16th July, 2011

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16th July, 2011.


Dear Diary,

Today Conner came again to bring me my supply of food for the next week, he stayed longer than usual checking to make sure I was healthy and my abilities were stable. He also brought me a new hairbrush Diary! I was excited because he said my it was my sisters. It would also be useful for keeping my black hair in order for it had grown very long after three years of going without being cut, and was prone to getting matted and tangled without proper care. He also made me go through some drills on levitating objects with my mind for longer times. After he left I sat in the middle of my room and tryed to rearrange the furniture with my mind. I was partially successfull I could only really move small things like books and lamps I did manage to slide my nightstand back and forth a bit, but after 2 hours of that I was exhausted from all the mental activity and I took a bat. Then I sat on my bed to write this. Right after Conner left the knock came on my door again, I had gone invisible to answer it and there was no one there, I looked up and down the porch both ways there was no one that was close enough to do it. Diary I am scared.

Yours Now and Always,

Willow Spark 



pic of Willow on the side >>>

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