"You're protecting you're family i'd do the same"

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I wake up with my arms still wrapped around Spencer as she rests her head on my chest sleeping soundly. I know she's been stressed lately and it makes me feel horrible because I can't really stop this. When I killed Brandon I thought that it was all over he was out of our lives forever. But killing Brandon was not a mistake I'll never regret it "Morning" Spencer whispers groggily "Morning baby" I say kissing her hair line "I'm scared" She admits whimpering "I-I'm so scared" She stutters and I hold her closer our arms wrapped around each other. "I'm not going to let Veronica hurt you. She's the mother of Brandon's child and I killed her ex but I won't let them hurt you" She looks up resting her hand over my heart "I don't care about what she does to me I just don't want her too hurt you" I shake my head leaning down softly kissing her "She's not going to touch me"
I know she's unconvinced and in all honesty so am I, Can I protect her?
Spencer walks out to the truck as I put my seat belt on "Be careful today" She says with a frown "Please Toby" I reach out gently rubbing her cheek bone "It's going to be okay I love you baby" she smiles "I love you too" She says wiping her eyes as tears fall down her cheeks. I start the truck reversing out of the driveway waving goodbye as I drive down the road. That's when the tears come, I can't protect her I can't even after everything I do i can't protect her. I'm not enough for her and I never will be after everything she's stayed with me? I wipe my tears away pulling myself together getting out of the truck and heading into the station.
As I walk in closing the door behind me I continue to walk towards my office when Constable Luke grabs my arm. "Toby we need to talk it's about Veronica Brandon's ex" I nod thoroughly following him into his office. I close the door behind me and sit down across from him "What's this about?" I ask him "We haven't been able to track her down yet and her son hasn't been at school for the past week. She's dangerous Toby she had a record she's been In prison for many things. Assault, Stealing, And more and more it amazes me that she has custody of her son" I nod moving forward "So what happens now?" I ask him curiously "This was left at your office this morning" He hands me a photo of Spencer in the doll house crying "Where the fuck did you get this from?" I ask clenching my fist "Like I said it was left on your desk there's a message on the back" I flip over the photo reading the message You took away the only man I ever loved, Now I'll take everyone you love away.

"What are we going to do about this?" I ask Luke rubbing my forehead "Toby I'm placing you and Spencer into witness protection this has gone too far" I nod taking out my phone "You and Spencer will be leaving tonight we can't risk anything happening. There won't be any saying goodbye to friends and family" I nod understanding why if Veronica were to see them she'd target them. "Go home and pack Toby and meet me at the airport at 7 o'clock" I nod shaking slightly I shake his hand firmly "Thank you for everything Luke" He chuckles "You're protecting your family I'd do the same"
Veronica is becoming more and more dangerous as the seconds go on. They're sending us to literally a small country town in the middle of nowhere. But right now we have to just go along with everything as they are doing everything possible to keep us safe. We've been flying for about 3 hours now "Spencer baby look at me" Toby pleads rubbing my knee as I look over at him my eyes watery "It won't be forever baby just until they find Veronica" I nod looking back out the window "I know" I reply leaning back into the chair twining my fingers with his as we both lean in our chairs. "There is something that I have to tell you.." I turn facing Toby "And that is?" He sighs running a hand through his hair "I-I'm p-pregnant" I say not bothering to whisper as we are the only one's on this plane besides the pilots. "What? Are you serious?" He asks tears sliding down his cheeks as he rests his hands on my stomach "I'm serious there's just one problem" His eyes lock with mine "What's that?" He asks Here it goes... "It's either your's our it's Brandon's" Toby gasps instantly moving his hands away "What? How could it possibly be Brandon's? Unless he-" Toby stops as he looks at me with a sad expression "Oh god no please don't tell me he.." Toby trails off shaking his head as more tears fall down his cheeks "Spencer tell me he didn't do that to you" He pleads holding my hand tightly in his "I can't it's true Toby it's true" My eyes lock with his "He raped me"
Who's baby is it?

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