Chapter 4

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Holly shit it feels like forever since I've updated this story! Sorry bout that school has been kicking my ass lately 😩 I was gonna upload this chapter last night, but yo bitch went to homecoming and was really tired afterwords🙄, but hey it's here now so enjoy yay. I'll try updating as much as can! Anyway enough chit chat on with the story!

Your POV

Chandler is actually here I can't believe it! We had just walked into the auditorium and everything was set up for the VMA's. The lights, the stage, everything was ready to get the VMA's started.

We found our seats and the first person I noticed was Chandler, he's sitting three rows behind us.

"Guys look it's Chandler holy fuck!" I tell the rest of my band members.

"You should go say hi to him y/n" says Keke as we take our seats.

"You're really funny Keke, as if I'm gonna go say hi to him, ok what if I like I don't know fall or something and totally embarrass myself in front of him?" I reply

"Oh cmon it won't be that bad. Plus if you fall I'm pretty sure he'll catch you." She replies giving me a wink.

"Let's not forget y/n you're used to falling, like a lot, remember the incident back last year in London before our show?" Says James

"Are you serious right now?! You said we wouldn't speak of that again!" I reply.

We patiently stay seated as more and more people and celebrities walk in and take their seats. To our right was Taylor Swift, to our left we had The Weekend, behind us was TØP, and in front of us none other than queen B herself, Beyoncé!

We were informed that we would be performing right after the results for favorite music video, so while that was happening we would be back stage getting ready to perform.

The VMA's we're going great, it looks like the whole crowd was having a great time. It was time for us to go back stage and start getting ready for our performance.

'This is it y/n' I thought to myself 'time to wow the crowd'

We got inside our dressing room and started changing from our fancy suit and dresses to our costumes for the performance. Our theme for this performance was post apocalyptic so our clothing look dirty and messy but we were able to pull it off fantastically.

"Three minutes guys, you have three minutes till showtime" I here someone from the production team say.

Everyone was already heading to the stage but I still wasn't ready.

"Guys has anyone seen my fingerless gloves?" I ask around but everyone shakes their head. 'Well fuck' I think to myself.

I keep searching like crazy for the gloves but I can't seem to find them anywhere! Gloves don't just get up and walk away.

"2 minutes O.V.O5! 2 minutes!" I hear someone say! Fuck! I have no time might as well just go on stage without them. I started walking, more like jogging, to the stage; still keeping my eyes on the floor in case I see my gloves. Well, I should've kept my eyes open because before I knew it I bumped into something, or someone, and I was on the floor.

Chandler's POV

I was really having the time of my life here, everything was awesome! I noticed that O.V.O5 had gotten up and went backstage, must be minutes away from their show.

A couple of minutes went by and I really, and I mean like really, had to go use the restroom. Damn I shouldn't have drank that large coke by myself! I got up and went backstage to go use the restroom.

Backstage was crazy! Everyone was running all over the place, interviewers trying to get celebrities to talk with them, paparazzi taking photos, it was pure madness and I didn't have time for this. I took out my phone and made my self look busy so no one would stop me.

"Three minutes guys! You have three minutes till show time!" I hear someone yell and Keke from O.V.O5 rushes past me with a microphone in hand. I wanted to stop her and say hi but she seemed like she was in a hurry so I didn't stop her. I guess they're performing next.

I finally reach the bathroom and I basically ran to a urinal! I have never felt so good in my lifetime! I go to wash my hands and I notice someone has left their fingerless gloves on the sink. 'Oh well' I think to myself and exit the bathroom.

I take out my phone again not wanting be stopped and made my way back to the stadium.

"2 minutes O.V.O5! 2 minutes!" I hear someone say as I keep walking. I keep walking a few feet but then I feel someone bump into me causing me to drop my phone.

"Shit! Shit! Oh my god I'm so sorry" I hear the person say.

"No, don't worry about it, it's totally cool" I say picking up my phone and turning around to see who bumped into me. It's y/n from O.V.O5, wow, he's smaller in person.

"Here let me help you up" I say offering him a hand. "Thanks" he replies. "Chandler" I introduce myself striking my hand out for a hand shake. "I know who your are" he smiles. He has a really nice smile, what I can say that! Plus it's just a compliment on his smile it's not gay or anything, is it? "Y/N" he replies shaking my hand.

I notice he still has his eyes on the floor, as if he's looking for something. "Did you loose something?" I ask him.

"Yeah my fingerless gloves I can't find them." He replies. I was about to tell him that they're in the bathroom but he cut me off. "Um I would love to stay and chat but I have to be on stage like now, maybe we can talk afterwards, I mean if you want, you don't have too, you can go if..." he starts rambling and I just chuckle. "I'll be here" I reply and smile.

He returns the smiles. "Right, well I guess I'll talk to you soon." He said and started walking back to the stage. "Good luck!" I yell out!

Your POV

I just met and had a somewhat conversations with Chandler fucking Riggs! I can't right now! My thoughts get interrupted when I hear Chandler's voice again, "good luck!" He yells out. I smile to myself and shout back a thanks. I reach the stage with time to spare.

"Did I just see you talking to Chandler?" Axel asked. "Oh yeah I can't believe it too" I say and get in position then we finally hear what we've been waiting for... "ladies and gentlemen singing their brand new song 'Kiss Me Without Fear' (idk random song) O.V.O5!" The crowd starts cheering the music starts playing and I feel the spotlight on me, it's show time!

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