Toilet Talks - 9

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Alfies pov

Why was Zoe in the men's toilets? She called me but I didn't answer. I didn't want her to see my knuckles. I quickly wrapped some toilet paper around them to stop the bleeding. "Alfie? I know your in the stall!" Zoe called again. I didn't answer.

"Please, I need to talk to you!" She says.

"Go on then, talk." I said grumpy.

"Are you going to come out?" Zoe asks me. I don't answer again. She waits for a reply but she doesn't get one.

"Ok then, it's not what it looks like, I don't like Jack I love you. I don't know what came over him, I took my hand away straight away, I promise!" She says. I kinda believe her but I'm still mad. This was supposed to be a cute little holiday of sneaking around. And now it's going to be me trying to make sure jack doesn't steal Zoe from me without him or anyone realizing.

"Alfie please, talk to me. I know your mad b--" Zoe starts.

"Ok I will talk, I just don't want jack to steal you from me. I thought this would be a nice little sneak around holiday but instead jack is trying to get all over you." I say. I hear Zoe sigh.

"Alfie you don't have to worry it can be that, I don't want anything to do with jack." She says.

"But jack wants something to do with you." I say back.

"Well I won't let him!" Zoe says getting angry. "Look Alfie, just come out!" She says. I peal the toilet paper off my cuts and drop it in the toilet and flush. You can still see the cuts but they weren't as visible. I obey Zoe and come out. She jumps into my arms.

"Alfie I missed you." She says.  I don't hug back.

"I never left." I say.

"But I haven't been with you for a while. I couldn't say I love you." She says. How is it possible to forgive someone so quickly? I wrap my arms around Zoe and we hug tight.

"I love you too." I whisper to her. She looks up at me and we kiss. I hear footsteps coming into the toilets. I push Zoe into a stall and lock the door behind us. I whisper to her to stand on the toilet seat so whoever is in their doesn't think it's anyone but me.

"Hello?" Well there's a voice I know too well. Jack. I roll my eyes, Zoe strokes my cheek.

"Hi." I mumble back to jack.

"Look, I'm sorry for whatever I did to you, but can we be friends? I don't know what I did!" Jack complains. Like he doesn't know.

"Yea sure." I say still not enthusiastically. I hear jack sigh.

"Well I offered peace and you didn't take it, I don't know what else to do." Jack whines. Ugh he's so annoying.

"I said sure! How is that translated to no?" I say getting really angry and stepping forward to unlock the door and fight him but Zoe hold me back. I look down at her, she is on the verge of tears.

"Can I just have some privacy please? I just need to calm myself, tell everyone I will be back soon." I say to jack.

"Ok sorry. And hey so you know where Zoe went she left shortly after you?" He asks. Why would he care?

"No, I've been in here the whole time, maybe she's back now." I lie. I look back at Zoe. She's so beautiful.

"Yea maybe, ok bye." Jack say, I wait until I can't hear his footsteps anymore.

Then ask "Hey Zoe are you ok?" To Zoe.

"I don't want this, why does everything have to go wrong?" She says. I lift her off the toilet seat and hug her.

"It's ok little one, vidcon will only last another few days. Then it will all be over." I reassure her.

"Yea until next year." She replies.

"Well we might be out by next year." I smirk. Zoe smiles back. I give her a kiss then tell her she should probably go back. She nods her head. I wipe the tears from her eyes and give her another kiss on the forehead. She unlocks the door to the stall and walk out, or sneaks out. I look down at my hand. I had been hiding it the whole time. I go to wash it out. It stings as I wash it but it looked a little better after. I dry my hands then walk out. I sit back to where I was sitting before, next to Louise and Casper, not Zoe. I finish the dinner in silence. Casper asked me if I was ok I nodded, I knew he would make me tell him later. I didn't dare to look at Zoe in case jack was doing something. After what happened in the bathroom I trust Zoe a little more. I don't think she will get too far with jack.

Zoe's pov

We are walking back from the restaurant now, Alfie, Casper, Louise and of corse jack and Finn said they would walk with us too. I tried to stay away from jack. He is ruining my relationship with Alfie. I don't want to be with him just I can't tell him that. He might suspect something. I was trying to walk close to Alfie but every time I went near him he would walk away from me, was he still mad at me? I thought he loved me. Oh don't be stupid Zoe he's probably just making sure no one notices anything, stop being so needy. I continue to walk, next to Louise. That was a mistake. She put jack next to me. Next thing I knew jack was reaching for my hand to hold. Alfie was walking ahead of us, as long as he didn't look back. I felt like taking my hand away. I did. "What's wrong?" Jack asks me.

"Umm, is it ok if we don't hold hands?" I tell jack. He looks sad.

"But why not?" Jack asks again. He had puppy eyes. I didn't think he looked cute but I wasn't a mean person and I couldn't say no, I can't hurt other peoples feelings. I dropped my hand back down and jack scrambled to get it. Will it have to be like this the whole weekend? Alfie off on his own mad at me, and jack getting closer to me?

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I wrote another chapter yesterday so I decided to update today😊 If you like it please comment and give it a vote! 💖💖

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