Chapter Twelve

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I wake up to what I assume is a few hours later and look over to see Seth still sleeping soundlessly. I smile and yawn. I'm not very tired. I shuffle around in the still damp bed until the sudden urge to go pee hits me. I groan and get up from the warm bed and gasp as the cold air hits my bare skin.  I walk over the the bathroom. After I finish relieving myself, I decide to take a shower, since I didn't really take one earlier. Good thing he remembered to shut off the faucet in his rush to get me to the bed. I laugh lightly and turn on the water, getting the temperature just right. I step in and sigh as the warm water runs down my body. I stand there a minute soaking in the warmth and then look around for shampoo. I only see boy products and decide to use his two in one Axe shampoo and conditioner. I then take his "Kilo" body wash and scrub my body until I feel clean. I turn the water off and run out of the shower into the closet seeking warmth. There are no towels in the bathroom, but I did happen to see some in here and all my clothes are in here, so it's a win win, except for the fact that I had to run from the bathroom to the closet, freezing cold. I take a dark purple towel and wrap it around me hastily. I then search through my clothes and pick out pastel pink jeans that are ripped at the knees with a ripped black crop top with long sleeves and of course underwear and a bra. I slip it all on and go to our bed bending down and opening the drawer under the bed, grabbing a pair of black and white striped vans and pastel pink socks with a little pink bow on them at the top, slipping them on and standing up looking at Seth. I gasp as I see him looking at me with an amused look. I didn't know he had woken up. "Going somewhere little girl," he asks getting up, not bothering to cover himself. "I- I...." I don't know what to say and he just smirks and appears in front of me looking down at my appearance. I gulp and breath in as much of his sweet smell as I can. He notices and says "Mates are really attracted to each other's smell," he then smirks more and grips my hips. "You're not even a vampire with the ability to smell a hundred times more, and you already are addicted to my scent. Imagine what it's like for me," he whispers the last part close the my jaw and then lightly bites my earlobe. I shudder and then push him away and giggle. "I'm starving," I say walking to the door to the hall. I shudder when I feel his cool breath on my neck and his warm hands on my waist. "Me too," he says and kisses my neck, making it tingle. I push his hands off and step away from him. "Then come get food with me," I say. "Feal food," I add in at the end, just to clarify I don't mean myself. He chuckles and swiftly disappears into the closet and back out in two second with drab camo joggers and a black and dark gray long sleeved tee, that fits him snugly, showing off his abs. He walks over to the bed and pulls out a pair of yellowish-beige Timberlands- the originals I guess - and pops up next to me smiling. "Ready," he says and takes my hand in his. We walk through the mansion and finally reach a set of doors reading kitchen. I give him an odd look and pushed the door open. Inside it looks like the kind of kitchen in a high class restaurant. I guess it's to be expected in a mansion like this. We walk in and I hop up onto a counter and look at him expectantly. He gives me a smirk and before I can move, he kisses me on the lips lightly and disappears somewhere into the kitchen. I sit there patiently waiting for him to come back. What is he doing? Getting the chef? As soon as that thought comes into mind, Seth comes back into sight, crushing it entirely. I almost laugh when I see him. He walks over to me grinning and then pretends to twist his imaginary mustache. I giggle and sway my legs watching him. "So my dear, what would you like to eat today," he says straightening his chef hat. I look at him and give him a suspicious stare. "Do you even know how to cook," I ask. He just laughs lightly and the looks around the kitchen. "I've dabbled a little. How about I make you a surprise meal," he says looking back at me. I shrug my shoulders and bite my lip. "If it tastes like shit i'm not speaking to you for a week," I say. I'm not about to be eating some nasty crap that tastes like trash. He just chuckles and rolls his eyes. "It will taste fine, don't worry," he says moving around the kitchen pulling spices and random items of food out. I hop off the counter and sigh loudly making him stop and look at me. "Well since it's a surprise i'm gonna go explore the mansion," I say smiling. He starts to say something but cuts himself off. "Well okay. Be good, and don't do anything you shouldn't," he says giving me a stern look. I decide not to reply with the 'you're not my dad' comment, already know what his reaction would be. And I don't need that right now. "Okay," I say and walk out of the kitchen. I close the door and walk down the hall turning a corner. I peek around it, making sure he isn't following me and sigh in relief. I walk as quickly as possible but also try to look normal just in case I come across anyone. Finally I reach my destination and almost punch the wall when I see chains around the handles of the doors leading outside. I grumble and start to trudge back to the kitchen when I remember something. I hope they forgot about this door. Seth can't stop me from going outside. I am a human being and I feel that if I desire to go outside, then I should be able to go outside. I abandon the no running choice and quickly start to sprint down the hall. I try to desperately remember what halls we went down that night and smile in victory when I actually spot it. I reach for the door handle praying that it's open and almost fist bump the air when it is. I walk into the enormous room and quickly shut the door behind me. I shudder as the cold hits me and move through the room past the sportscars to the wide garage door. I smirk and push the button on the wall and slowly but surely the door starts to ascend up. I don't wait for the door to finish raising, and sprint out of the bottom opening and into the woods. LAst night I heard a howl like Sammy's and then another pained one. I need to know what happened, if he's alright. I run through the woods trying to calculate how far I went last time until we had our encounter. I guess I just run until I can't breath anymore like last time. So that's what I do, I run and run and run until I fall on the ground holding my abdomen tightly as possible. I breath heavily and try to slow it but it still beats just as hard. What now? I now realize that it was just luck last time that he came along. How am I supposed to find him now. "Sammy," I call out questionably. Nothing. I sigh in frustration and lay on the ground looking up at the sky. It pale blue ocean like resemblance and chirping birds soaring through it. I smile as a memory flashes through my mind.

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