If I loose her I loose myself

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The gun shot goes off as I watch Brandon fall to the ground panting and breathing heavily. I look forward to see Spencer sitting in the chair her watery eyes locking with mine. "Spencer" I whisper rushing over ripping off the rope around her and bringing her into my arms. "I've missed you so much" She sobs my heart clenching "I've missed you too I've never stopped looking for you" I take her hand in mine "Come on we need to get you to a hospital" She nods looking away from Brandon's dead body I don't give a shit. He hurt my baby he deserves to rot in hell.
"Thank you" Spencer says as the nurses make Spencer perfectly comfortable as she lays on the bed. "If you need anything else don't be afraid to call out" They leave giving us privacy "Toby... Say something" She begs I lean forward holding her chin gently kissing her "I'm so so sorry baby I did everything I could to find you" She shakes her head tears falling down her cheeks "Don't apologise it's not your fault" I wrap my arms around her keeping her close "I love you I need you to know that" I say kissing her cheek "I know and I love you too"
Flicking through a magazine I feel Spencer's hand touch mine "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask throwing the magazine away instantly rushing to her "I-I want to go home" She whimpers "Please Toby take me home" I sigh running a hand through my hair "I'll see what I can do" I kiss her cheek hurrying out of the room. If she wants to go home I'll make sure that happens
As Spencer lays asleep in the seat as I drive home i can't explain just how scared I still am that something or someone is going to take her away again. I can't loose her she is my whole fucking world if I loose her I loose myself. Tears build up in my eyes as I continue to drive home

I park in the driveway unbuckling my seat belt looking at Spencer "Baby we're home" I say kissing her cheek she stirs slightly waking up a smile forming on her face

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I park in the driveway unbuckling my seat belt looking at Spencer "Baby we're home" I say kissing her cheek she stirs slightly waking up a smile forming on her face. "You go inside I'll get your bags" I say not looking at her I can't let her see that I've been crying I'm supposed to be the one that's comforting her. As I get her bags watching her go inside the house I take deep breaths wiping my tears away pulling myself together. I walk up the driveway and into the house closing the door behind me I drop her bags onto the ground. "Welcome home" I mumble starting to walk away when she reaches out gripping my hand hard our fingers twining together. "Don't hide from me" She says with a sad tone "I need you Toby don't hide yourself from me" I close my eyes "I-I don't want to loose you again" I say my voice breaking "You won't loose me" I turn around looking at Spencer "I love you" She wraps her arms around my neck resting her forehead against mine "I love you too" I kiss her cheek letting my lips linger against her skin.
<1 week later>
"Spencer please I don't think you should be going back to work this soon" Spencer sighs looking at me with a stern look

"I'm going Toby okay? For the last week I've been stuck in this house and I really need a distraction right now" I stand up slowly approaching her "I don't want you over doing it-" She cuts me off "I'm not a child I can take care of myself" I roll...

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"I'm going Toby okay? For the last week I've been stuck in this house and I really need a distraction right now" I stand up slowly approaching her "I don't want you over doing it-" She cuts me off "I'm not a child I can take care of myself" I roll my eyes looking at her "I never said you couldn't but last week was hard for you but also for me. I'm just worried about you that's all" She sighs kissing my cheek "I'm fine there's nothing for you to worry about" She says grabbing her bag and leaving the house.
She's wrong, She's not fine
She's far from fine
I know Toby's worried about me and that kills me he shouldn't need too I can take care of myself. What happened with Brandon will never ever leave my mind but I can't let it tear me down I won't. I can't let my walls fall because everyone crumbles around me and I won't let my family fall because of me. I close the door behind me as I stand in my office the memories flashing back to me. I shake my head pushing them away for now wanting to start the day. As I sit in my chair my phone starts ringing it's Toby. I ignore it wanting to get all my work done that I've missed out on.
Don't let you walls fall
Don't let your walls fall
As I park in the driveway getting out of my car and heading to the front door it opens with an angry Toby "Why the fuck haven't you been answering my calls?" He hisses angrily "Because I had work to do and you're only ringing to see if I'm okay which I am" He rolls his eyes moving to the side I walk into the house "Well next time please answer your phone" He grabs my hands turning me around "I mean it Spencer answer your phone" I nod reaching up wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him passionately. I moan as he slips his tongue into my mouth "Toby.." I moan as he grips my ass but much to my dislike he pulls away "What's wrong?" I ask him confused as to why he stopped his eyes look at my stomach where I see my shirt has raised upwards revealing my scars that Brandon left. "Babe I'm okay" He shakes his head letting go of me "I couldn't protect you this is all my fault" How can he think that "No Toby this isn't your fault at all!"I shout running outside where I see him walking to his truck "Where are you going?" I ask him as he gets into his truck "I-I need some time" His voice breaks as tears fall down his cheeks "I-I love you" I whisper he kisses me softly "I love you too" He says before backing out of the driveway and driving down our street.

He's gone
He's gone

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