Chapter 14

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Madison's point of view:

"What do we need to talk about?" Michael says nervously.

"Well, um, I want to say this because I'd feel guilty if I don't..." I look around, trying to avoid looking at Michael, I don't know why I feel guilty about kissing Calum... me and Michael aren't even dating.

"Oh fuck Michael, your girlfriend is cheating on you," Eric smirks.

"Eric for one you need to shut the fuck up and for two she isn't my girlfriend," Michael huffs.

"Whatever, I'm sure you stick your tongue down every girl's throat," Eric says in a "I know you won't do shit" type of tone.

"I'm about to fucking stick that book down your throat if you don't shut up," Michael glares at Eric.

"But Michael, erm... me and Calum–"
As soon as the words come out of my mouth guess who walks in cutting off my words? The man himself, Calum.

"Oh shit this is getting good," Eric mumbles while closing his book.

"Hey mate–" Michael cuts Calum off.

"What the fuck did you and Calum do?" He speaks harshly, his hair is now black with the pastel color barely visible.

Calum has an "oh fuck" look on his face.

"Me and Calum kissed," I quickly say.

Michael gets up from the bed and backs away from me.

"Oh SHIT," Eric whisper yells.

"I'm sent to the fucking mental hospital and you try and take the only damn person that make me happy?" Michael's pissed.

"Michael it was only for a second!–" Calum tries to pled.

"I don't want to fucking hear it!!" Michael yells.

Calum gets pissed off. He's tense and his fist are tightened.

"Michael you don't even fucking know! You didn't see her because you were too caught up in your shit. Maybe if you would've actually listened to me you wouldn't fucking be here!!" Calum yells while pointing his finger at Michael.

"You know damn well about the shit I go through and you want to fucking go there?!" Michael steps towards Calum angrily.

"Yeah I do, but I've tried to help you, I've tried for all of my life... but that shouldn't stop me from actually having something with her," Calum calms a bit.

"You probably fucking sent me here so can steal her!" Michael assumes.

"Why the hell would I do that? Your own mother sent you here because she can't help you. You almost killed yourself that night and if she wasn't home you would've been dead. And she can't constantly watch you to make sure you don't die," Calum retorts.

His words silence Michael.

"Just fucking leave Calum," Michael says in monotone.

"Yeah whatever, Madison I'll be in the car when you're ready," Calum says and lets the door slam behind him.

I sit there and look up at the ceiling trying to keep down the tears. Knowing I caused this, I ruined lifelong friends. I can't handle it, I always end up ruining something. I probably even ruined my parent's marriage.

"Michael, I'm sorry," I whisper cry.

Michael just plops down besides me, roughing up his black hair.

"It's not your fault," he puts his head in his hands.

"It is," I whisper.

He doesn't respond.

I lean over to Michael and pull his face to me and softly kiss him. Michael puts his hand my cheek and pulls me closer.

The kiss becomes deeper as Michael lowers both of his hands to my back and pulls me as tight as he can to himself.

This is getting farther than I intended...

He falls back on the bed and I fall on top. He pulls me until I straddle him. He breaks the kiss because, yet again, Eric interrupts.

"Uh, well guys not to be a child preventer buuuut I'm not going to let you guys do that shit in front of me," Eric sasses.

I get scared by Eric's voice, it's only because I forgot he was here.

"Your such a dick, Eric," Michael lets me get up and we both sit on the bed.

"Yeah and I just stopped yours from making a kid you can't take care of, you're welcome," Eric smiles.

I gulp, Eric is right. Shit... well at least he's good for something besides being an ass.

"Michael I have to go, maybe I'll visit soon?" I says as I get up and start walking towards the door.

"Bye, I guess" Michael says and slouches in his seat on the bed.

I give a little wave to both Michael and Eric and leave.

I walk through the corridor, I don't even glance at the receptionist as I walk out the door.

I stand outside the building looking for Calum's car.

I pull out my phone and see I have several notifications. Thirteen missed calls from dad and four missed calls from an unknown number, great there's something wrong at the house now.

I unlock my phone and call Calum.

It's rings twice before he answers.

"Hey?" I ask.

"Yeah, where are you?" He says, he's clearly still pissed.

"I'm at the front of the building, I need to hurry up and go home because my dad called me like 13 times and he never calls me so..." I trail off.

"Okay I'll drive up hold on," Calum says quickly and hangs up.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and wait for Calum.

It takes a minute until I see Cal's car drive up the edge of the sidewalk.

I walk up to the car and get in.

As soon as I shut the door he drives off, kind of fast. Now I have Calum mad at me and my dad is finally calling me, what's next?

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