Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm back!!! Omg after weeks of being busy with school I'm FINALLY on winter break which means more time to write! I'm so excited to get back to this story so be expecting weekly updates now that my schedule is cleared up. I'll try and write a new chapter or at least part of a chapter everyday so when school starts back up again and I'm busy I'll have those chapters ready and all I'll have to do is hit upload with that being said let's get on with the story!

Chandler's POV

As I'm driving back to my hotel I can't help but keep thinking about what almost happened back at the park. I was literally like an inch from y/n's lips! What is going on with me?! I can't be really be catching feelings for him? What about my career? What will my fans think? What will my family think?! This too much for me to process right now!

These thoughts keep invading my head and I decide enough is enough. I turn on the radio to try and take my mind off of these thoughts. WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED O.V.O5 HAD TO BE PLAYING AT THAT SPECIFIC MOMENT! AND ON Y/N'S VERSE TOO!! I immediately reach for the knob and change the radio station, don't get me wrong I like their music but the last thing I need right now is to be reminded of y/n and what almost happened between us.

You know what fuck this! I can't help my feelings, if I really am falling for y/n who's a guy then so be it! But how do I know I really am falling for him? I guess the best thing to do right now is just keep talking to him and hanging out with him. Let's see if I really do like him like that, if I do oh well nothing I can do about it love is crazy.

Your POV

As soon as I walked into the hotel room I was greeted with everyone in the living room staring at me. "Take a picture guys it lasts longer." I say as I close the door. "Shut up and start talking." Says Keke. "Ohh aggressive but what do you want me to say?" I ask obviously know what she wants me to say. "You suck at playing dumb." Says Claire. "How was it hanging with Chandler." Asks Axel doing a terrible I presentation of me. "Ok number one that's not how I sound like Axel and two IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE BY FAR!" I say very excitedly. "HEY!" Says James. "I mean it's the best day of my life AFTER being put in a group with you guys" I say. "Nice save" James replies. "Oh I know right,no but seriously it was a pretty fucking dope night" I said. "Well I'm glad one of us got to have some fun on our day off" says Claire.

"Anyways Axel, James how did the meeting with the song writers go?" I asked them. "Well we actually have a an idea for the third album." They said looking at each other then the girls. "Now the girls already know about it and they think it's a good idea and are all for it." Axel said. "Well if the girls are all for it it means this idea of yours totally doesn't suck, good job." I said "so now just tell me what this idea of yours is" I continued. "Well we thought for this album WE should write our own songs." Said James. "Ohh nice I like it" I said. "Good job you too." I continued. "Well if y'all don't mind I'm gonna go to the room and relax." I said I as walked to the room.

I walked to my bed and laid down and checked my phone. My notifications were mostly emails, Instagram, twitter but then I saw something that cause my attention. It was a message from Chandler. I keep looking at the screen for a good 5 minutes. Oh my god he texted me. Do I reply? Do I keep waiting? What do I do? All these questions keep running through my mind and finally I decide to open up that message.

Chandler [8:33 pm]- Hey! :))

Y/N [8:57 pm]- Oh hey! Sorry I kept you waiting, I was talking to the band

Chandler [8:58 pm]- oh it's fine don't worry about it. Is everything ok?

Y/N [8:58 pm]- yeah we were just talking about ideas for our third album.

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