Chapter 12

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The thought of him haunted her dreams. The sight of the Mental Hospital was making her light-headed.

She walks towards it, like an invisible force is dragging her feet closer and closer.

The white walls of the place made her now pale skin seem paler.

Am I dead?...

She believes she's dead.

Her body moves towards the shiny wooden front desk.

The person behind the counter talked, but the only thing she can hear is a dim hum.

But something happened, her uncontrollable legs walk her to this room. The door is already opened.

A guy, about her age, was sitting on the bed. She can't tell who he is because his face is blurred, but she can tell he is drawing in a sketch book.

She moves closer...

...inching closer...

... his face is now visible...

... it's Michael.

Her heart pounds, guilt fills her.

A small voice is heard.

"W-what?" her voice trips, she is able to talk on her own.

"Why did you do it?" Michael speaks louder but makes no effort to look up at her.

"I don't k-know what you are talking about," she knows exactly what he's talking about.

Michael holds up his sketch book. The picture is of Calum and her kissing.

Her legs begin to feel weak, although she can't move them. She feels sick, like guilt could literally pour out of her.

"Micheal... i-it didn't mean anything... I'm s-sorry," she is forced to stare at him.

Michael looks up her.

"No you're not," he states simply.

Madison's point of view:

I sit straight up. I can't breathe, I look at my surroundings trying to calm myself.

Okay, okay... it's my room. I look around. There's my window, my TV, and oh there's Calum in my bed.

I look down on my waist, Calum's arms wrap around me tightly.

"No, no, no, no," I quietly yell, I rip his arms from me and scoot to the end of my bed.

Calum sits up, half awake.

"What's wrong?" he looks at me strangely.

"You– I-I just don't want you to touch me," tears want to fall as those words leave my mouth and the guilty feeling returns.

Calum widens his eyes and sits up fully.

"Why?" He says with a confused look.

"I just don't..." I avoid eye contact with him.

Then I remember what I heard before I fell asleep:

"I wish I could've had the guts to tell her that Michael is already–"

I look up at him.

"What were you saying before I fell asleep?" I narrow my eyes at him.

Calum looks shocked, he knows what I'm asking about.

"Erm..." he clears his throat.

"Calum, please tell me," I'm trying to keep calm but my thoughts are telling me the worst possibilities.

He just sits there.... he's just fucking sitting there.

"Tell me what the hell you were saying last night," I'm losing my patience.

He scratches the back of his neck, trying his best to not look at me.

"Calum just tell me," I say in an aggravated tone.

There's a long silence.

"He's.... um... he's already in the mental hospital," Calum says quickly and stands up away from my bed.

I stare him in the eyes.

"You better fucking drive me to him, now."


I throw myself in the car and Calum ignites the engine.

I refuse to start a conversation... I feel a fucking hurricane of emotions. I'm sad, upset, guilty, angry, annoyed, empty, frustrated, hurt, and a hell of a lot more feelings. Why the fuck wouldn't Calum tell me Michael is in the damn mental hospital already? Is he trying to keep me from him?

Michael is all I want... all I need.

Why do I feel like this? I just want to be happy... but I fucking can't, I just can't.

I lay my head on the window, letting the tears roll down my face.

"Michael's is going to fucking hate me," I almost soundlessly sob.

I glance at Calum as he drives, he looks nervous and tense.

"So," I start "how long have you know he's in the mental hospital?" I continue.

Some how, he tenses up more.

"About a week."


"I-I don't know," he continues to focus on the road although my voice threw him off.

"UGH!" I yell, I don't even want to look at him.

He pulls over to the side of the road.

"Why the fuck did we stop?" I say, I'm done with Calum's shit.

He takes his seatbelt off and faces me.

"Take me to–" he cuts me off.

"No, listen to me. Has it never occurred to you that Michael fucking loves you?–" he says but I try talk.

"Wha–" he cuts me off, again.

"Wait. And have you never thought that maybe, just maybe, I liked you too? I saw how you looked at him... And I tried to take advantage of Michael not knowing what emotions felt like and tried to take you... I was fucking jealous..."

I look at him confused.

Michael... loves me?

I can't even speak...

... I don't know what to say.

"Both of you were too blind to realize anything..." Calum re buckles his seat belt and starts driving again.

I... don't... I don't know what to think about this...

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