Chapter 9

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A/N: wow it's 2017! Happy New Years!!

Your POV

"I should've known" Keke said. "What happened between you guys?" She asked. "We kind of had a moment." I told her. "Right, please elaborate." She said. "Well we were walking in the park near the pond right..." I start saying but she cuts me off. "Wait before you continue, CLAIRE GET IN HERE!" Keke yells. Claire walks in and looks at both of us. "Hey why did you want me in here?" She asks. "Well first read these lyrics y/n wrote." Keke says.

"Wow y/n these lyrics are amazing!" Claire says. "Guess who they're about!" Keke says practically yelling. "Wait they're about someone?!" Claire asks eyes wide. "Well..." I start saying but Keke cuts me off again. "They're about nine other than Chandler!" She finishes off. "Honestly Keke I should just let you tell the damn story." I say. "Sorry I'm just really happy for you." She says. "Wait Claire that's not even the best part! He and Chandler had quote on quote a moment" Keke says and Claire just looks at me. "Spill" Claire says.

"Well as I was saying, Chandler and I were walking by the pond in the park but then I stopped walking cause I had something in my eye" I start saying. "Chandler stops too and offers to help and looks into my eyes and we were just like that, in that position for about a couple seconds then he started leaning." I continue. "Oh my god! You guys kissed!!" Claire said. "Well no." I say. "Whatcha mean no! Y/n!!! What happened." Keke said. "I kinda pulled away." I said. "But why?" Claire asked. "Well first off I don't even know if he's gay, bi, straight I don't know. Secondly he could've probably just started leaning in cause of the heat of the moment. And thirdly even if he does like me, I haven't dated a guy in such a long time, I'm scared, I'm scared that I'll get my heart broken." I say. "Aww b, listen you are a really great person and any guy would be lucky enough to have you, if Chandler is confused about his sexuality or feelings towards you just give it time he'll figure it out soon, my best recommendation is don't get your hopes up babe ok." Claire says. "Thanks guys I love you!" I say as they're leaving the room.

"It's gonna be hard trying to not get my hopes up, especially when Chandler and I basically flirt with each other." I tell them. "What do you mean flirt?" Keke asks and show them the messages between us. "I mean we're just texting right, everyone plays around like that when they text." I tell them. "I don't think he's playing around" Claire says handing the phone to Keke. "Awww he called you cute, why can't someone call me cute!" Keke says. "You're so cute b" I tell her. "I swear he better not be leading you on or I'll kill him." Claire says. "Claire shut up you wouldn't even kill a fly if your life depended on it." Keke says. "I know" says  Claire and I laugh. "I on the other hand will do it." Says Keke. "Guys the show is back on!" We hear Axel yelling from outside. "Well we would love to stay and chat but you heard the guy our show is back on you coming?" Claire asked. "No thanks I think I'll just stay here and think I guess." I tell her. "Ok, love you b." Says Keke.

I decided to sleep to try and help get my mind off this, big day tomorrow with rehearsals for the North American leg of our tour but before I fell asleep I decided to send out a tweet.

Today was pretty interesting, anyways tomorrow we start rehearsals for the North American Leg of our tour and the first show is Friday! Ahh I'm excited goodnight!

Chandler's POV

After that conversations with y/n I turned on the tv and started surfing through the channels. I finally settled on American Horror Story because it was the only thing on that I liked. I couldn't pay any attention to the television though all I kept thinking about was the conversation I had with y/n.

Do I really like him? I need to talk to someone about this but who. I can't talk to my parents, what are they going to say? I know.

I grabbed my phone and face timed my co-star Katelyn Nacon who plays Enid. Within a few seconds she answered my call. "Hey stranger, we've missed you on set how has your days off been?" She's asks. "Hey, they've been pretty great." I tell her. "So I saw you met, Y/n and the rest of O.V.O5." She says. "Oh yeah they're really great people so fun to talk too." I say. "I hate you so much!! I fucking love them and their music!" She tells me. "Well ok I called cause I need to talk to you about something." I said. "Sounds serious ok, what's going on?" She asks.

"I honestly don't know Kate, I may or may not have a crush on someone" I say. "No way who?! Do I know her?" She asks. "Here's the thing it's not a her, and I don't even know I it's a crush." I say. "Oh it's a.." she starts saying. "Yeah it's a guy" I say with my head down. "Who is it?" She asks with a smile. "Umm well he's in your favorite band and I hung out with him this weekend." I said. "Oh my god it's y/n!!" She says practically screaming. "Ok so tell me what happened?" She asked. "We kind of hand a moment in the park where for some reason I started leaning in and almost kissed him." I said. "But..." she said. "He pulled away probably weirded out by what I did." I said.

"Well are you, you know gay, bi or what?" She asked me. "I don't know Kate, I've never felt like this about anyone I'm so confused." I tel her. "Hey we're teenagers it's totally normal to be confused but I'm glad you started to wonder about who you are and discover yourself." She says with a smile. "And just so you know I'll always be here for you Chan and I promise I won't tell anyone about what we just talked about, this stays between us." She says. "Thanks Kate, I knew I could count on you." I tell her. "But here's the thing, till you know how you feel about y/n and you know you're sexuality and stuff, don't flirt with him don't lead him on cause it'll be a total dick move if you just lead him on and you don't really like him." She tells me.

"Well shit" I said. "You already fucked up and flirted with him. Didn't you?" She says giving me death glares. "I may or may not have called him cute." I say putting my head down. "Ok well that has to stop, like I said you can't lead him on and then be like "so listen I found out I'm not gay or bi sorry." She says. "If you do that and y/n doesn't kill you then I will." She says. "Ok ok I got it" I tell her and she laughs.

"Ok well I'm gonna go now I need to try and learn these lines for tomorrow." She tells me "Oh that's right we're filming tomorrow!" I say totally forgetting that I had to shoot a scene with her tomorrow. "Wow I can't believe you forgot our big scene! Carl and Enid kiss for crying out loud! Boy your lips better not be crusty!" She tells me. "Are you kidding me my lips are the best thing you'll probably taste tomorrow! Just you wait!" I say. "I suddenly don't want to do this anymore!" She says and we laugh. "Ok seriously now I'm leaving, night Chan see you tomorrow." She says. "Night Kate I'll see you tomorrow." I say and with that Kate hangs up.

I felt so much better after that call with her. I'm so glad to have a friend like her in my life. I looked at my clock and saw it was getting pretty late and so I decided to sleep. As I'm laying on the bed scrolling through my twitter feed I saw a a tweet that caught my attention.

Today was pretty interesting, anyways tomorrow we start rehearsals for the North American Leg of our tour and the first show is Friday! Ahh I'm excited goodnight!

I liked the tweet then decided to reply back to him.

@y/t/n yup tonight was pretty interesting. Night y/n! :)

I tweeted out and my phone started going off like crazy with likes, retweets and new followers. I decided to log off and went to bed.

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