Chapter 22

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I woke up to find myself alone in bed. 

For the past few days Camila and I had been sleeping in the same room, and I had grown accustomed to waking up beside her. 

It takes me a second, but as I sit up from the bed I spot a note on my nightstand and smile. This had become a thing between us, whether it be to say something important or simply to remind the other to buy milk. However, we never fail to sign it the exact same way, every time. 

A while ago, I quoted Oscar Wilde in conversation, telling you to never love someone who treats you like you're ordinary. I think that you settled for that for far too long and you deserve much more. 

When you're ready, come into the living room

And Lauren 

Don't forget to breathe 

There was practically a permanent smile on my face, which I decided was far too cheesy, so I decided to get rid of it by the time I followed her instructions and met her in the living room. 

When I entered, she was playing her guitar which came to a sudden halt when she noticed my presence. 

"H-hi," she said nervously as she stood up

I smiled and noticed the smell of pancakes that filled my nostrils realizing she was making breakfast for us

"You took a while to wake up so I started playing" she mentioned. I nodded and approached her with the note she wrote at hand 

"You found it," she said looking down at the tiny piece of paper as I walked up to her 

"I did" I smiled 

She took a step back putting some distance between us which caused me to stop in my tracks

"I need to say something" she informed "Or ask something" she shifted "Mention something?" she then asked herself. 

Her nervous rambling made me chuckle as I let out a low "You ok?" 

She let out a nervous breath and nodded "I am" she said "I just won't be able to say what I have to say if you get close because..." she trailed off "Well because then you'll be close, and having you close is extremely distracting" she chuckled

I smiled and nodded, thinking that I hope she knows she has the same exact effect on me when she's close. 

"Okay," I respond "So what do you have to say?" I asked getting straight to the point. 

My mind immediately wondered if this is where we say the first I love you. I know that it's soon and I know that we're not even together officially yet but the more time I spend with her, the harder it is to keep it to myself. 

"So in the note, I told you that you deserved better" she began, taking me out of my thoughts "I realized after I put in on your nightstand that people say that a lot. They let people they care about know that they deserve better, but they never say what they could offer to make it better" she said. 

Now, she stepped closer and held my hands in hers as her chocolate eyes bore into mine 

"I don't have material things to give," she said "But here's my offer" 

I smiled, not quite sure where she was going with this but I was certainly enjoying every second

"Lauren Jauregui" she smiled "I offer you my time and attention. I offer you as many serenades as your heart desires, I offer you breakfast in bed every Monday because they suck and you should have something to look forward to on Mondays. I offer you a shoulder to cry on, I offer you my arms to hold you when you're tired or sad" she continued, making my heart swell 

I certainly did not want to cry but her words are creating a knot in my throat

"And since I can't promise you that I will be perfect I offer to always apologize if and when we fight, even if I don't think I did anything wrong. I offer to never allow you to go to bed angry and I offer to always remind you that I care for you..." she trailed off and I could see the tears brimming in her eyes as well "And that I love you" she confessed with a careful nod 

Unintentionally, I breathed out a subtle sigh of relief from hearing those words fall out of her mouth and a smile immediately took over my lips

"So Lauren," she continued with a shrug as if her confession had little to no importance "That's what I have to offer you," she said "If you accept being my girlfriend" 

Just when I thought I couldn't smile any wider, I did. 

I couldn't find it in me to verbalize my feelings at the moment so I simply leaned forward and captured her lips in my own. The feeling left me breathless as my hand found itself cupping her cheek.

When we parted I was finally able to find my words 

"I love you too" were the first words that escaped 

She smiled, that radiant smile that lit up the room "Is that a yes?" she asked 

I giggled and nodded capturing her lips in mine one more time 



A/N: So I know this is very short, but I posted a full chapter earlier today and I think everyone is currently in need of some Camren fluff lol hope you enjoyed 

Be nice to your flowers, and don't forget to breathe 

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