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Simon's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop crying. All I could think about was Josh and how much he hated himself. How could such a wonderful, beautiful human being like Josh hate themselves?

I started to hyperventilate and it felt as if I was going to throw up.

"Simon, calm down." Tobi said as I looked up at him. 

"Ho.....how.....how a......am I....su...sup....suppose to......ca..ca...calm down?" I said barely even being able to breathe.

"Because you have to have faith that he's going to be okay." He said holding me close in his arms.

"I....I....ca.....can't......lo.....lose him." I said still hyperventilating.

"It's amazing how we can all love a guy who left us in the dust, who tried to kill himself, but somehow we still love him with all of our heart even if he broke ours so many times." Ethan said laughing under his breath.

"I....I do.....don't re...remem.....remember what it..... it is like.... not lo...loving him." I said as Ethan came over and sat next to me rubbing my back.

I was now in between the two. Normally this would comfort me, having my friends surround me, but this just hurt. Nothing was going to fix it.

-after the surgery-

"He's in a coma?!" Tobi asked as I looked at him and then back at the doctor.

"Something went wrong overall and the medicines did not interact well. It became to much for his brain to where he is now in a coma." The doctor said as I started to hyperventilate a bit more.

"Do.....does.....tha.....that mean he....lo..lost his memory?" I asked trying to take the least amounts of breaths but I couldn't help it.

"Right now, he most likely will have his memory in touch, but down the line depending on how long he is in this coma we won't be sure." The doctor said as Ethan took me over so that Tobi could deal with the bills.

"It's going to be okay Simon."

"That....that's wh.....wha....what I told to.... Josh......that......that every.....everything would be okay." I said breaking down.

Nothing's going to be okay.

"I think we should go home. Give you some time to relax?" Ethan said trying to help but I just shocked my head anxiously.

"I can't leave him Ethan. This is all my fault. It's my fault that he is in here.......and.....and......and it's.....my fa.....fault he....he wants to ki.....kill himself." I said as Ethan grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's not your fault Simon. It's never been your fault. He has a mental problem, it's because of his fucked up da-"

"Hello boys, what happened to my son?" I heard a deep voice that was so familiar and I realized there's only one person with that voice.

I turned around to see Josh's father. He had the same voice as Josh, but his was more maniacal, while Josh's was sweet and full of joy.

"Yo..yo....you do....don't de.....deserve to be he.....here." I said trying to stand up, but not able to.

"I'm the one who made that boy exist, you're the one that made his life a living hell. You should probably leave." He said patting me on the shoulder.

"Y...yo....you ca...can't do th....this." I said as he just laughed.

"He's my son. Are you related to him?" He said walking past me as I looked to Ethan and that at Josh's father.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked as I just nodded and then Tobi came over and that was it.

Josh's father's right. This is all my fault.

A/N: sorry this is so late. I've been feeling like a shit. I have like a super bad headache and an even worse swore throat that I've just been so tired and this chapter took me so much longer than I expected. Like I had everything composed in my brain, I just would get such a bad headache from looking at the screen, so yeah. Sorry about that.

Also if you want go follow me on:
Instagram: @mustachioliz
Twitter: @mustachioliz

I really just post about random shit and if you want I'll follow you back, so yeah.

And yeah, that's all, bye!

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