25th July, 2011

9 2 0

 The rest of the train ride seemed to pass quickly for Connor as he sat against the wall, Willows head gently in his lap. After the attack by the banshee, Faísca had taken to standing by the hole in the wall and watching the trees and countryside flash by.

Connor sighed leaning his head back, it seemed like months ago he and Willow were inside her house practicing her powers. When in reality it was just six days. Six days of running here and thee, six days of being terrified for Willow. Six days of hell.

He felt the train slowing, and he glanced up Faísca had one hand on the wall and was leaning out the train as what looked like a ruined city rolled by. He stood carefully putting Willows head on the pile of sweatshirts Faísca had supplied as a pillow.

Connor walked over to Faísca, standing on the other side of the blast opening he gazed out at the ruins.

"Where are we?" Connor asked looking at Faísca curiously.

"This is the home of The Light." Faísca spoke softly staring out at the ruins like she could see through them to another world. "This is the only place we can be safe now The Darkness has taken command of the your world."

"What do you mean 'my world'?" Connor asked a hint of indignation on his words.

Faísca looked at him, "Your world is the human world, plain and temporary." She gestured at the ruins outside the train. "This is my world, a world of Light and infinity."

And then the ruins changed as they passed through what seemed to be a bubble of sorts. Connor gasped nearly falling out the train.

"Where did the ruins go?'He stared at Faísca in shock. "Where are we?" He whispered staring out the train at what were long rolling hills, and sweeping mountains. With small houses here and there and a grand marble building next to what looked like a town center.

"Welcome to The Light." Faísca said smiling at him.

Soon they pulled into the train station, and were met with grim faces.

Faísca got off first and was immediately grabbed into an embrace by a tall guy with black hair. Faísca buried her face in his chest, and laughed. The tall guy looked back at the crowd and grinned.

"She's home!" He yelled out joyously.

The crowd erupted into cheers as they swarmed forward to confirm what the tall guy said.

Then the guy glanced back to the train and noticed Connor standing in the blast opening with Willow unconscious in his arms.

He let go of Faísca and moved forward urgently towards Connor.

"What happened to Willow?" The guy asked accusingly moving forward to block Connors path.

"She was kidnapped by The Darkness and drugged." Faísca said moving towards the guy and laid a hand on his arm.

"Connor this is Matt, Matt this is Connor, Willow's protector." Faísca said quickly ushering a medic forward. The medic inflated a stretcher and Connor laid Willow on it.

"She'll be ok right?" Connor asked the medic worriedly.

"We will do our best for her." The medic assured him calmly.

"Now if you'll excuse me we need to get her into the hospital immediately." The medic hurried away talking into his earpiece while what looked like some sort of police cleared the crowd that had gathered on the platform.

Connor turned around and faced Faísca and Matt.

"Where are they taking her?" Connor asked, walking towards them.

"Calm down dude, they're taking her to the hospital." Matt said rolling his eyes. "Now c'mon we're going to unload the supplies."

Matt turned and walk a ways down the platform to a group of what people that ad already started taking crates out of the train.

"This was a supply train?" Connor asked Willow, as they walked after Matt.

"Yeah you didn't think this was just for us?" Faísca laughed dryly "The Light needs more supplies now The Darkness has taken over most importing firms."

Faísca climbed aboard the train, she walked towards a crate and pushed a button on the side of it. The crate hummed softly as its repulsers kicked up. Faísca swung the crate towards the platform, Connor grabbed it as it was on the edge of the train and pulled it down and pushed it towards the people who were taking them to storage buildings.

After about a half an hour of unloading they had all the crates in storage and all Connor wanted was a shower and a hot meal.

"Ok let's go back to my place to clean up and eat then we can go see Willow." Matt said gesturing for Faísca and Connor to follow him. They walked down the platform getting to the gateway, and exited the station into a busy street people were hurrying here and there on foot, bicycles and hover boards.

"Why are there no cars?" Connor asked trotting to keep up with Matt's stride.

"Cars put too much pollution into the air and The Darkness could track that." Faísca said as she pulled on Matt's arm to get him to walk slower.

"Oh" Connor said, looking at the buildings lining the street, they looked older; almost like this was an old village in Europe. store fronts were plain with empty flower boxes, and the windows only had one or two items in them.

After about five blocks the stores changed into more apartments and houses. Matt stopped in front of an apartment building fishing a key out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and gestured for Faísca and him to enter. They walked into a hallway with numbered doors on either side.

"21 is me." Matt said handing Faísca a different key as he turned to lock the door behind him.

Faísca and Connor walked down the hall looking at all the similar doors, they were spaced about three doors apart from each other so it looked as though the apartments could be rather large.

Faísca reached 21 and unlocked it, walking inside Connor thought it was very plain, to his left was a kitchen area, and his right was a sitting room with a desk, couch and tv.

"Down the hall and right is your room." Matt said pointing at Connor. "Faísca's with me on the left, and straight down is the bathroom."

Matt walked into the kitchen, "I'll put some tea on."

Connor nodded and walked down the short hall to the door on the right, he opened it walking into a normal looking bedroom, with a double bed and small desk. He flopped down on the bed with a groan, thinking about all that had happened, and the amount of people here. They probably all had powers too.

Connor didn't have any powers, but he had made his life dedicated to understanding where a supernaturals power came from. So he had enough knowledge to help Willow train whenever they could. Before he had started training Willow, her powers were unstable and she couldn't stay invisible but for a second, and her telekinesis was hardly useable. Now she could go invisible for hours on end, and lift objects four times her weight for at least half an hour.

"Tea's ready!" Connor heard Faísca yell from the kitchen.

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