Sixteen Sealess Years

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POV Hoshimi

Well. This is me. My life's pretty dull. My mom is a technician who won't let me go to the beach, the pool, the aquarium, etc. Her name is Rina. And she's overprotective as heck.

My name is Hoshimi Hamasaki, which means "starlight". I'm kinda antisocial and secluded. Kinda punky I guess, that's how people label me. I love fencing. I have my mom's green-gray eyes. My hair is naturally dull green, but I dyed it all a purple color. My best, and only, friends are the daughters of my moms only friends.

My closest one is Kira, which means "dark". She's tall and the oldest of the seven of us. Her hair is fluffy and goes half way down her back, and has a kind of creamy-orange color. Her eyes are orange and she seems to always wear a necklace with an orange shaped clover and matching earrings. She's outgoing, ambitions, and loves to sing. She's one of those short-skirt-and-Converse type of girls.

My second closest is Kazumi, which means "beautiful harmony." She's tied for being the middle and third youngest of us. The other one she's tied with is her cousin, Mizuko, which means "water child". Kazumi has light purple-indigo colored hair that goes all the way down to her thighs. Her eyes are indigo colored and she usually wears a necklace with an indigo raindrop-shaped gem and star-shaped indigo earrings. She loves music, sings a little and plays guitar. She's edgy, outgoing, and rebellious, unlike her mom, Noel.

My third closest is the youngest, Ruri, which means "Lapis Lazuli." Her hair is a light aqua and falls down three-fourths of her back. Her eyes are a dullish blue and she's about as bubbly as a shaken soda. Outgoing, mostly girly, and singer, but not a super shopper. She's always there for you though. She always wears an aqua flowery necklace and matching earrings. Her mom, Hanon, absolutely adores her.

Theres Mizuko. She's pretty nice. She has very, very dull purple hair that covers half her back and dull purple eyes. She's shy, but defends us whenever needed. Once you get to know her, she's more open, but she's still shrouded in mystery. Without that mystery, she's kind and determined, like her mom, Caren. Shes the polar opposite of her cousin Kazumi. Mizuko is the obedient playful schoolgirl type. She always wear jewelry like Kazumi's, except Mizuko's is purple.

Satomi is Coco's daughter. Her name means "wise beauty." It fits her very well. Her hair is a pretty browny gray color and her eyes and light brown. She always wear a strange, but pretty, yellow shell necklace. It looks like a locket, but it never budges. She's my fencing partner, too. She's a brilliant girl and receives all As in her classes. She's extremely kind and loyal. She's kind of like our peacekeeper.

Finally, there's little Sakura. In case you didn't know, Sakura means "Cherry blossom." Her hair is a few shades oranger than Kira's, and it's always in two long, wavy ponytails. Her eyes are a dark blue color and she's smiley as can be. Naive by a lot, but sweet and kind hearted. And hopelessly in love, just as her mother, Lucia, once was when she was our age.

And right now, my mom and I are on our way to go see them at the place Lucia owns, the Pearl Pari. My mom's green convertible's hood is down, letting my long purple hair to fly in the warm summer breeze. School is out now out and my vacation will probably be spent with Kira, Ruri, and Kazumi.

"Rina," I say in a deep voice. "Why do we all live so close to the beach when you guys don't let any of us touch the sand?"

She's silent for a moment. "You'll understand when you Ruri turns sixteen." she says. "That's what we all agreed when we were young."

I mentally decapitate her. When Ruri's sixteen. What the heck?!

In no time we're at the Pearl Pari, which is on the seafront. Everyone else is already here. My mom sits at a table with Lucia, Hanon, Caren, Noel, Coco, and Sara. I sit at a table on the opposite side of the room with Sakura, Ruri, Mizuko, Kazumi, Satomi, and Kira.

"Hey girls." I say, sitting down next to Kira and Ruri.

"Hey Hoshim." Ruri says.

"What's up?" Satomi asks.

"Not much." I say.

They carry on a conversation in the background while I stare out the window at the sea. It's strange. You know how when you're parents tell you that you can't do something, and it just makes you long to do it? Well, my longing for the sea is stronger even than that.

"Hoshi..." a voice says. "HOSHI!"

I snap out of my trance and turn to the person yelling, who was Kira. "What the heck, Hoshimi?"

"I-it's nothing." I stutter. "But, have you guys ever wondered why they don't let us in the water."

A wave of nods and agreements come my way.

"And the sea seems to be begging for you to come to it?"

Once again, all yes.

I hesitate and smirk. "Then let's go find out why."

Ruri's eyes widen. "R-really?! Can we Pleeeeeaaase?"

Mizuko looks down and says in a small childish voice, "But if all our moms say not to do it, couldn't it be really big?"

Kazumi taps her hand. "Of COURSE it's big, cos! That's why we've got to find out! Maybe it's a big family secret! Haven't you ever wondered?"

"I guess so..." Mizuko mutters.

Kira holds her hand up to high five me. "Alright dude let's do this!" she says. I take the high five and we wait for the last reactions.

Satomi thinks for a while. "I'm in I guess."

Then Sakura looks at me happily. "Defiantly." she says.

I smile. "Okay." I say. "We sneak out the back entrance quickly and run into the water. Ready?"

"Yeah." they all say.

Waiting until the parents are giving their undivided attention to a conversation, and slip out. We sneak to the front of the Pari and jump onto the sand. Almost immediately we stop once our feet touch it.

Without even looking at each other, at the same time we all say, "One..."



We bolt to the water, curiosity filling our bodies. Just before our feet touch the water, we hear our moms yelling "Stop!" from the Pari, but that doesn't stop us from letting our instincts free and diving in, synchronized.

And after about three seconds under water, I open my eyes and my jaw drops. That doesn't bother me, though.

Because now we're all mermaids.


Sorry for the sucky first chapter. It gets better, I promise. So anyway stuffs. Tell me what you thought click the vote button for INSTANT AWESOMENESS. I'm tired now and sick so I'll see you guys later.


If you were a mer-person, where would you live? O.o

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