"He always come's back to you"

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It's been 2 Months since I've last seen Toby two long hard months. I'm now 4 months pregnant with my two twins I couldn't be happier with my little twins. Toby checks in each day seeing how I am but I think it's just to hear my voice after we've been apart for so long. There's a part of me that's thinking he's not coming back, Why would he?

As I stand in the kitchen rubbing my stomach which Toby's shirt is covering I look over at a photo of Toby and I standing together as the photo was taken.

I hope he's able to come home soon I can't keep doing this without him it's been 2 months without him by my side.

They're still looking for more evidence that they are building a case on as some has gone missing. Toby's a good man and a good police officer but I'm continually worrying about him Anything or anyone could take him away from me. And I don't want to ever loose him I need him, My baby girls need him
"How's my girls been?" Toby asks over the phone as I lay outside on the lounge chair "We've been okay missing you though" I frown rubbing my stomach looking at it "I know I'm so sorry I'll be home soon" I shake my head not believing him he won't be home anytime I know that. "Spencer? You hearing me babe? I'll be home soon" I clear my throats speaking up "Okay" I don't want to fight I just want to hear his voice a bit longer "I had another appointment yesterday" I tell him playing with the hem of my shirt "How did that go? Our baby girls okay?" I smile as he refers them to our baby girls "Yes, We have two perfectly healthy little girls" He chuckles and it's like I can hear him smiling "That's great baby girl that's so fucking great" I look over at the time "Toby I've gotta get going cause I'm supposed to be catching up with my mum"

"Alright I'll talk to you tonight I love you baby I'll be home soon"

"Okay I love you too"
"He'll be home soon Spencer" Mum tells me with a frown "I don't know Mum this case could take even longer now than expected" She reaches out putting her hand gently on my stomach "He's not going to leave you and your little girl's here alone. He'll come back to you guys Spencer he always come's back to you" I bite my bottom lip doing the best to push back the tears "I miss him Mum my hormones are already crazy enough right now I miss him so much. He was supposed to be away for only a couple of weeks not 2 months!" I shriek angrily mum sighs running her hands down her face "I promise you he'll be back" I decide to change the subject not wanting to talk about this anymore "Have you guys thought about names?" She asks before I can say anything "Yes we agreed on Avery and Violet" Mum smiles cheerfully "That's beautiful Spencer you two are going to be great parents" I smile looking at my baby bump "I hope so"
<1 Week later>
I'm home, I'm finally home after 2 Months I'm finally home. It's great to be back in DC but now I have to try and forget everything that I went through back there. The men we we were filing the case on are now in Prison only thing is one of them wants blood, And it's either mine or someone I love.

All because his daughter died right in my arms

"Toby?" I hear Spencer whisper as I step into the house watching her run into my arms holding on for dear life "You're back" She whispers her voice cracking slightly "I told you I would be"
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