Chapter 1

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Madison's point of view:

Walking into a new school is like walking into a new land. You know nothing about it, where anything is, and what to be aware of.

I stare down at my white converse, walking at a slow pace. Right, left, right, left.

Until I crash into someone, dropping my papers.

"Hey!- wait hi? Are you new?" A guy with curly brownish hair, with an obvious Australian accent, says.

"Uh yeah,um, I'm-m sorry," I stumble over my words, going to grab my fallen papers.

"Here, let me get those," he says and retrieves my papers.

"Madison Elise Hemmings?" He asks as he hands me my schedule.

I laugh a little and nod.

"Well I'm Ashton Fletcher Irwin, it's nice to meet you," he giggles and shakes my hand.

"I'll take you to your first class, don't want you bumping into anyone else now do we?" He says as he leads me to my first class.

~First period~

My first class is art, which isn't bad since I'm okay at it. Ashton left since he has math first period. So I walked into the full class with one open seat.

"Miss Hemmings?" A man about the age of 40 with glasses that hang low on his nose speaks up from behind a desk.

"Yes sir," I barely speak above a whisper.

"Please, take a seat by Mr Clifford,"
He pointed his slightly wrinkled finger towards the boy with brown hair and black skinny jeans and a band tee.
I sat by him in the desk that you would see in every type of stereotypical type of art class room. He hasn't really noticed me so I simply just sit and watch as mumbles can be heard around the room. The teacher soon gets up from his swivel chair and begins to talk about something.

"So, as you know, I've assigned you seats, those seats are where you will be by your partner," his voice is slightly crackling, like maybe he had be yelling not too long ago.

Various moans and groans come from everyone.

"With them, you will complete several projects, including the one I'm assigning now," he says as he hands out a sheet of paper out to everyone.

"It says: You and your partner shall complete a piece of art that explains how you see your partner or how you feel about them. This project is due in two months, good luck." He reads off his copy of the paper.

"Now please, talk to your partner. Get to know them," Mr.Combs says as he returns to his swivel chair.

I turn to my partner. He looks, well, emotion less? I try to figure him out, but I can't.

"Are you just going to stare all day or actually talk?" He speaks out in monotone, still not looking up at me from his sketch book.

I get flustered."I guess I could ask you the same question, except, you haven't even looked at me the whole time I've been sitting here," my voice started loud but faded.

He looks up at me, not making eye contact at first. I take the time to look at his features. His clothes say he's a punk, but when you look at his face it tells you otherwise. He looks soft, but kinda edgy at the same time. His hair falls into a sort of emo hair cut, but he makes it work. His green eyes softens him from the dark clothing.

He stares back into my eyes, which are brown and contrast from my brothers blue eyes.

I break the stare and look up at his hair. Which now has pastel pink high lights which run down the side of his hair in the front.

"Woah," I stare in awe.

"Ugh, fuck," his Australian accent coming out more than it had a moment ago. He pulls out a black hoodie, slips it on and covers his head.

Suddenly, I could hear the people around us.

"Hey guys look the freak show! He's showing emotion, how cute." Some arrogant guy from the corner of the room shouted.

And a roar of voices came out, each saying a mean comment about him.

I look around, I feel overwhelmed by all of this. I can only imagine how he feels. They're so rude to him, and I don't get why.

But when I look back to his chair, he's gone. All that's left of him is a piece of paper.

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