Chapter Tweleve

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First she pisses me off by making fun of me. I mean, I trusted her with probably the most important thing in my life, and what does she do? Treat it like its a joke, and I'm just an high, jealous idiot. Then, right when I think she's finally believes me, I start starring off into space, and she slaps me. Then blames my face for breaking her hand.

I was so angry, I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. I heard my dad's paws hitting the puddles as he ran to keep up with me. Once I was in the center of tree's, alone, I fell down to my knees. There was a burning inside of me, and I thought I was going to burst into flames at any moment. I heard a rip, that sounded like fabric being torn in half, and a second afterwards, I could hear my dad's voice clearly say:

Thats how.

The only creepy part? It was inside my head. Not out loud, and I looked over to see Dad walking over to me, circling around me.

How you transform into a wolf, son.

There's his voice again. Wait, did he just say I'm a wolf?

Yes. Justin, your a wolf. I can hear your thoughts, and you can hear mine. It's how we communicate.

So this is like a twilight moment...guess April new what she was talking about. My heart dropped at the fact of being rejected, and I whinned.

She just needs some time to sink in all the information, Justin. She'll come around. I nodded, and started walking back to the cave. I looked down at myself, and realized I was walking on all fours, and I could feel something weighing down on my back, making it alittle hard to walk.

It's your fur, Justin. Dad's voice spoke. you've got too much. You need a hair cut anyways. That hair flip makes you look like a five year old girl.

'Thanks Dad.' I thought, and looked over at him as he gave me a wolft grin. I heard a twig snap infront of me, and I looked over to see a soaked April standing infront of me.

"Justin?" she whispered. I nodded my head up and down, and walked towards her. She had a look of fear clear on her face, but she ran a hand through the fur on my head. I felt my heart race at the feel of her hand touching my head, her soft fingers running through my damp fur.

"It really is you.." she whispered, bending down so we were eye level. Her knee's sunk into the mud, and she wrinkled her nose in discust, but looked back up to give me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry..." she said. "I was being an ass hole to you," I took a step towards her, and layed my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my neck, giving it a small sqeeze. My heart began to flutter again, and I could hear my dad mumble something inside his head about 'hormones' and 'teenagers'.

Lightning flashed overhead, and April jumped away from me. I could hear her heart flutter like a butterfly, and could see her eyes widened. I chuckled, and she stood up, wipping the mud off her pants.

"Come on." she said. "Lets get back to the cave." I nodded, and walked along beside her. I could see her broken hand still pressed to her stomach, and a wave of guilt overflowed me.

Don't feel guilty, Justin. Dad's voice said. You didn't do anything. We can fix it later. I nodded my head, and we continued our walk in silence, both April, and my dad.

Once back, April yawned. I lead her towards the back of the cave, and curled into a tiny ball. April sat down next to me, and leaned against the wall. I looked up at her, and curved my body so it resembled almost a crecent shape. April gave me an odd look, and I tried to think of a way to tell her 'lay on me for a pillow' but came up with nothing.

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