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The meeting with Mr Schwartz took longer than planned, it was expected seeing the man was a good friend of the family. They discussed more than just work and it was refreshing for Timothy to take a pause from his hectic life and just talk to someone, he needed that.
Unfortunately it caused him to have a more tight schedule and he had to give up on lunch in order to catch up.
He was hungry, all he ate were a few of the refreshments that were placed on the table at the meeting with Mr Schwartz. It certainly didn't contribute to his situation.
"Timothy, Mr Carmichael's assistant called, his name is Thomas I believe." his secretary approached him as he went through paperwork. He froze, his heartbeats picking up.
"What did he want?"
he asked quietly, afraid to stutter.
"He wanted to schedule a meeting to go over their assets situation. According to him, Mr Carmichael is busy so he ordered Thomas to take over."
It shouldn't have hurt as much as it did but Timothy felt it to the core of his heart.
Archibald didn't want to meet with him personally? was it his way to say whatever was between them was finally over?
Well he did find someone new to play with, so why would Archibald bother with him...
Timothy hated himself so much at the moment - he hated the way his heart throbbed painfully in his chest , a constant reminder of those feelings that refused to die.
Why was it so hard to just move on? to just get the fact that this was one sided and would never work out for him?
He regretted ever meeting that man.
" Very well, schedule a meeting with him and update me. "
She nodded and left his office.
He laid his head on the table and closed his eyes, needing a few moments to himself to cool down.
He thought today would be better but it really wasn't.
He knew it'd take time to move on but he wasn't sure if he could handle it.


"You're so immature, that's a new low even for you " Thomas chuckled as he ended his conversation with Timothy's secretary, Archibald wouldn't let anyone but Thomas talk to him as casually, they were friends after all.
" You should just meet him yourself instead of acting like that, seriously Arch. " Thomas sighed and came to sit next to him.
"You know you can't avoid him for long".
Archibald sat there with a frown, he knew Thomas was right but he just couldn't bring himself to do that.
Whenever he thought about Timothy, the image of his crying face flashed in his mind and his heart went wild in his chest and that scared him. Those unknown feelings scared him.
How could he possibly face him when the mere thought of him did strange things to his heart?
"Oh by the way, the manager of 'Mirage' called and said it was his pleasure to offer one of his boys to you and that he hopes you contact him again. "
Archibald snorted at that. Of course it was his pleasure, he paid well for that guy that escorted him to the party. If it was up to him he'd go alone but appearances were everything so he needed a comfortable date for the night so he wouldn't show up alone.
It would have been more to his like if he was his date for the night.
"Damn it!"
He cursed as Timothy popped in his mind once again and caused light tremors in his body.
He truly didn't know what to do or how to act, he was lost. On one hand he wanted to see Timothy badly. He wanted to touch him, to kiss him, to tease him...
He just wanted to be close to him again and stare into his beautiful eyes while he listened to him talk, his deep voice a melody to Arch's ears.
But on the other hand, whenever he thought about it, whenever he thought about him, his heart would start dancing wildly in his chest and this warm strange feeling would fill him and it was so unfamiliar and intense that it scared him.
He was a clever man and not so ignorant that he wouldn't be able to assume what that feeling that scorched him from the inside was. But admitting it to himself was hard, he never experienced it , with anyone and god knows he had his fair share of lovers.
"I just don't know what to do," he sighed " and it's fucking frustrating!"
Thomas stared at him for a while before rolling his eyes.
"Whenever we encounter something entirely new we are scared to some degree. But we're not kids anymore, running away isn't the solution. You have to face it at some some point, like it or not. "
Of course Arch knew Thomas was right, but easier said than done.
How would he approach Timothy? How would he say it?
Should he take him to some fancy restaurant? hotel? Was it acceptable to have this talk through the phone?
He didn't know what to do, it was his first time falling in love with someone and... shit. He just acknowledged it, he was falling in love!
"What's with this creepy smile?" Thomas frowned.
"I'm falling for him Thomas, I really am and it's so damn scary. " he chuckled.
"If it helps, you don't sound scared at all." Thomas shrugged.
"I just need to plan it. How do I tell him? " Arch hummed thoughtfully.
" Where should I take him? I was thinking of renting some place and maybe fill it with roses? No it sounds too lame. Maybe a cruise would do? Does he even like yachts? Or I can take him to--"
"Whoa whoa, chill with it Romeo, you're confessing your feelings, not proposing!" Thomas huffed.
"Don't make it too extravagant, make it intimate and modest. I say do it at your place, make dinner and just tell him."
"You think? would it be okay? I don't want him to think it's not enough. "
"If he loves you, he wouldn't care about that ".
If he loves you
And just like that all his excitement died as if someone spilled cold water on him.
He didn't even think about it, how careless of him.
What if it was only on his side and Timothy didn't feel even the slightest towards him?
Just when he thought he gathered the courage to do his confessing, he wanted to back out. He was never rejected by anyone but this was different, he never used the L word with someone either.
The mere thought of being rejected by Timothy, made his heart wither in his chest.
"Don't even think about retreating, I know you're afraid he's not on the same page with you but that's no excuse. " Thomas warned him.
" Besides, the way he looks at you kind of reveals the way he feels " .
Archibald perked at that and waited for Thomas to continue.
"You should have seen how upset he looked when he saw you showing up at the party with that guy ."
"But he was just an escort! I always bring someone to parties for appearance." Arch said heatedly , the thought of him being the cause to Timothy's pained tears made him feel a bit sick.
" You and I both know it, but for anyone else it wouldn't seem that way. You need to explain him properly."
Arch nodded and sighed once again.
" This isn't easy at all ".
"Anyone said it'd be ?" Thomas smirked before he left the office.
Arch knew he was getting a kick out of seeing him that way, so insecure and helpless. Thomas was right though, there was no other way than addressing the issue and getting this over with.
If Timothy would reject him it'd be the end. They wouldn't be able to see each other anymore, it'd be too painful for Arch.
If Timothy felt the same way... then what?
They would be a couple?
That thought made him giddy and he felt a tad bit ridiculous.
He never had a boyfriend before, only lovers, if Timothy would be his boyfriend how would that be?
Do people even use the term boyfriend at my age?
How would their life look together? he didn't know how to take it from there on, it was a whole new experience - an uncharted land.
They would probably start going on dates to establish their new status, They would see each other more frequently and talk more on the phone. Archibald would take Timothy to meet his parents which he was sure would love him, they'd be the happiest to know he was steady with someone.
And then he'd probably meet Timothy's parents...
A frown took over his face when he realized he bumped into more problems.
He completely forgot Timothy wasn't out of the closet yet, he was married to a woman and his parents were possibly homophobic seeing the way he was uncomfortable when he and Arch talked about their orientation.
He was willing to fight for Timothy but was Timothy willing to fight for himself?
There was so much at stake for Timothy, so even if he reciprocated his feelings would he take the risk of getting into a serious relationship with Arch?
Because surely this could not happen if Timothy's parents and his wife wouldn't know. A discreet relationship was fine when it was just about sex but if it was more than that it wouldn't do. They couldn't hide for long and Arch didn't want to hide it.
He was never in the closet and he wasn't about to experience getting into it at his age and he wouldn't agree to share Timothy with his wife.
He could grant Timothy all the time in the world if only he promised to get out one day, to call it off with his wife and just be openly with Arch. Well not all the time in the world, he was patient but he didn't want to hold back his feelings for the man.
It was all about taking risks.
There were so many things on the line that concerned Timothy that he wasn't sure about, but he was sure about one thing- he had deep feelings for that man and despite it being a first for him, he'd be damned if he wouldn't act on them.
Getting his happy ever after never seemed as difficult, he thought it'd be much more easier. He liked a good challenge though so he was up for the job.
Archibald needed to talk to him first of all, so he called his phone but the man wouldn't pick up. He wasn't giving up though, he dialed from the telephone in his office back to the last number which was Jacobs firm. He sighed in relief as the secretary answered.
"Timothy Jacobs office--"
he hurried to cut her off, eagerly wanting her to pass the call to Timothy as soon as possible.
"This is Archibald Carmichael speaking, I need to discuss some urgent matter with Mr Jacobs, could you please pass me to him?"
There was brief silence on the other side.
"Hello?" he waited for an answer.
"I'm very sorry Mr Carmichael, Mr Jacobs is currently not in his office."
Where could he be? it was the middle of the day. Did he have a meeting outside of the firm?
"When will he be back?"
There was more silence before she replied .
"I'm afraid I can't tell . He... um... " she paused , sounding unsure if to continue.
"Is everything alright?" he pressed further, something was off and he had a bad feeling.
The secretary sighed as she made her mind to speak.
"Mr Jacobs wasn't feeling well, he collapsed an hour ago and was taken by the medics..."

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