15th July, 2011

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15th July, 2011.


Dear Diary,

Today was just like the last, after being alone and locked away for 3 years you would think I wouldn't be paranoid but I am every little noise scares me. Oh Diary I think I am going to go mad with fear before I am 20. Diary my Birthday is coming soon just 5 more weeks till I turn 16, then I can leave. For on my 16th Birthday my abilities will be fully matured and I will be able to hide them from the Darkness. I have been perfecting my abilities every day since Carter showed me how to use them. Diary every day someone comes to the door and knocks but when I go look no one is there, and even though I go invisible before going near the door, I feel someone watching me everytime. Oh Diary I fear I am going paranoid!

Yours now and forever,

Willow Spark

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