23rd July, 2011

29 6 1

Willow's Mental diary:

Today was a little different from the rest, the green eyed person was back giving me pills. I know I have seen those eyes before but with all the pain and drugs my mind can't bring back any memories.

While green eyes was giving me my pills and water, the person slipped a note in my glass. it said:

My name is Faísca Salcedo I am the one with the green eyes, I was captured by the Darkness, and imprisoned here just like you were. When the Darkness captured me I looked exactly like you, after months of experiment and drugs, my hair turned white, and my eyes green. After so long without proper nurtition my face and body became more lean and narrow. They brainwashed me into being one of their servants, but after a few weeks their control on me faltered, I became myself again. I knew there were others out there like me so I stayed to help them. I have freed many and saved even more, but all this time I was waiting for you. You and me are alike in more ways than one, though we share no physical resemblance now, we did a few years ago before I was captured. I will help you escape, and I will come with you. After all famiily is supposed to help each other. 

~Faísca Salcedo (Your Sister)

Then the note ended, at first I was in shock about how I had a sister, then I thought about what she had been through. The terror of being trapped here for years shook me to the bone, but she had regained a small ounce of freedom through secrecy. I wondered when I got out of here if she would help me find Conner.

When the clock in my room struck 6 o'clock Faísca returned with a meal smaller than the last, water, and more pills. A note was left in my glass again, this one read:

I have traded out the mind blocking pills with some painkillers, they look exactly the same so it's easy to do. Every night they will make your meal smaller and smaller to cut down on your food intake, so you will be more susceptible to the drugs. Tomorrow is a big meeting for the Darkness so there will be fewer workers on duty, tomorrow is when we will escape.

My mind jolted with excitement at the prospect of escape so soon. 

I will need you at the peak of you abilities, so tomorrow when I bring you your food in the morning nod once if you can use all of your abilities to a good maximum, if some of your abilities are blocked shake your head twice, if none of your powers are working pretend to be asleep. Now if your abilities are working perfectly we will escape then and there, if some are being blocked we will wait till noon, or if all your abilities are blocked we will wait till the evening or next morning. Now I will bring you two different pills on your tray in the morning, one will take the blue fog out of your mind, the blue fog blocks powers that are in your mind. The other pill will take the sluggish mind and body senses off you that is blocking all your powers. If only some of your powers are being affected take the blue pill and wait till noon, if all are blocked, take the red one and wait till the evening. I will see you soon.


I folded up the note and stuck it in my pocket with the last one. I would have to take the blue pill tomorrow as only my telekinis was being blocked, I felt a thrill of excitement as I realzied I would be free in less than 24 hours.

I lay down on the soft part of floor that was my bed and closed my eyes, letting sleep fill my bones as I waited for tomorrow's escape

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