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"We're here " Johnson notified in a grim voice as he pulled over in the parking lot of the great skyscraper that consisted of the headquarters of Carmichael Enterprises. They sat for a few minutes,  collecting their thoughts before they stepped out of the vehicle. Timothy examined quickly his coworkers,  making sure they were presentable, he already  checked himself four times. He stood straight and proud as he led them to the building's lobby, not letting their appearances flatter. They were in control,  they were ready, they came to conquer -that's the atmosphere he wanted to maintain around them.
They stepped in front of the receptionist, Timothy smiled charmingly .
"We're here to meet Mr Carmichael, the meeting scheduled to two ."                the young receptionist blushed " Um you're from Jacobs Firm?" Timothy nodded .
"Please go to conference room 3 at the fifth floor, Mr Carmichael has yet to  arrive ."
Well that was expected,  they were early by almost an hour,  they wanted to arrive first and settle before the meeting began. Timothy thanked the receptionist and headed to the elevator followed by Johnson and Collins, once the doors closed Timothy could hear the sighs of his coworkers.
"Nervous? " he chuckled.
"Don't you?," Collins huffed "feels like we stepped into the lion's lair ".
" Mhm,  that place is huge!" Johnson said as he examined the elevator's buttons,  the highest floor was 32!
"I'm nervous but I'm also excited, this isn't an every day life matter.  we're here to make history for the firm, for good or bad and I'll be damned if I'll let it be the latter ".
That's right,  they were on a mission,  they came to take it all and they wouldn't settle for less.
Once they were in the assigned room they laid out the needed materials,made sure the projector worked well for the presentation ,  Timothy did a last brief and then they did the final yet most crucial thing -relaxing.  There were refreshments on the long table- light drinks, pastries , cookies and other light snacks .
"My favorite part so far " Johnson commented as he digged in, Collins followed . Timothy wasn't capable of eating anything right now,  he was too stressed to digest anything. He looked at his watch - a few more minutes. He was counting down each minute.
And soon the door opened and four men entered , formal greetings were exchanged.
"You're Timothy right? I'm Thomas,  Mr Carmichael's assistant or secretary if you like " Timothy shook the offered hand of the light haired man , he looked good and impressive with his tailored suit, his face were bright but ready to do business.
"Mr Carmichael would shortly arrive, let's take a sit ". Timothy nodded.
Everyone engaged in small talk, Thomas was typing furiously on his phone and Timothy did his best not to let his calm posture and demeanor to break under the pressure.  They didn't  begin and an headache already started to form. After that he needed a good drink. Or sex.  Or both.
The door opened again and everyone stood , Timothy and his coworkers followed in respect.
"Hope you didn't wait too long,  I had to take care of something . It's great having you here " a deep and oddly familiar voice startled Timothy.
"Oh no it's okay Mr Carmichael --" Timothy turned to face him but froze,  his eyes widening as they met those of Mr Carmichael. This couldn't be...
Timothy  gaped at the man that stood there in all his glory,  emitting superiority with his high end suit that hugged his muscled body in the right places and only added to his sinfully attractive looks.
The whole room seemed to disappear, leaving them alone . So many emotions passed in this one stare- shock, desire, lust,  excitement and for Timothy even fear.
And then Mr Carmichael smirked.
Very familiar indeed.


When Archibald entered the room the last thing he expected was him . The man that hunted his fantasies lately.
And he could tell from that man's shocked face that it was the last thing he expected as well.
What a pleasant surprise ...
Arch thought as his eyes shamelessly roamed the man, appreciating what they saw . He wanted to take him right then, on that table, possibly in front of everyone.  That thought brought a smirk to his lips .
Who would've thought he'd find the man he had no chance of finding?
And he was a representative of Jacobs firm? even better...
" This it Timothy Jacobs , Olly Collins and Graham Johnson. "  Thomas introduced as he suspiciously eyed his boss.
Timothy Jacobs... So he's the son.
Arch was satisfied with the fact he now knew his name and not only was he a simple representative, he was the only son of the head of Jacobs Firm.
Timothy didn't seem to take their faithful meeting as well as Arch, he seemed like he was on the verge of either running away or breaking down. Archibald noted admiringly as Timothy started the presentation with as much aloofness he could master,  avoiding any eye contact with Arch and that both irritated yet entertained the business man.
You're mine one way or another.

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