"But you didnt loose me i'm still here"

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<1 Month later>
We've now been here for a month and they've had no luck with Veronica she hasn't made a move to take her son back. They are not too sure what they are going to do now but we are safe here. Walking into the lounge room I hear the front door close behind me and instantly think it's Toby "Hey..." I say turning around shocked to see Veronica standing there "Oh I'm sorry you we're expecting someone else?" She says with a dangerous smirk "They we're stupid to send you here of course I was going to find you" She scoffs looking at my hand as I hold my phone tightly "Give me your phone Spencer" She demands with a hard glare "I won't ask again give me your god damn phone!" She shouts pulling out her gun from behind her "Okay okay relax" I say giving her my phone holding my hands in the air in surrender "Get on your god damn knees" She hisses at me I oblige getting on my knee's "Toby will be back here anytime now you're not going to get away with this" I say looking at her sad expression "What like when Toby got away with killing Brandon? We we're separated but I never stopped loving him. I know he made moves on you but I still loved him" She says as tears roll down her cheeks "He's not the same man you fell in love with then" She scoffs slapping me hard across the face "You didn't even know him! I knew him better than anyone and yet here we are!" She falls onto her knee's dropping the gun beside her crying "I-I will never see him again and neither will my son do you understand me?" She asks looking at me "Do you understand me?" I nod "I understand Veronica" I say reaching out quickly grabbing the gun standing up pointing it at her "Spencer!" I hear Toby shout before more and more police offices including Luke fill the room. "Spencer put the gun down" Luke tells me taking it out of my hand "Well done" He says walking behind Veronica bringing her back onto her feet cuffing her "Let's get the hell out of here" He says Veronica closes her eyes as more tears fall down her cheeks. "Spencer..." Toby coo's I turn facing him bringing him into a tight hug "It's okay Toby I'm okay it's all over" He sighs with relief hugging me tightly kissing my hairline "You're so brave I'm so proud of you" I smile closing my eyes placing my hand over his beating heart. "Guess what baby?" I look up at him "What?" I reply smiling slightly "We get to go home"
<3 Days later>
"Honey I'm so happy for you" Mum says over the phone on the verge of tears as I have now told her I'm pregnant. My friends know and my sister but I knew telling me would be the best after all she's always wanted a grandchild. "Thanks Mum" I say smiling as Toby walks into the room "Mum I've gotta get going but I'll talk to you later on okay?" Toby sits down beside me smiling "Okay wish Toby my love" I nod "Okay love you bye" I end the call and look at Toby who is grinning widely "What?" I giggle at his handsome face he pulls out a pair of black glasses. "When did you get glasses?" I ask surprised laughing when he puts them on "Oh my god you look adorable" He chuckles before taking them off "I only need them for reading other than that I won't be wearing them" I smile  as he grabs my hand and pulls me over into his lap "How are you feeling?" He asks kissing my cheek "Not too bad" I say looking at him running my fingers through his hair "Mum's really happy for us" I say he chuckles nodding "I knew she would be" I take a deep breath "Have you wanted to talk to your dad about it? He'll be a grandfather" Toby shakes his head resting it on my shoulder "No the further he is from us the better" It hurt's to see him this way "Okay we don't have to talk about it" He smiles leaning my down on the lounge hovering over me "Good because I've come up with something much more fun" He winks pulling down my skirt.
"I'll see you later tonight baby" Toby kisses my forehead as I walk him to the front door "Okay" I whisper not looking at him "Hey what's the matter?" He asks lifting my chin so that I look at him "When our child is born they are going to need their father and I'm going need you as well" He nods clearing his throat "I know that and I will be there for the both of you a hundred percent" I smile "But I'm worried about you when your working I mean what if something happens? I've almost lost you so many times" He grips my hips pulling me impossibly close kissing me passionately "But you didn't lose me I'm still here Spencer and I won't ever be leaving not now not ever" I smile resting my hand over his heart "I love you" He kisses my forehead "I love you too"

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