Chapter 11

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Madison's point of view:
~Wednesday night~

I haven't been to school in three days... I haven't even left my room. My dad 'grounded' me for sneaking out and not so secretly snuck back in. Calum had to carry me bridal style because I was too emotionally and physically drained to walk myself. So that got us both in trouble by my dad because I was still sobbing and crying out Michael's name. My dad also doesn't really want Calum over anymore, I guess because he thought we were going to do something. That's not and never will be the case, we're just friends.

But since Saturday Calum has been checking on me making sure I was okay and for the past three days has been bringing me school work. I know this is hard for him too but I don't know why I'm getting more emotional about it. Calum is taking it better than I am, but I just can't handle Michael being in the hospital much less a mental hospital.

I need him with me....


This place is miserable. I've refused to go to school... I feel bad for Calum because he has no one to sit with but I don't really get what's wrong with me. I mean, I know I really fucking miss Michael but... why do I miss him so much?


I tiredly sit up... I push my blankets around, searching for my phone. I finally find and and press the little green button.

"Hey.... I'm at your house..." Calum's voice runs through the speaker.

"Um, okay? Why?" I question while getting up and making myself look presentable.

"Please just open the door?" Calum says in a kinda joyful tone.

I brush my hand through my hair, then walk around my room straightening it up. "Alright, I'll be down in a sec," I end the call and change into a pair of black leggings and a big thin grey sweater, since it's getting a lil cold.

I jog down my stairs and unlock and open the door to a smiling Calum. I tilt my head, why is he so happy?

"Hey I brought movies... I thought you'd like them," he says and holds up the plastic DVD cases.

I look at him oddly, he notices all too quickly and changes his expression to an embarrassed one.

"If you don't like them I could leav–" I cut him off and say "no, no. It's great actually."

He smiles and I let him in the house.

~a few hours later~

I sit on my bed with Cal, no we're not doing anything... nor will we ever.

We're watching some movie but I'm not paying any attention. I'm too busy throwing popcorn at Calum's face.

"I can't make it if you keep moving," I laugh as I randomly throw popcorn pieces at his face.

I haven't laughed in awhile, it feels weird.

Calum picks up all the pieces of popcorn throwing them all at me.

"Well that was rude," I huff and playfully cross my arms, laying down on my pillows.

"I'm sorry, pleeeeaaassse forgive me," Calum looks at me with his puppy dog eyes.

I groan and lay in his arms, snuggling close. He pulls me closer, looking down at me. I stare up into his eyes, my heartbeat is fast. I feel his soft breath rolling against my cheek, he leans in until his lips are barely separated from mine.

This isn't right.

My head keeps telling me this isn't right, it just doesn't feel right.

Calum takes up the space between us, pushing his lips on mine.

I gasp and my eyes widen, although, his eyes are shut and can't see my expression. I try to relax myself, I don't know what to do.

I kiss him back for a second but pull away. I shake my head, Calum sits back. I untangle myself from him and sit all the way on the other side of the bed. I bring my knees to my chest and sigh.

I feel guilty.

Calum isn't even looking at me.

"I'm s-sorry," I stammer.

"It wasn't your fault... I shouldn't have done that," Calum sits up reaching for his black converse.

"Please stay, I don't want that to ruin our friendship... Calum please," I plead.

"If you're okay with me staying," he gives a small smile.

He lays back down and I lay besides him.


My eyes are closed and I'm drifting off to sleep. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"M-Michael?" I murmur, not even knowing what's happening... too tired to function.

I hear a sigh.

"I wish I could've had the guts to tell her Michael is already–" I think that's Calum, I can't hear him anymore.... I'm too... sleepy...

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