19th July, 2011

50 10 2

Willow's POV:

I have found what the knocking was, I spent all of yesterday and today sitting outside the door invisible, just sitting there watching. I had gone inside last night to sleep , but then right before the sun came up I slipped outside invisible again. I sat for about 4 hours and right when I was getting hungry and was ready to go back in, a man in all black came around the corner at the end of the street and started walking up the road, I watched him as he walked, he seemed confident in his walk and he strode forwrd like nothing could stop him. He was looking at the run down houses on the street as if counting, he had gotton 3 houses away when I stood. I was nervous he couldn't catch me but I didn't have time to get back inside. I quickly and silently slipped off the proch and went under it, there was an opening off the ground you couldn't see from the way he was coming. I got under and used my telekinis to move the plat pot to cover the opening. I heard his footstepps on the porch, I sat still holding my breath. Then I felt I hear a hiss like a can being opened and I smelled a sugary scent like flowers, and honey. I immiediatly felt better everything was ok the man wouldn't hurt me. I smiled and moved the pot and crawled out from under the porch. I stood and smiled at the man. He didn't see me, then I realized I was invisible. I became visible again, he looked at me and smiled. "Hello "  He said, all smiles. I waved and smiled back. He grinned. "I have a present for you Willow!" He said all excited. I grinned and bounced up and down. He reached in to his bag and pulled out a very lagre sack and some rope. I was confused. Warning bells were ringing in my head but I just stood there looking at him. He reached over to me his arm swinging hard, I felt a wham on the side of my head and it all went black as I fell down.

The last thing I heard was "It is about time we found you Faísca Salcedo" 

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