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"You're married? "

Timothy blinked and turned to face the man beside him, the man's gaze was  fixed on his ring with unreadable expression. He hurried to cover the ring, cursing himself for not taking it off earlier,  in his defense he didn't exactly had the time to do so considering he barely entered the bar before this delicious man snatched him away. Timothy shifted on the bed,  bringing himself to a sitting position,   one look at his watch showed him it was quite late at night.  He should get home.


he answered briefly before getting up and starting to get dressed, he groaned at the sweet ache of his muscles,  quite satisfied with the way his back side throbbed - the sèx was mind blowing and he didn't even get the name of his partner, he contemplated if to ask for his number. 

"You're lying " 

A frown started to form on Timothy's face as he turned to once again face the bold man, he regarded him with one raised eyebrow before looking for his shoes.  "If you're so convinced I'm lying, why ask in the first place?." The man smirked "Just wanted to see if you'd be honest, apparently not. So what? Your wife knows her dear husband likes to bottom for strangers? " Any thoughts about asking for this man's number or even his name vanished at that moment, that's exactly why Timothy hated that his bed partners knew he was married -it wasn't that he was afraid they'd get mad, it was because he didn't want them to ask those kind of questions. 

" I should go now" . Timothy muttered as he finished buttoning his shirt,  he didn't wait for some sort of approval as he left the room and headed to the hallway . "Wait!"  The man called after him but he didn't feel like stopping. He made his way to the front door, remembering the way quite well from a few hours ago. He reached for the door handle only to have a hand slamming on the door and preventing him from making any progress.  "What? " he almost growled and turned to face the mysterious handsome man . "Leaving already? Stay the night.  I'm sure we can make a good use of a few more hours. " the man smirked suggestively and Timothy willed his twitching member to stay still as images of what else both of them could do together flooded his mind. He had to get home,  besides, spending the night with such a prick didn't seem like a good idea. "No ,thanks" he said and forced the door open,  leaving the man behind as he went down the elevator to the lobby.  He got out of the luxurious building and cursed. He didn't know where he was. He pulled a taxi and got in, giving the driver his address.  When he safely reached home, he prayed his wife was either sound asleep or not home. He really didn't want to make an excuse for his late arrival,  each time he did it he felt a scorching guilt burning in his chest. She deserved better, much better than him. Why couldn't he love her the way he wished to? Why did he have to be attracted to men? If only he was a straight man...                                                                                    But he wasn't and even at his age he had difficult time accepting it. He knew of his attraction to men since a young age,  back then he believed that no matter what his parents would accept him the way he is, gay or not. So he gathered the courage and told them one evening during dinner -something he regrets till this day. Up until that evening he was a normal teenager, quite happy with his life despite the weight of his status and family name on his shoulders- but that changed. No, his parents didn't yell or  curse at him, no voice was raised or profanities thrown towards him. Silence took over the table as a matter of fact, a deafening one that had him rethinking his decision to come out and then the worst of all happened, something he entirely didn't expect as a result to his confession - His father collapsed. 


"Good morning,  you seem to be in a good mood, how was your day off?" Thomas raised an eyebrow at Archibald's glowing face,a small but evident smile playing on his lips.                                 "Good morning indeed,  my day off was quite enjoying I'd say" Arch grinned to himself, making Thomas frown in confusion.  " Mind elaborating?" ." I don't mind at all, but I don't think you'd like to hear of my sex life, or would you?" Thomas scoffed at that " so you got laid? Couldn't you use that day off for something else, you were supposed to rest and relax! " he scolded. "I'm afraid we both have different definitions to relaxing,  besides I was bored. What else was I supposed to do with so much time on my hands to burn? " Arch shrugged, making Thomas groan in frustration . "I'm giving up, let's work" . Archibald chuckled "That's the spirit! Now what's on my schedule?"Thomas rolled his eyes and sighed. "You've got a meeting with the headboards of that small company you wanted to purchase,  I believe 'Lordis' is the name. Then we'll go through the guest list for our anniversary party next month, the place you wanted is booked and now we need to sort out the entertainment and a few more details but the guest list is the top priority right now so the invitations could be sent . After that you have the opening ceremony for the new department of neurology you donated to,  then lunch with Abraham Cornell, the  CEO of 'Outlet & More', he wants to discuss some things with you . I'll tell you the rest of the schedule along the day." Arch only nodded.  "Oh and your father called, he and your mom are now in The Maldives, he wants you to call back. " Arch groaned,  that's what he needed, an hour conversation with his parents about how he needed to join them and enjoy life more rather than immersing himself in work. They said it was bad for his health but he was perfectly fine, more than fine even. His job made him feel good, capable and most of all independent.  Of course he could roam around the world to exotic places and have someone in charge but he didn't want to. He loved what he was doing and honestly he trusted himself more than  anyone else.  Besides, he took yesterday as a day off, it was more than enough as a vacation for him. "Let's head to the meeting "  he said, Thomas on his heels as they walked to the conference room. 


"Are you sure it's alright Tim, don't you need to work? " Elizabeth questioned for the fifth time already. Timothy sighed , how many times did he tell her to call him Timothy? "Yes Lizzy, a day off wouldn't hurt anyone, I think it's important to take a break now and then and I'd like you to enjoy yourself today. " she chewed on her ravioli and glanced out of the expensive Italian restaurant's window. "Yeah well work is important as well,  I heard you have a very rich and famous potential client, don't you think now isn't the time for a break? I mean working on getting that client signing for your company should be top priority.  Speaking of that client would you mind telling me who he is, your father wouldn't tell me." She batted her eyelashes. Timothy stopped himself from rolling his eyes.  Of course she wanted him to keep working, he was her steady stream of money and knowing  who that client is, she'd probably search him up and figure if he's single so she could lure him in and...Timothy froze as a wave of guilt hit him . He shouldn't think this way about her, he knew before they got engaged what she was really after but that didn't make it right for him to criticise her or think badly of her. He was the one betraying her trust after all, she didn't deserve someone like him. He should make it up to her and spoil her as much as possible, that was the least he could do to numb his screaming conscious and make her happy.                            "It's a secret for now Lizzy, you'll know soon though. Would you like more wine or shall we pass to dessert?" He smiled kindly at her pouting face. "We can go shopping right after, I'll buy you anything " he added,  her eyes sparkled and he chuckled.  "There was this red diamonds necklace I wanted ... even that?" Timothy tried his best not to frown, that necklace was almost as expensive as a car.  "Yeah, even that." He smiled .                   

When they returned home Timothy's smile was still stretched on his face, he spent way too money but at least Lizzy was happy. He carried the shopping bags while she admired her new necklace with a victorious smile. " All my friends would be so jealous! " She giggled . He placed the bags on the couch, watching as Lizzy picked her phone and took some pictures with the necklace before dialing to one of her friends and gushing to her. "I'm going to shower" he said,  she dismissed him with the wave of her hand.   He showered quickly and got in bed,  a nap was what he needed. Before he fell asleep he couldn't ignore the biting anxiety in his thoughts about getting Archibald Carmichael to sign up.  If he'd fail, not only would he disappoint the whole company and be a laughing material but he'd disappoint his father as well and who knows what would it cause to his father's health. He was good at what he did but that meeting would be a real challenge and rather than an opportunity he saw an obstacle. 


"Is that all?" Archibald asked after he went through the guest list, approving or disapproving of the invited people. "I was wondering if you'd like to add to this list the Jacobs? " Arch hummed,  it wasn't decided yet that he'd sign up there, he only went as far as granting them a meeting.  Deep inside he knew that eventually he'd want them to represent him, they were the best in the market. Inviting them to the pary would only be appropriate and show of a good will from him. "Add them. Oh and I want you to call them and ask for the meeting to be rescheduled for two weeks from now."  If they were really good, cutting the preparation time for the meeting by half wouldn't affect them . 

On the ride to the opening ceremony of the neurology department, Archibald couldn't help but think over yesterday and how good it was. He wondered if would meet that man again, the chances of course were nonexistent.  What was his name again? A chuckle escaped his lips. He didn't ask for a name.  Oh well, the memory would be safely preserved in his mind. The way Arch made him moan and cry for more while grabbing tightly onto the sheets as he thrust into him... that was probably the best part of the sèx. Those moans fueld him to continue with his assault on the man's body. Oh how he'd wish to hear them once more - but that wouldn't happen,  and even if he did meet the man again, he quite pissed him off so maybe a heart warming reunion was far too exaggerated to ask for.    

"Wipe that devilish smile off your face, I don't think any of the people at the hospital would appreciate it" Thomas glanced at him suspiciously through the mirror before setting his eyes back on the road. Of course Arch could hire a chauffeur or something like that but Thomas wouldn't let him with the argue it was unnecessary to hire someone to drive Arch if Thomas was by his side all the time. Plus ,he had quite the skills with driving -  Thomas words.    "Hm?devilish? " Archibald smirked innocently.  "I don't know what you're thinking of but if it forms that kind of expression on your face then it must be inappropriate " Thomas sighed,  "please behave " he murmured to himself.  Archibald grinned and stared out of the window.  He'd really like to meet this man again...

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