Chapter 1

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A/N in case you didn't know y/n stands for Your Name so whenever you see that just insert your name. On with the story

Your POV

"Thank you guys so much for an amazing last show" says Claire through the microphone.

"Thank you so much for all the love and support London" I say and the crowd goes wild. The five of us walk to the middle of the stage hold hands and take a bow. We start walking off the stage as we say our final goodbyes to the London crowd.

"Another amazing show" says James

"That crowd was insane" Replies Keke

"To be honest tonight was one of my favorite shows, the crowd had so much energy!" Says Axel

"I can't believe tonight was our last show of the Europe tour guys! I'm gonna miss this place so much!" I say

"Same here y/n " says James

"That was a great show guys I'm very proud of you" Shelby our manager says. "Now we're gonna head back to the hotel you guys need rest because tomorrow we are heading to New York for interviews and so we can start rehearsals for your VMA performance" She continues. We all start packing up our things and head back to our tour busses so we drive off to the hotel.

"Shelby I have a question." I speak as I'm picking up my stuff.

"What's up y/n?" She replies.

"When do we start rehearsals for the North American part of the tour?" I ask her

"Oh that! We're starting after the VMA's" she replies and I look at her shocked

"The VMA's are in a week and the North American leg of the tour start in two weeks! You mean we're only going to have a week to put together the whole show?" I ask her

"Yeah, I know it sounds like a little bit of time but I know you guys can do it!" She replies. "Ok" I simply say.

I head to the tour bus and Claire and Keke on their phones while James and Axel are playing video games.

"What took you so long y/n?" Asked Keke not taking her eyes off her phone.

"I was talking to Shelby about rehearsals for the North American part of the tour" I replied

"Oh yeah when are we starting that?" Axel asks

"After the VMA's" I reply

"So we're only going to have a week to put together the show?" Asks Claire

"Looks like it" I reply

"Oh we can do that!" Replies James

"Well guys I'm going to go to bed, y'all should probably sleep too we have to leave early tomorrow, goodnight" I say as I walk to my bunk.

"Goodnight y/n" I hear them all say.

I lay down on my bunk and close the little curtains. I scroll through my Instagram and see the my crush Chandler Riggs posted a photo while we were on stage it didn't even take me three seconds before I liked it.

I then read the caption on his phot and it read

So stoked to be going to the VMA's this weekend!

'Chandler is going to the VMA's? I can't believe alright the pressure is on we have to be excellent on stage if I want to make a good impression on him. I really hope I get to meet him.' I think to myself

"Y/N" I hear Axel call my name

"What?" I reply

"Did you hear? Chandler is going to the VMA's" he replies

"I know I just saw so listen up all of you! We have to be 100% perfect during our performance I want to make a great impression on him!" I reply. "Ok now seriously I'm going to sleep now" I reply.  Before I went to sleep, I logged back into Instagram and decided to post a photo that our amazing photographer took of me during our concert tonight.

London you were amazing af thank you! Next stop VMA's then Starting Over North American Tour can't wait to be back and perform in the states!

I posted the photos and closed turned off my phone but not before I saw something that made me extremely happy.

Chandlerriggs5 liked your photo.

>>The following day<<

Your POV

I wake up with the sun hitting my face making it impossible for me to go back to
Bed. I see that I'm no longer and the bus but I don't even remember getting up and walking to the hotel room, someone must've carried me up here. Today is going to be a busy day, interviews and rehearsals yay! Don't get me wrong I love my job, I've always wanted to be doing this every since I could remember and now that I'm living my dream I wouldn't change it for the world.

I turn to my side so I can see who on the other bed and I see Axel.

"Axel wake up!" I say as I throw a pillow at him.

"Y/N just five more minutes!" He replies

"Five more minutes my ass we have to go to the airport soon we can't miss our flight!" I say

"Oh shoot that's right!" He replies

We wake up get dressed luckily our luggage was already on our tour bus. We get out of the hotel only to be mobbed by fans. We hear them chant O.V.O5, O.V.O5, O.V.O5 over and over it's really flattering I've never imagined my life to be like this.

Getting out of the hotel was complete madness! People were trying to grab us, take pictures with us, one fan, I don't know how he did it, ran past our security and tackled me in a hug. I ended up falling but hey being famous comes with its dangers. Our security reacted really quickly and got him off me in a matter of seconds, all I could do was wave at him and tell him I loved him too as he was being dragged off.

We finally made it out of the hotel lobby and got into our tour bus, but the fans would not stop. They were knocking on the windows of our bus trying to get our attention the stepped in front of the bus so we couldn't go anywhere it was madness.

The hotel staff along with our security were finally able to get the fans out of the way for our tour bus and we finally hit the road and went to the airport.

We got to the airport and our private plane was already waiting for us. We barely made it just in time. I checked my phone and found that my incident back at the hotel had already gone viral. I read the headlines.

One said
Y/N gets attacked by fan in London

Another was a video
WATCH: Y/N get attacked at London Hotel by fan

A bunch of the fans have also tweeted me asking if I was ok. I decided to tweet out.

@y/t/n (your twitter name)
Hey guys first of all yes I'm fine thanks for the concern. Secondly I would like to ask if the fans could please be a bit more careful that would be greatly appreciated :)

I feel the plane take off and put my head phones in and listen to some music this is going to be a long flight.

About after eight and a half hours of flying we finally reach NYC and the first thing I do is Instagram it.

NYC we made it can't wait for the VMA's this weekend!

I close my phone but not before looking at the notification

Chandlerriggs5 liked your photo

Hey guys so like idk is the story good so far? Any suggestions? I know it's moving pretty slowly but that's how I want it to go to set the mood. Trust me I have big plans for this story.

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