That Awkward Moment: Ch. 7

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Across the sidewalk I dawdled while kicking a rock as I stepped past it.

It had grew pretty late in the day, Jasmine had offered to take me home after class but I refused.

Though she insisted I should.

I guess after finding out about her boyfriend I didn't want to come in between them both.

I mean after what happened back at class, I doubted I should be sitting right beside her in that tiny car of hers.

It wouldn't have ended very well, well maybe it would've seemed to at the time if what I believed would've happened actually happened but trust me it would've caused us both a lot of trouble.

I mean yes I loved her and I without a doubt knew she had love for me to.

But reality is reality and reality was she was already seeing someone else and she didn't need anymore things to juggle around in her life.

She had quite enough, though I could not see them at the time nor did I know them.

Though later I came to know.

"Hey!" I heard behind me with a loud honk, I spun around to find Jasmine seated inside of her car with a tight lipped smile.

My heart for some reason skipped a beat, I begun to show my excitement but decided to conceal it for the time being.

I didn't want to come off as desperate or needy, I mean she didn't need any of that.

And it would've just sent the wrong messages to her and I did not want to do that.

She was to sweet for any of that, I didn't want to break up her little relationship.

Though I am not ruling out I never thought about doing it, I just couldn't bring myself to.

I wasn't that type of a person and I wouldn't especially be that type of person with Jasmine.

"What...what're you doing here?"-I inquired arching up a single brow and walking over to her-"How'd you find me?"

Her eyes rolled to the top of her car's roof and then back down to me before she answered with a smile "I sort of know where you live now, so I just followed the route you take from school to your place and kept going until I spotted you."

A huge toothy grin stole my face as I leaned over a bit to face her eye to eye-"So you are telling me you went all the way back to school, then followed the route I take to get home from class to find find me?"-I asked in disbelieve, she had put herself through all of that for me.

"Yeah...impressed?"-She asked flipping her beautiful blonde silky hair behind her neck before I nodded and pressed my lips together-" get in or else we are gonna be late."

My eyes shot a quizzical glare at Jasmine as she unlocked and pushed open the passengers door of her car-"Late for what?"-I asked as I walked around the car and got in.

"For a movie!"-Jasmine answered smirking beautifully as I at beside her placing on my seatbelt-"I figured you'd wanna see this new movie, its a SciFi."

Ha haha...she knew my taste and also knew I couldn't ever turn down a good SciFi flick, she knew so much about me...

...and yet knew so little about herself.

It baffles me to this day how we both knew more about each other then we knew about ourselves.

Perhaps it took the sight of both our eyes to see truly who and what we were.

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