Chapter 9

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Michael's point of view:
~Saturday night~

I dropped Madison off and she didn't even look up at me once. Maybe my words sunk in, and I want them to. I fucking need her...

Fuck, I wish I knew what this feeling is.

I park my car in my gravel driveway, I don't want to go in my house though.

I lay my head back on the head rest on my seat.

I sigh and open my car door. Walking up to my house, which is usually empty. Well, my mum is always here.

I open the door and shut after entering, all the memories flood back to me each time I come home.

I walk up to my room. Hoping this time, maybe this time, I'll be okay.

I go in my room and lock the door. I go look for my sketchbook, I need to find my drawing I lost. I remember working on it in art but I guess I left it. Fuck I hope Madison didn't take it, I don't want her to ever realize I'm a fuck up that ruined my family.

I remember why I drew that picture...

It was of how my dad left my mum and me. And I'm the fucking reason my mum is unhappy. I'm the reason she doesn't have a husband. I'm a mistake, even my dad proved that.

I fell against the wall, sliding down to the floor. I start sobbing.

"I'm such a fuck up," I murmur to myself.

I get up and stumble to the bathroom. Pulling out a razor blade from the drawer under my sink. I slide my bracelets that were hiding my other scars. I bring the cold blade to my scarred up skin.

You're a major fuck up Michael.

You're a freak.

No one wants you, not even your dad.

You're a lost cause.

All the words that people have said surround me.

I add pressure to the blade.

Michael please don't.

Her voice breaks through all the hate.
Although I've never heard her say that, her voice is the one saying them. I drop the blade, I can't fucking do it. Madison is saving me and she has no clue.

My head gets dizzy and my vision is blurry as fuck now. I lose my balance and drop to the floor. I use my hands as support for me being so weak. My breathing gets quick and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I start crying, like the fucking baby I am. I feel like I'm going to die...

My body collapses, making a loud thud sound. It's really hard to keep my breath. I'm trying my best to breathe but... it's .... only.... making it worse.

Loud steps run to my door, unlocking my door and runs into my bathroom.

"Michael, love, please stay awake I'm calling the hospital," my mum frantically takes out her phone dialing quickly.

I look over to her, barely being able to see. I stare up at the ceiling, everything is starting to fade and I can't do anything about it.... everything is gone.

Calum's point of view:
~the same night~

Ah another Saturday night where I do nothing. Well I'm watching TV but it's boring.

Ringgggg ringgggg ringgggg

I pick up my phone and read the caller ID.

"Mother Clifford"

I immediately answer as soon as I read the ID. Karen never calls me unless it's an emergency.

"C-Calum come down to the h-hospital down in north Sydney, Michael's really sick," Mrs Clifford cries.

"Fuck, okay I'll be there in 30," I hang up and slip on my shoes and grab my car keys. I run out the door and quickly get in my car. Shit, I need to get Madison. I turn on the ignition and speed to her house.

~15 minutes later~

I'm at Madison's house beating on the door.

Her dad, I'm assuming, opens the door.

"Who the hell are you and why are you knocking down my door?" he looks pissed.

"Sir, I'm here to pick Madison up our friend is in the hospital and-"

"No I don't care if her little friend is at the hospital or not, get off my property," he slams the door in my face.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck

I jog around the side of her house, looking for a window that might be hers. I can't tell if any of them are hers.

So I call her, she answers on the second ring.

"Hello?" she says quietly.

"Hey it's Calum, I need you to get dressed and come meet me outside we have to go somewhere. I'll explain later," I say that all to quickly and hang up.

I jog back to my car and get in. Madison runs to my car, getting in and looks at me worried.

I start to drive to the hospital, I don't know how to explain this to her...

So I just blurt it out. "Michael is in the hospital."

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