The Chunin Exams Begin

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Alrighty so a lot of you have placed your guesses on what you think Ida will summon.  A lot of you were right, but some of you not so much.  Anyway I really liked reading your comments, and seeing what you thought Ida would summon.  Now I'm going to brake this to you now, its not a unicorn.  Yes that would be something Ida would summon, but sadly that's not what it is.  But those comments were entertaining to read, so I won't keep you waiting any longer.  You will get to know....NOW!

Story Start

The wind was whipping against my face.  The spikes on the edge of the cannon wouldn't allow me to cling on with my chakra.  My mind was racing.  I couldn't think straight.  All I knew was my death was waiting for me at the bottom of this pit.

I don't know if I was screaming or not.  I couldn't hear at all.  I couldn't die though, I didn't want to die.  My life was unlived.  Jiryah wouldn't have pushed me off if you didn't think I could do it.  I took in a big breath of air, and cleared my mind.

I bit my thumb and watched the sticky red liquid squeeze out of the little cut.  I thought clearly of the animal I wanted to summon.  Squeezing my eyes tight, I preformed the hand signs.  My chakra flowed through.  I could feel something forming out of my chakra.

Suddenly the air stopped moving, and I landed with a soft thud on a soft, but solid surface.  My eyes were still squeezed tight, and I started to think I was dead, but slowly my eye lids creeped open.  The first thing I saw were white feathers.  All around me were white feathers with splotches of black here and there.

I lifted my head and got up from my belly onto my knees.  I was still in the pit, but I wasn't falling anymore.  Slowly my eyes wondered up.  I almost screamed when I saw the giant face of an owl staring down at me.

"Is it you who has summoned me?" it asked in a soft velvet voice.

"You can talk?" I shouted jumping to my feet.

"I believe I asked a question first." the calm owl replied.

"Oh, yep I sure did.  It saved my life too." I sighed sitting back down.

"Interesting, only one before you has summoned us." the owl said in a thoughtful voice.

"This might sound rude, but are you male or female?" I asked looking into its blue eyes.

"What kind of a question is that I'm female obviously!" she shouted beating her wings.

"I'm sorry, it was rude, but please stop I'm going to fall!" I shouted clinging to her feathers in fear.

"Alright, now if you don't mind I'm going to get us out of here.  There is not nearly enough room for me to spread my wings."  With that she shot up into the air in a straight line.  I was surprised by the sudden movement that I tumbled backwards and fell off the end of her.

Oh crap was the thought running through my head.  I had just gotten my chance to live, and now I'm in the face of peril again.  This is just my day. 

I was about to freak out, but something wrapped around my body.  It was the talons of a giant snow owl, more precisely the giant snow owl I just fell off of.

"You are the first person to summon me in awhile.  Don't think you can just die on me like that." she scolded looking at me in her talons.  I just nodded my head from lack of something to say.

In minutes we came out of the cannon and she landed back on the ground, carefully so she wouldn't squish me.  "Thanks so much for saving me." I said as she released me.

"No worries child.  Now I believe I have a contract for you to sign." she exclaimed reached towards I bag tied around her foot.

"Before that I think we should settle names.  I'm the supreme ruler of the world and all things sweet, but you can call me Ida.  So what's your name?" I smiled.

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