21st July 2011

30 8 0

Dear Willow,

I am writing to you in your book so when you come back I don't have to say all this. Yesterday was the day that you dissipeared, I don't know where you went, all your clothes are still here so I don't think you moved. I think the Darkness have taken you, I am worried about you I hope your ok. You should be because you are a very strong girl. I hope I can find you before it's to late, I hope you're still alive, I never got to tell you "I love you"


Connor's POV:

I walk out on to her porch after writing the note in her journel, I look up at the sky and sigh in defeat why didn't I stay with her that day, I could have stopped the Darkness from takiing her. But it's to late for that now all I can do now is look for clues and go rescue her.

I glance down at the deck of the porch and see scuff marks on the wood by the plant pot that covers the entrance to the safe hole down under the porch. I walk over to the edge and peer over the rail.

A small spray can is resting in the plant pot, I reach down and grab it, holding it gingerly at arms length, I set it on the metel table and examine it, I roll it over with my finger to see that the label says:


Calming Mist, from The Darkness retailers.

Spray in the air in a room and immiediatly the atmosphere will relax! Make all guest's happy and relaxed! Also works to make those lying children honest!

No more arguments, no more disobeidiant children, no more lying.

Available at certain retailers only.


Imiedietly I knew how they took Willow, they must have sprayed this in the air and she must have come out from under the deck. This product is only available from The Darkness retailors so a Darkness official must have bought it, she is being held by the Darkness!

I have got to find her and quick!

I slipped the half full can of Calming Mist into my pocket and rushed baack inside to get some equipment together.

"Where ever you are Willow, I'm coming" I muttered as I packed my bag.

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