Chapter 12

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We are currently singing the last song of the concert and the crowd is loving every second of it. Keke sings the last note as the lights go down and the crowd goes crazy. The lights are turned back on and we take a bow. "Thank you so much New York!" Says Claire. "New York y'all were fucking amazing!" Says Axel. "I love you New York!" I say into the microphone. "New York you rocked!" Says Keke and James. We keep waving to the crowd and they throw stuff to us on stage like flags, shirts, little plush toys. We take one final bow and our platform starts to lower us down under the stage until we can't see the audience anymore.

"Guys that was an amazing show!" I say

"New York really knows how to kick off a tour!" Says Axel.

The guys from Beyond New York and the girls of L.Y.L.A.S came rushing to us and starting congratulating us and hugging us. As happy as I was being there at the moment all I wanted to do was call Chandler and tell him all about it.

"Hey guys I don't mean to be a party pooper but that crowd drowned so much energy from me I need to relax I'll be in the tour bus" I said and walked away while everyone said their goodbyes to me.

As I'm walking to the bus I bump into Garrett once again.

"We have got to stop meeting like this" he says and I smiled. "You were amazing, like always" he says.

"Thank you" I said. "But I wasn't the only out there on the stage" I said.

"Really?" He says. "Cause you were the only I noticed." He said smirking.

"Oh flirty Garrett there you are, I was wondering when you were gonna make an appearance." I said and we both laughed.

"No seriously though, you guys were pretty fucking dope." He says.

"Thanks Garrett, and thank you guys for getting the crowd all pump up" I reply. "Well I'm going to go back to the bus, I want sleep right now." I said

"Wait" he says. "Do you maybe... I don't know... want to go grab a quick late night snack somewhere?" He asks.

"Umm.." I start saying

"Oh not as a date... I umm... just as friend, cmon we haven't hung out in a really long time." He says.

I think about it for a while and finally I answer him...

"Fine, but you're driving... and paying..." I say as i make my way to his car him following behind me.



My phone keeps vibrating to the point where it scared me. Who the fuck is texting me it's literally 8:30 in the morning I need my sleep! Of course it had to be my lovely but sometimes annoying co-star Katelyn

Katelyn [8:31 am]- (YouTube video link) watch this!!

Katelyn [8:31 am]- CHANDLER WAKE UP

Katelyn [8:31 am]- WATCH IT

Katelyn [8:32 am]- NOW


Chandler [8:33 am]- Ok I'm up!! I'll watch it!

I clicked on the link and took me to a video titled The Return Of #[yours and Garrett's ship name] ?

The title confused me what the hell is a #[yours and Garrett's ship name] ? The video finally loaded and a women that I've seen from another video started talking.

"Yes you read the title correctly! There is a chance that y/n and Garrett are a thing again!!!" She said very excitedly and I just looked at the screen shocked kind of jealous and mad and sad honestly I don't know what I was feeling.

"So here's the tea... y/n and Garret were spotted last night hanging around New York just the two of them looking like they were having a grand o'l time both enjoying each other's company" she continued saying as pictures that probably the paparazzi took of them were being shown on the screen.

"Wether or not they are or aren't back together we're glad to see they are getting along and leaving their bad past behind them where it should stay" she says and the video finishes. I stare at the screen not knowing what to do next. I go back to my messages and text Katelyn.

Chandler [8:47 am]- So... that was an interesting video

Katelyn [8:48 am]- are they back together has y/n told you anything about it?!

Chandler [8:48 am]- no... I don't even know they hung out last night

Katelyn [8:49 am]- well this just got very interesting looks like Garrett is after your man

Chandler [8:50 am]- ok one he's not "my man"

Katelyn [8:51 am]- but he could be if you grow a pair and ask? :)

Chandler [8:52 am]- and two I'm pretty sure y/n is over Garrett

Chandler [8:52 am] should I text him?

Katelyn [8:53 am]- I would

Chandler [8:54 am]- but what if I find out something I don't want too?

Katelyn [8:55 am]- well then what ever happens happens for a reason Chan and if worse come to worse we can go get ice cream together :)

Chandler [8:56 am]- ok I'm going to text him

I find y/n's number and sent him a message.

Chandler [8:58 am]- hey don't know if you're awake but good morning! :)

Y/n [8:59 am]- hey chan! :)

Chandler [9:00 am]- how was the show?

Y/n [9:01 am]- it was amazing the crowd was amazing it made it very excited for the rest of the tour

Chandler [9:02 am]- that's great! So listen I have something to tell you...

Y/n [9:03 am]- is it about the Garrett and me video that's blowing up on the interwebs right now?

Chandler [9:04 am]- how did you know?

Y/n [9:05 am]- everyone has been asking me about it all morning... Garrett was actually the first person that told me about the video

Chandler [9:06 am]- so are you?

Y/n [9:06 am]- no

Chandler [9:07 am]- good

Y/n [9:08 am]- and why's that if you don't mind me asking?

Chandler [9:09 am]- he cheated on you

Y/n [9:10 am]- and you don't believe in second chances?

Chandler [9:12 am]- I do but.. would you really be stupid enough to take him back? I mean you don't want to make yourself seem like the person that date assholes and gets hurt over and over again.. you taking him back could be saying to all other guys that it's okay to hurt you... you would be making yourself look easy...

Y/n [9:13 am]- wow is that really what you think of me that I'm "easy"

I didn't know how to respond to that fuck why did send the other message in the first place I immediately regret it.

Chandler [9:14 am]- no that's not what I meant.. look I'm sorry let's just forget about it ok

Y/n [915 am]- I'm sorry but accepting your apology and giving you a second chance could make me seem to easy

I read that message and replied to him telling him I was sorry but he never responded back.

'Nice job Chandler you ruined any chance, if you even had any, of having a thing with y/n' I think to myself and scream into a pillow god I'm such a dumbass!

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