Chapter Fourteen

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"April." Jason breathed when he saw me standing behind Justin. "Your alive? Where's Justin?" Justin growled at Jason, and I shrugged.

"He ran off." I lied.

Jason looked down at Justin's wolf figure, and he held up his hands. "Woah there, big boy." he said. "I'm just here to get-" Justin cut him off with a growl. Jason's eyes grew wide.

"Just get out of here." I told Jason. Jason shook his head, and moved his hand behind his back. I heard a click from behind him, and he pulled out a gun, pointing it in the center of Justin's eyes. "Jason no!" I yelled. Just as Jason was about to pull the trigger, another growl erupted, and a ball of black fur jumped onto Jason. A shot rang out, and I yelped, falling to the side.

He shot me in the leg.

Justin whimpered, and turned his head to look at me as I gripped my leg. Blood oozed imbetween my fingers, and the pain was so intense I thought I was going to bawl. Justin worried expression turned into pure rage as he snapped his head to see Jason and Justin's Dad wrestling. Justin walked over to his pile of clothes, and tossed me his shirt. I looked at him, and he ran off to where Jason and his dad were.

I took the shirt, and tied it tightly around my wounded leg. The pain seemed to die down, but I could see the blood bleeding through the shirt. I didn't look up until I heard a loud snap over in the distance. Thinking someone just broke a bone, I tried to stand to my feet. Justin ran over, and pressed his side to my good leg, trying to help me balance enough to stand.

"What was that snap.." I asked, looking down at him. He was looking at where he was fighting with Jason, and I did too. Justin's dad shook dust and dirt off his black fur, and walked away from a figure that laied on the ground, twisted and broken.

It was Jason.

His arms were curled around his abdomen, his head was turned all the was around, like an owl. I realized that the snapping noise I heard a few moments ago was Jason's neck, snapping in half. I felt my stomach give a huge lurch, and I could feel myself growing light headed. I started to fall to the side, but Justin caught me by gripping the tip of my shirt with his teeth.

"I think I'm going to be sick.." I whispered as I slowly lowered myself to the ground laying on my side. Justin whimperd, and pressed his wet nose to my cheek. I looked at him, and gave him a nice scratch between the ears. He gave me a wolf-ish smile, and walked away from me. Justin's Dad walked over to where I was laying, and layed on his belly, resting his head next to mine.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked him. "We've got a dead body now." I heard rustling behind me, and felt a body press against my backside.

"We'll have to move." Justin said. "Hide his body, and find a new place to live.." I turned to look at him, and he gave me a crooked smile. "I'm sorry you had to see that..."

I shrugged. "It was either kill or be killed."

Justin shook his head. "I should have just let him take you." he muttered.

"I wouldn't have gone."

Justin looked at me, his eyes wide, as if he was shocked I said that. "Why not?"

"Because." I said. "I couldn't leave you all alone here." I moved my hand towards Justin's, and intertwined our fingers. Justin smiled, and pressed his lips to my cheek, slowly leading a trail of kisses up down down my jaw line, until they carefully pressed against mine. He turned me around, so I was now laying on my back as he climbed ontop me, not breaking the kiss.

I pressed my hands against his bare chest, running my fingers along his abs. He moaned in pleasure. His hands slowly ran down my sides, to my waist. I felt his fingers duck under my tank top, and I turned my head sideways. Justin moved down to my neck.

"Justin.." I said. "Stop." He continued to kiss up and down my neck, his hands running up and down my arms now. A sharp pain ran through my leg, and I yelped cauing Justin to jump back.

"What?" he asked, worried clear on his face. "Did I hurt you?" I shook my head, and looked down at the blood stained T-shirt that was wrapped around my thy. Justin cursed under his breath, and he ran into the cave.

"Justin!" I yelled. "Guaze and medical tape are not going to help! I need to go to a doctor." There was silence inside the cave, and I sighed. Justin's Dad, who had turned his head away when Justin and I were kissing, looked at me.

Justin walked out of the cave, and sighed. "Your right.." I sat up into a sitting positon, and Justin's Dad raised his head. Justin walked over to me, and wrapped an arm around my waist, and another arm under my knees, lifting me into his arms.

I flintched as I felt my thy press against Justin's upper arm, and he gave me an apologetic smiled. "I'm sorry."

"Your fine." I said, smiling. I looked down at where I was laying, and saw a huge spot of blood from where my leg was laying. Justin's Dad stood from his spot on the ground, and dragged Jason's dead, crimpled body over the blood stain. With his arms wrapped around his abdomen, it looked as if he was shot in his stomach. Justin kicked the gun next to his hand, and Justin's Dad fixed his head to it didn't looked like it was broken.

"You do know they'll figure out his neck is broken, and there's not a bullet in his stomach, right?" I asked as Justin pulled the backpack strap over his shoulder, and started walking away from Jason's body.

"Yea." he said. "But we'll be long gone before they do."

Srry it's short. I've gotta go clean with my dad (make me some money) so I got to go so I hope u enjoy it! :D

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