shrugs. I gasp, I totally forgot what I came here to talk to him about. "Uhm L-luckas," I whisper looking down at my hands. He looks at me with a curious expression. "Yeah," he asks. "I need y-" he cuts me over and pulls me close to him, his face only inches away and his hot breath fanning my face. Ï need you too Dorris,"he whispers.

And then he kisses me.

Omg nugs, so these past few weeks, it's been telling me no one looked at my last chap. I'm really sorry. If I would of known people looked at it, then I would have published the next chap sooner. Again I'm sorry and I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was good. Love you nugs. I hope you guys enjoyed this chap and sorry if some of you get pissed at me for the recent actions of Luckas...
P.S. Finals are in two weeks so in advance i'm sorry if I don't publish anothder chap in a week or two. Byez😝

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