Chapter 6

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Later that night

Your POV

Well the VMA's are now officially over. We won Group of the year and I could be more happy than I am at this very moment! I logged onto twitter and decided to post.

GUYSSS! We won group of the year! Omg thank you all so much 5ers for getting us to where we are today! I love you all so much💗

I tweeted out. I looked through the pictures of tonight and when the ones of Chandler and I popped up I could not stop smiling, I seriously cannot believe I got to meet him, I even got his number for crying out loud. I was on cloud nine at the moment. I decided to also post the picture of us on twitter cause you know, I want to brag duh!

I look gross but oh well... anyways guys omg I met @chandlerriggs last night! If this is a dream I don't ever want to wake up!

I tweeted along with the picture. I just remembered I still haven't sent Chandler the pictures of us. I looked for his number and once I found it I sent them to him.

Y/n [12:30am]: picture message

Y/n [12:30am]: picture message

Y/n [12:30am]: picture message

Y/n [12:30am]: picture message

Y/n [12:30am]: picture message

Y/n [12:31am]: it's y/n btw just sending you the pictures like you wanted :)

Chandler [12:35am]: oh hey y/n thank you!

Y/n [12:37am]: of course no problem!

After that small little conversation, my phone vibrated it was a notification from twitter.

'Chandler Riggs replied to your tweet'

@y/t/n shut up you don't look gross! It was great meeting you by the way! :)

I liked the tweet and was about to log out of twitter when I got another notification.

'Chandler Riggs mentioned you in a tweet'

Last night was crazy! Got to meet this awesome human being @y/t/n

I see he posted the picture of us I favorited and retweeted the tweet and replied with a bunch of smiley faces.

Chandler's POV

After I posted the picture and saw his reply I logged out of twitter and went to bed. When I woke up I was really tired and super lazy to get up so today, I decided, it was going to be a lazy day. I don't have to go back to Georgia until tomorrow Monday so I think I'll just spend today being lazy.

I thought it was a good idea at first but I started getting bored really fast. I logged onto Instagram and scrolled through my feed but nothing interesting caught my attention. I logged onto snapchat as well and looked through people's stories; but again, I grew very bored of that really easily. I want to go do something, explore the city but I literally have no one to go with. I mean there's my mom but what's the fun in that! Maybe I could ask y/n and rest of the group if they want to go with me? No I can't, they're probably busy. Either that or they've already left New York. It's doesn't hurt to ask thought, am I right? I took out my phone looked through my contacts and found y/n's number and sent him a text.

Chandler [10:26 am]: Hey it's Chandler, are you guys still in New York?

Y/n [10:30 am]: Hey! :) yeah we're still here why? What's up?

Chandler [10:31 am]: Well to be completely honest I'm bored out of mind in my hotel and was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out?

Chandler [10:31 am]: You guys don't have too if you don't want

Chandler [10:32 am]: Or if you guys are busy

Y/n [10:32 am]: No were not busy, and hanging out sounds like fun. Tbh I was getting bored in my hotel room too 😂

Chandler [10:33 am]: So is that a yes? :)

Y/n [10:33 am]: Obviously 😂 let me asks the others and see if they want to tag along. I'll text you back in like a few minutes

I read the text and finally decided to get out of bed and eat some breakfast, so I called room service . The knock on the door meant one thing and that was that my food was here. I opened the door let the people come inside and put my food on the table. I sat down and was about to take a bite of this delicious looking food when my phone buzzed.

Y/n [10:42 am]: Ok so Claire can't go she's going to see family today, Keke isn't feeling well and wants to rest. And Axel and James are going to the studio to work on songs so I guess it's just the two of us 🙃

Chandler [10:43 am]: Damn that sucks, but I'm pretty sure we'll still have a pretty good time :)

Chandler [10:43 am]: So where and what time shall we meet?

Y/n [10:44 am]: I'll meet you by the entrance to the Central Park Zoo at one?

Chandler [10:44 am]: sounds like a plan :)

Y/n [10:45 am]: Ok awesome I guess I'll see you soon ☺️

Chandler [10:45 am]: I'll see you soon y/n :))

I finished my breakfast and put the plates back on the cart they brought my food in and put the cart outside my hotel room door so the staff knew they could take that now. I checked the time and saw it was nearly 11 and I was still in my sleeping clothes. I went to my suitcase and looked for something to wear for today. When I finally found something I liked, black shorts and white shirt, I went to the bathroom, took off my clothes, and stepped into the shower.

Your POV

After that little chat with Chandler I could not stop looking at my phone. I was hanging with Chandler fucking Riggs today holly fuck!!! Y/n calm yourself! I thought to myself but how could I be calm when I'm hanging out with like the most attractive guy I've ever seen. 'Y/n you guys are just hanging out as friend it's not a date! Plus Chandler probably isn't gay or bisexual' I thought to myself once again. Even if it was just hanging out as friends I'm still super excited. I mean who wouldn't it's Chandler Riggs for fucks sake.

I checked the the clock and saw it was 11:05 am so I decided I should probably get ready. I went to my suitcase and looked for some clothes to wear. I finally decided on wearing black skinny jeans, a red and black flannel, and my black Dr Marten boots. People might say this was a little bit too much for just going to the park but hey, when you're a celebrity you have to look good 24/7. You never know when or where the paparazzi might find you.

I walked into the bathroom turned on the water for the shower and waited for it be the temperature I wanted it. While I was waiting I took off my clothes. Once the water was the perfect temperature I stepped in. 'Today should be a fun day.' I thought to myself as I felt the water hit my back.

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