A Sacrifice: Ch. 12

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I was awoken by a hard kick to the face, I throw my head back in pain as I grunted and tugged at the iron restraints locked around my wrists.

Slowly I brought my head back down and locked eyes with the man who had taken me.

He peered straight into my eyes as he leaned over with two hands firmly placed on both his knees, he then gave a smoldering look and asked "Do you even know who I am idiot?"

I eyed him angrily and said not one word, his face went blain then he stood straight up.

As he stood glaring down at me with a smug smirk I begun to channel through to his mind before entering in, once inside I could see it all, every single evil and heinous thing he had done, he had killed and experimented on so many mutants.

And his own kind.

He made my stomach turn as I explored his head even more, I could hear their cries and screams of agony.

And he was the afflicter, I wanted so badly to make him feel what he had made others feel but I hadn't yet come to discover that power yet.

I was young and just getting to know my powers and he was very very lucky I was.

"What're you doing?"-he asked curiously as he tilted his head to one side and flashed a cheesy grin-"Hey!"

Quickly I left his mind and came back to mine before looking him dead in the eyes and spitting out "You're a monster!"

He gave a quick loud laugh and then clapped before responding "Wrong! That's not who I am."

I gave him a nasty look as I lowered my brows and narrowed my eyes in rage, I had just saw what type of person he truly was and wanted to vomit.

"Your mutant friend was right you do suck at mind reading." Salem blurted out before laughing madly, he wasn't just a monster, he was a devil.

"Your name is Salem .J. Knickenson, you were born and raised in New York California."-I said staring him down as he stood in shock just marveling, I then continued on to add "You also are the head of this clandestine government genetic research facility, here you conduct inhuman and heinous forms of experiments which are illegally founded by the Canadian Government's Department Z.E.R.O which turns willing and unwilling beings into weapons of war."

I then went even further to say "And Also this project of yours captures baseline mutates and humans as well."-Salem's eyes fixed wide in surprise, he had underestimated me.

"Well...okay I take that back, you don't suck all that bad"-he said in a cocky and sarcastic tone while chuckling a bit before adding-"But you are a complete idiot to let the guy holding you hostage know you could do that!"

He then whistled and suddenly a young chained man came crawling out from the dark corner of the room and right over to Salem who stood beckoning him with a curling finger.

Just the sight of the chain around that poor young mutants neck was enough to make my intestines bawl, how could another human being be so cruel to another.

It confounded me and so much I started to quake with anger.

Salem chuckled before wagging his head and saying-"If only you were as tough as you look right now."-I then screwed up my face and arched up a single brow before asking. In a brittle hard voice-"Why? Why are you doing this? Bloody hell they're are human beings for God's sake!"

He flashed a toothy wide grin, flipped his hair and patted the young mutant boy on the head before placing both his hands onto my shoulders and answering "Because... I...can!"

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