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Sanskar was surprised to see Swara in casual jeans and top. But she looked attractive in anything. Compared to her, he was over dressed. Her thick and long hair was open and he liked it that way.She looked so cheerful that he doubted her intentions of going with him on a date.

'Hi' she greeted him and got into the car. Immediately he was assailed with the scent of her shampoo and an earthy,unique fragrance that belonged only to her.


Swara was stunned to see him so suave and sophisticated that she felt little ashamed of her plan.He would give any male model a run for money.

'So where do we go? You said you will decide the place?' he asked her.

She nodded her head 'Keep going.I will tell you.' She sounded mysterious

He drove as per her directions and his frown kept deepening till she asked him to stop.He looked around the shabby suburb

'What is this Swara? Why have we come here?' he asked

Swara stepped out of the car cheerfully and opened his door too.
'Come on Sanskar, we are going to have lunch... See there...'She pointed out to a building 'It is one of the most famous outlets in Kolkata for chicken Kabiraji and Sondesh. You will love it.' She said

The whole area reeked of unpleasant smell. Sanskar was sure that his polished shoes were going to be spoiled.
'So this was your plan...'he realized her tricky plan 'Take me to some cheap place so that I will feel embarrassed.'

'Haaaaw........ I am not so mean.' She replied with a mischievous grin

'No, you are the kindest soul on earth.' he scoffed at her

'No, seriously. You will love the food. It is one of my favorite eatery.' She said with a gleam

'Oh please...You have more class than this.' he contradicted her, refusing to budge from the car

'Eating habits do not show a person's class Sanskar.'

'Whatever..... let us go somewhere else. You have had your fun. Now let me decide the place.' He said firmly

'Sanskar, don't be a snob. Be a sport. You will surely enjoy the food.' Swara caught his arms and pulled him out from the car.

'Swara, I enjoy food every day. We have not come to just eat food.' He told her with exasperation...

'No?I thought you wanted to relish the best dishes of the city....'She exclaimed and watched his handsome face with a glee. He glared at her and looked up at the sky. Did he need this?

'Are we going back or not?' he asked her

'I don't understand. Why can't you be little adventurous? Why not listen to me and try it?' She was adamant. He sighed and gave up on her tenacity He got out of the car, shut the door with force and locked it. He followed her. She made him walk till the end of the street and took him up the dark stairs of a dilapidated building. She pushed the door of the restaurant and entered it. He was in for a surprise. It was an oriental restaurant with soft Thai music playing in the background. The set up was quite decent to what he expected. It was mildly dark and the low tables were set in Chinese style. Swara noted his surprise and smirked. The head waiter took them to a nicely set table and seated them with flourish.

As soon as they sat down, Swara asked him 'You really thought that I was going to take you to a cheap joint?'

'With you, I don't know. You might just do it to annoy me.' he thanked god that she didn't make him stand in the corner of the street and eat Puchkas from the vendor. He never understood how people gobbled the whole thing in one go. When he ate it during his younger days,he always managed to mess up the place.Their menus were served. At least,Thai food of was one his favorite cuisine. Sanskar observed the way she narrowed her eyes to read the menu and how she kept flicking her hair back.They placed their order and as soon as the waiter left, Swara came straight to the point

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