Father of my child

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I cannot believe what I'm hearing, He raped her?! I lean forward in my seat resting my head in my hands "Baby please I'm so sorry I didn't know how to tell you. I mean you felt so guilty about not being able to protect me I knew telling you would make it worse" I raise my head looking at her "H-How could you not tell me that he raped you?" I ask my voice cracking as I speak "I-I didn't want you to blame yourself" I clench my fists looking directly to the front "Babe i'm so sorry" She cries resting her hand on my shoulder "Don't" I hiss pushing her hand away "Don't touch me I don't want to hurt you right now" more tears fall down my cheeks as I can't get those words out of my head he raped me, He raped me, he raped me "You wouldn't ever hurt me physically" I nod agreeing with that statement "I won't but you really shouldn't touch me right now" She nods clearly upset with my reaction but what does she honestly expect? We stay in silence while the plan lands us both coming to terms with everything. "Come on let's go" I say walking to the door where they help us out "Toby..." she whispers as we walk to the car that will be taking us to the safe house. I turn around opening the door looking at her "I'm sorry" She says before getting into the car. Me too Spencer me too
We've arrived at the safe house and have been here for about 5 Hours it's just passed 7 o'clock. Spencer and I haven't spoken since we got into the car that drove us here. "We need to talk about this" Spencer says sitting across from me "Please I can't keep waiting" I scoff growing irritated "Oh really? Well you know what maybe I don't want to talk. I just found out that you we're raped and now you may or may not be pregnant with his baby!" I shout at her not really caring right now if she's upset I'm upset too. "I knew how bad you felt and if I had of told you what good would that have done? Huh? I was trying to save you from this heartbreak. But once I found out I was pregnant I knew I had to tell you" I shake my head trying to process everything "And what if this baby is his?" She wipes the tears off her cheeks "I don't know I'm still trying to process this all" I walk toward's her leaning down on both knee's I take her hands into mine rubbing her knuckles. "This is a massive change for us although I'll still love the child if it was Brandon's. I'm hoping it's mine Spencer all I've ever wanted was too have a baby with you" She smiles at me "Thank you for supporting me" I kiss her softly "I love you" She smiles "I love you too"
<2 weeks later>
Today we went and got a test to see who the father of my child is and it was reviled it's Toby's baby which is what we always wanted. Although he's still mad about not knowing that I was raped he can see where I was coming from. One of the biggest parts about this that kills is that I can't call my friends and family to tell them that I'm having a baby. "You found her?" I hear Toby ask standing out on the back patio talking on his phone "What does that mean?" He asks I walk out to him wrapping my arms around his waist leaning my head on his back. "Let me know what happens after that I need to be kept up to date with this investigation Luke" I can hear the frustration in Toby's voice "Thanks I'll talk to you later Luke" He says ending the call putting his phone in his pocket he turns around wrapping his arms around my waist. "What did he say?" I ask resting my hands on his shoulders "They've found Veronica's son Timmy and they think that hopefully that will draw Veronica to them. Of course she wouldn't do something as stupid as that so they are hoping that when the time comes..." he trails off sighing heavily "They'll negotiate with her" I nod closing my eyes resting my forehead against his "You feeling okay?" He asks rubbing my waist "Not really I mean I've got a widow wanting to kill me and i'm pregnant" He smirks at me kissing my cheek "You're pregnant with my baby you have no idea how happy that makes me" I laugh kissing him passionately "I love you so much" He smiles looking like he's the happiest man on earth "I love you more baby"
Okay so this chapter is shorter than the other's but the next chapter is going to be a big one

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