Chapter 16

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I've heard many people talk about out of body experiences but I hadn't had one myself until now. I'm not quite sure what triggered it but the cab ride from Alycia's fashion show to Camila's performance passed by in a blur. I was in the car watching the buildings fly by and I knew it was my life but it didn't feel like it. I looked at my surroundings and it felt like everything was happening around me but not directly to me.

I didn't have time to over think about new experience though because before I knew it my feet were planted in front of the Mexican restaurant that I knew was owned by Ally's parents and I was preparing myself to go in.

After what I told Camila earlier today, I had no idea what I was going to do to make it up to her but I hoped showing up for this would be a good first step.

Before I walked into the establishment my phone rang and I let out an annoyed breath when I saw who it was.

"Hello," I said trying not to sound too harsh.

"Jauregui," Ryan said sounding slightly annoyed himself

"Congratulations, Hansen has decided to go with your designs for her project," he said, leaving me in a state of shock.

About a week ago I didn't have anything to turn in as a pitch for the Hansen project and I ended up turning in the sketch that I had made for the homeless shelter idea I had told Camila about. I didn't think it would be picked up, considering whoever this Hansen lady is, has by far been the most difficult client our firm has ever had.

I muttered what I knew was an incoherent response before walking in, excited to share the news with Camila.

Not only was one of my designs finally going to get built, but it was something I never thought would actually get picked up.

As I walk through the doors and spot Camila on the small stage with her guitar at hand, her eyes are closed, as they always are when she's singing, and her fingers dance flawlessly on the strings as she captures the attention of everyone in the room.

She is singing a Spanish song that I am unfamiliar with but it's definitely one I'll be asking her to play again for me at home.

As I watch her play, all I can think of is that I've spent most of my life in a never-ending expectancy, maybe I was waiting for this moment.

"How many?" the hostess asks when she sees me in the entrance.

I inform her it's solely for me and she leads me to a table not too far from the stage.

When the song comes to an end the small space is filled with applause as Camila opens her eyes. She graciously says thank you as her eyes scan the audience. My heart begins to beat faster as she gets closer to my direction and I see the exact moment she notices me.

Her features are full of shock at first, then confusion, but it is promptly followed by a pleased smile and a subtly mouthed 'Thank you' from the brunette.

She had an hour left in her set and the time flew by. Hearing her sing was one of my new favorite pass times and before I knew it I was standing by the bar for her to get off the stage.

Camila then rushed to me enveloped me in a hug as soon as she could.

"Hey, stranger," I say with my arms still wrapped tightly around her waist.

"You came" was all she said, clearly letting me know that it meant a lot to her. Immediately, I felt like an asshole for even considering not coming to this.

I released her from the embrace and offered her a small smile "I couldn't stay away" I said.

"Le gustaría algo de tomar?" the bartender cut in, asking if we would like a drink.

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