Chapter 3

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Madison's point of view:

I groggily open my eyes, only to be blinded by very bright lights. I squint until my eyes adjust to the lighting.

I try to sit up but a sharp pain is sent down my spine.

"Fuck," I groan.

I turn on my side and view my surroundings. The room is kind of small and the walls are painted white. There's an okay sized window with light blue curtains. And a cushioned chair in the corner with someone asleep in it.

My vision is blurry so I can't quite tell who it is.

So I pull my hand out of the blanket, but I notice I have an IV needle in my arm.

Wait, I'm in a fucking hospital room.
What even happened?

I rub my eyes so I can see clearly, and I finally can see who is in the chair. It's Michael.

Why is he here? Why is he bruised? Why am I the one on the hospital bed and not him?

These questions cluster in my mind.

"Are you okay?"

I hear a morning voice. I break out of thought and look at a sleepy Michael stretching.

"Why am I here?" I don't know
why but I sound like I'm about cry.

"Shhh," Michael walks quickly to my side and runs his hand through my hair calmingly.

The pastel pink is evident in his hair. But a soft blue appears in the mix.

I stare into his green eyes, slowly losing myself in them. Michael stops petting my hair and backs away.

"I'm s-sorry, I don't know why I'm acting like this," his hair turns a blush pink, along with his cheeks.

I don't reply.

"Some douche knocked you against the lockers, I called the nurse but she said it was too serious so she called a ambulance," he looks down at his shoes.

"Apparently, you were going to faint anyways, you needed to drink something. You were dehydrated," he continued.

"When did all this happen?" My voice gives out and I whisper.

"Uh." He looks around the room."Yesterday."

"FUCK, What about my dad? Does he know?" I panic, my dad would be pissed if he didn't know where I was.

"Yeah, the nurse called him before the ambulance came."

I relax back into a comfortable position and stare at the tiled ceiling.

"Why did you stay?" I quietly speak.

"I really don't know..." he falls back into the chair.

"I really don't know," he repeats.


The doctors released me about an hour after they knew I was awake.

I sit on my bed, thinking. Why did Michael stay? Why didn't my dad stay? Does my dad even care?

After pushing all my thoughts aside. I muster the will to get up and go down stairs.

I look and see my fathers new wife,  Opal, watching some show.

I try to sneak past her, but, she notices me.

"Hi! So how are you?" I can't stand her voice. I can't stand her in general.

"I'm fine," I have to force the words out.

"Good, good," she says all too cheerfully and continues to watch tv.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottled water out of the fridge.

"Madison?" I hear Opal shout.

"Yeah," I roll my eyes although she can't see me.

"Some boy, uh, named Ashton came by to drop off some work you missed, " she remembers.

"They're on the table," she continues.

"Okay," I reply.

I turn around to get the papers and on top of them is a note.

It says: hey it's Ashton, are you alright? I heard that bitch Jay hurt you. Well, talk to me when ever you get this :)

His number is at the bottom of the paper.

I take the papers and run through the kitchen, up the stairs and to my room.

I jump onto my bed and grab my phone and dialed in his number.

It's ringing...

"Hello?" The curly haired Australians voice comes out of the speaker.

"Hi," I smile.

~hours later~

Me and Ashton talked for hours. He's really cool. And he said I should come over to his house soon so I can hear his band play. The name of the band is really lame, it's Swallow the Goldfish. But Ashton says he plays drums better than the bands name is.

I fall down into my bed, closing my eyes. But thoughts of Michael are constant until I drift off to sleep.

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