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Swara did not have to wait too long to know Sanskar's high and mighty opinion. It was during the wedding that he threatened her with dire consequences if she went anywhere near Laksh.

Ragini was already in the mandap and the priest was doing his pre-wedding rituals with the groom and bride. Swara had come to her room to take a breather. She had been running around nonstop since afternoon and her body was pleading her to take it easy. Still an hour left for the actual wedding to take place. She informed her mother and escaped to the room to take some rest and swallow a pill for her throbbing headache. The attire,she was supposed to wear for the wedding was spread out on the bed. It sparkled with gems and pearls. The pink outfit was little too bright for Swara's liking but Dadi and Ragini insisted on her to wear it so she complied.She took out her purse and searched for the tablet.She found it and was about to throw it into her mouth when the door was burst open.Startled and surprised,she turned around to see the handsome Sanskar Maheshwari breathing fire and ice. He came in and closed the door.His stance spoke of fury and hostility.

Sanskar had been waiting for the right chance to confront Swara Bose.He had been searching for some opportunity for the last two days. He finally found this instance to follow her.He was not sure whether Swara knew that he was watching every move of hers since that unfortunate scene when he came up on them.He waited patiently and grabbed this chance.He stealthily walked in and paused in front of her.

'So Swara Bose, are you finally ready to let go off my brother Laksh? I hope, you will now leave him alone and move on in life?'

Sanskar put the question coldly to Swara. Standing so near, he could smell the earthy perfume that surrounded her and noticed her slightly smudged eye makeup.Some deep instinct urged him to move the strand of hair that had fallen across her forehead.

Swara was embarrassed about the scene that he witnessed a couple of days ago in the guest room but she was not at fault. Laksh created all that trouble but she knew Sanskar would never believe it. She wanted to clear the air of misunderstanding but his arrogance got on her nerves. He had no right to accuse her or judge her. Who the hell did he think he was? She could feel her fury mounting up.His nearness was affecting her but she did not want to show it.So she adopted her familiar attitude of brazenness and confronted him

'What I do with my life is none of your business.Whether I move on in life or not,is between Laksh and me. So you back off.' She provoked him furiously.

No one had ever talked to him like this wild cat of a girl. Who the hell did she think she was?
Swara gave him a dismissive look and tried to step out of his way but that dismissive look was his undoing.He caught her shoulder and pulled her towards him, their bodies almost touching.
'One step towards my brother and you will face my wrath.' He spoke out each word through his clenched lips, all the time aware of her smell and feel in his arms.

Swara felt the glint of fear for the first time but drew herself up and challenged him
'What will you do?' She asked shaken to the core with his nearness, aura and his unjustified fury.
Sanskar's eyes moved coldly from her eyes to her lips.A shiver went through her and she stiffened. She tried to break free from his arms but his one arm moved from her shoulder to her waist, bringing her further close.She struggled to get out but his arm was like an iron band.A real feeling of panic crept on her.She closed her eyes tightly and waited..............But all of a sudden, she was set free.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Sanskar near the door.He turned around and said 'This is not over. Remember what I said.' With that parting shot,he walked out.

Swara stumbled towards the bed and collapsed on it.She had never felt this contradiction of feelings before in her life.She was scared when he held her like that but somewhere,deep down she also felt little disappointed that he let her go.Did her disappointment show on her face? How could she be such a fool? What kind of a girl was she? No wonder he bolted out like that.Right then,she hated herself for her weakness. She swallowed the medicine and collected the gifts mechanically. She felt numb. The only thing penetrating her senses was the trace of lemony Eau de Cologne that Sanskar left behind.

When Sanskar hurried out of the room, he collided head on with Laksh near the corridor. Laksh steadied him and stepped back. Then he noticed that Sanskar came out of the room, Swara was allotted.

'What were you doing there?' He pointed out at the room and demanded angrily

'What are you doing here, my brother?' Sanskar asked in turn. 'Don't make mistakes again. You will repent.'He warned him seriously.

Laksh was about to take hold of his collar when they saw Ragini's dadi coming up. Laksh moved back and turned towards his room. Sanskar strode furiously to his room and threw the mobile on the bed.

He paced like a caged tiger in the room. He was frustrated and annoyed at himself.For a second,there,he wanted to kiss her. She looked so innocent with her eyes closed tightly that he forgot his hatred, her deception and wanted to seal his lips on hers. What kind of madness was it? If it was not for her squirming and writhing in his arms, he would have given into his madness.Thank god, he came to his senses and bolted from there but not before threatening her.
He still remembered the moment when he saw her in the huge hall on the Sangeet day.She was stunning and he could hardly take his eyes away. He could not deny that she left a deep impression on him.Never before had he felt this magnetic pull when his eyes fell on her. While Mohit Chauhan crooned in the background, her attraction enticed him. When she danced with her friends, his attention was held only by her. She danced with a fluidity that was sensuous and sexy. He broke himself away from the trance and left the function that day.
But for the first time in his life, he felt like murdering someone when he found her with Laksh.

The scene was imprinted in his mind.He had never hated anyone as he hated her. Actually,he did not care much if Laksh cheated on his wife.It was between him and his wife but he would strangle Swara Bose if she had a scene with his brother.

From then on, he watched every move of hers carefully during the wedding. He kept telling himself that it was for the benefit of his brother's marriage. But was it true? One does not observe colour of every dress that she wore or every hairstyle that she did with her outfit for someone else welfare.Of course,he wanted to be sure that she kept out of his brother's way.Or like he told her,she would have to face his wrath.The vengeful thoughts broke his reverie and let him go down and have some food.

Since that day, he and his brother Laksh took every opportunity to taunt each other. Somehow Laksh could sense that Sanskar was attracted to Swara. It was probably a brother's gut reaction.But Laksh promised himself that he would never allow Sanskar to go near Swara. Laksh was not mature enough to fathom that there was something beyond his control called DESTINY.

Sanskar has never been close to anyone in his life. His nature was not a warm or welcoming one.He bottled things up and brooded over it without sharing with anyone. Sometimes he was surprised at himself over his lack of feelings. Though he cared about his family,the way they went behind his back to pay off his ex girlfriend enraged him even now. When Kavita left him,he thought he was bitter because she dumped him. But the truth was he was upset about his family paying her off than she accepting it and betraying him.

He and Kavita dated for quite some time but Sanskar knew that he was not serious about the relationship. But Kavita took their relationship seriously. So it seemed then. Kavita along with her mother approached his family when he was not in town. She told them that they were planning to get married soon. This disclosure shook the family up and instead of discussing with him, they offered her an enormous amount of money. She took it and went out of his life forever. When Sanskar came to know of the incident, it left such a bitter taste in his mouth that he stopped interacting with his family for years. Though Kavita tried to contact him after this incident, he broke all communication with her.

He moved bag and baggage out of the house and went abroad.After two years, he came back and built a business empire all alone. He never contacted his family for almost five years. It was only recently,few days back when he came to know that his mother was suffering from a heart ailment that he decided to come back.

Swara enters SM24 News Corporation as a trainee and begins a new journey of her life........

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