"He's gone you cant bring him back"

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I'm finally back home ever since last night when Spencer left the hotel and left this morning I've been constantly ringing her. I need to tell her that I love her and I'm sorry for what's happened. Driving into the driveway I see her car and much to my confusion I see Caleb's car what would he being doing here? Turning the engine off I quickly get out the car shutting the door and storming into the house. "Spencer?" I call out hoping she'll appear "Spencer? Please I want to explain" I hear footsteps from around the corner and I hope it's Spencer before I see Caleb walk into the room. "What are you doing here? Where's Spencer?" I ask him clenching my fists "She was upset and I've been here for her" I huff glaring at him "You don't have to do anything Caleb taking care of Spencer is my job not yours" He scoffs at me "You're clearly not doing the best job since she's been crying all morning" I clench my Jaw rage over taking me "You bastard!" I shout Spencer walks into the room "Toby?" She whispers and it's now that I see the tears on her face before my fist hits Caleb's face and he falls on the ground.

 "Toby!" Spencer shouts wrapping her arms around my waist looking at me in fear "Stop please calm down" She whispers I wrap my arms around her tighter I've missed the feelings of holding her in my arms "I'm sorry that I scared you" I say leaving a...

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"Toby!" Spencer shouts wrapping her arms around my waist looking at me in fear "Stop please calm down" She whispers I wrap my arms around her tighter I've missed the feelings of holding her in my arms "I'm sorry that I scared you" I say leaving a kiss on her forehead before I let go of her and walk up to Caleb who is now on his feet "I'm here now your free to go" His eyes widen stepping back "I'm sorry Toby I didn't mean for any of that to happen I was only staying here for Spencer" I reach out shaking his head "I appreciate that thank you for taking care of her while I wasn't here and I'm sorry for punching you that was my anger taking over" Caleb smiles leaving us to be alone together  Spencer walks him out shutting the front door facing me. "I'm sorry Spencer I know that your scared I was just so excited to start a family with you it consumed me I didn't think about how scared you are" She walks towards me until she's in arms reach "I'm scared Toby I'm really scared okay I don't think I'm ready yet. What if I'm a horrible mother? What if I fail the child?" I slowly reach out taking her hands in mine rubbing her knuckles "Then we'll wait until you feel more comfortable and we'll give it some time. There's no rush Baby I'm really sorry" She wraps her arms around my neck "Don't be sorry all is forgiven" I lift her chin with my finger kissing her gently savouring the taste "I love you baby" She smiles "I love you too"
I  walk into the Kitchen seeing my beautiful girlfriend make lunch while wearing my blue t-shirt that just covers her ass. Walking up to her I squeeze her but causing a slight gasp to escape her mouth "Hey Beautiful" I whisper peppering kisses down her neck leaving love bites as I go "You're distracting me from making lunch" I smirk as he closes her eyes leaning her head back as I push her hair away exposing her neck even more. "I think I found something much better for lunch" She giggles I lift her up on the Kitchen counter spreading her legs apart "You're so beautiful" I say before kissing her passionately.
Today's really been more of a relaxed day for us we made love this morning and for the rest of the day I've been holding her in my arms. She lays with her back to my chest as we lay on the couch her flicking through the shows on Tv. "I was so scared when you left the Hotel" I whisper in her ear rubbing her stomach "I was so scared that I wasn't going to see you again" She turns off the Tv looking up at me "I know I walked out but I always come back because I love you and can't live without you" I smile bringing her into a position where she is now comfortably straddling me "I can't live without you either your the one thing that I need"
Toby walks me to the door of my office smiling at me "I'll see you at home?" He asks I nod kissing him softly "I love you be safe today" I'm constantly no always scared that he'll get hurt at work "I'll be fine baby I love you" Those three words still leave me shaking "I love you more" He leaves also heading to work I unlock my door walking into the office shutting the door I walk around my desk dropping my bag. I scream when I see Brandon with a gun in his hand his other hand now over my mouth "Scream again and you die bitch" He whispers in my ear my heart thumps in my chest "Spencer!" Toby shouts as he rushes into the room instantly glaring when he see's Brandon "Or better yet why not kill someone else" Brandon chuckles "Why not someone you love?" Oh my god no- "Say goodbye Spencer his death is on you" Toby's eyes widen with fear "Spencer-" He's cut off when Brandon shoots him in the chest "Toby!" I shout crying as I watch him fall onto the ground "No! No!" I cry as Brandon yanks me out of the office leaving Toby's injured body there. He throws me into the elevator just in time as other work members rush into my office. They'll hopefully help Toby and call an ambulance "Why the hell are you doing this?" I hiss when he finally removes his hand "Because you little bitch not only did you reject me you also fired me and your dickhead of an boyfriend" The elevator doors open "What's your plan?" I ask him as we walk out him opening the door to his car "You're gonna wish you hadn't asked that" He says before slamming the car door into my head instantly sending me into a deep sleep.
<Doctor Hilary> (The Doctor that's taking care of Toby)

"Doctor Hilary were loosing him" Sweat pours down my skin as I continue to revive Toby the bullet's gone into far he's loosing too much blood "H-Hilary I'm calling it" The nurse tells me looking at me with a sad look "Hilary" The nurse gives me a frown "He's gone you can't bring him back" I shake my head I never will believe that I can still save this man, And thats when the heart monitor starts to speed up showing that he's once again alive and breathing.
God it's been so busy trying to update before I head off to the bus stop

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