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Swara felt bad for Durga Prasad. He looked as if life had vanquished him. There was no remorse on Annapurna's face. She was more concerned about her dear son Adarsh. And Adarsh was perturbed about Nivedita's disappearance rather than his father's sorrow. It was Sanskar who comforted Durga Prasad for losing his one son to death and the other one to life's treachery. Sanskar touched his shoulder and asked
'Bade Papa are you alright?' Durga Prasad nodded but he was too choked for words. Sanskar gestured Swara to bring some water. When she went into the kitchen, Ragini followed her and told her harshly
'I will give him water. You stay out of it...'

Swara raised her eyebrows but she kept quiet. Ragini often got these mood swings. She would be friendly sometimes and at other times, she would be cutting and cold. Swara watched her take water to her father in law. But Ragini's attention was on Sanskar all the way. Though she gave the water to her father in law, her eyes were glued to Sanskar. He was not even aware of her. Swara inspected Laksh's face for reaction but he was scarcely aware of anyone in the room. His attention was focused on his mobile. In between he would look at Swara with ardent eyes. Nobody here cared about what happened to Suraj years ago. Both the sons were as unfeeling as their mother.They were concerned only about their own feelings and equations.

Durga Prasad finally shook himself out of his gloom and took Annapurna and Adarsh to tasks for hiding the truth from him for so many years.
'Why Annapurna? Why did you do it?' he asked
'How could I tell you when you never had the time for me? Did you even care what Adarsh was going through during those days? Once Suraj was here, you had no time for anyone but him. He occupied all your thoughts. And you forgot that you had another family right in this house.' Annapurna's pent up frustration erupted out.
'But don't you see you took the wrong path by hiding the fact and supporting Adarsh. For heaven's sake Annapurna, Suraj died because of Adarsh's temper and stupidity. He deserved to be punished.' Durga Prasad stated with bitterness.
'You would have sent your own son to jail? How could you be so cruel?' She cried out distressingly and then as if a thought struck her she asked 'Forget what Adarsh said today...What proof do you have that he did it?'

'I have proof Badi ma.I have a letter written by Suraj to Nivedita which says that he was happy about her going abroad.' Sanskar replied. He was seeing a new personality of his aunt underneath that virtuous image that she portrayed to the outside world.
'Sanskar, didn't the police get a suicide note then?' Durga Prasad asked him
'Yes they did but it was not written by Suraj. We reopened the old file and found the letter. It was sent to handwriting expert and they confirmed that it was not written by him.'

Adarsh paled hearing this development and Durga Prasad studied his wife and son's faces.
'Who wrote it Annapurna?' he asked
'I don't know.' She said
'It must have been written by Adarsh...' Sanskar said
'No. I did not write it. I swear I didn't. When the police fished out Suraj's body, I thought everything was over for me.My life was finished but then they got the note and I kept quiet.' Adarsh stressed and continued 'But where is Nivedita, Sanskar? Who has taken her?' he repeated the same question many times that evening.
'Who could have taken her Adarsh? Except you...' Sanskar asked
'How many times do I have to tell you that I did not do it?' Adarsh cried out frustratingly
'Other than you, I can't think of anyone. Can you? And you must have been the one who fitted cameras in my room and sent someone to attack me...' Sanskar goaded Adarsh further,
'What? Are you crazy? Why would I fit cameras in a moron's room? And if I needed to attack somebody, it would be someone with a standing, not a loser like you...' Adarsh's feelings for Sanskar poured out with venom.
'Adarsh, Mind your tongue.' Durga Prasad rebuked his son. Laksh smirked at Adarsh's words.
Sanskar gave a dry laugh 'Look who is talking Adarsh? Check the meaning of loser in dictionary; it would have defined you perfectly.' Sanskar was the kind of person who gave back as good as he got. It was one of the reasons for his success in business.

Annapurna took a stand for her son 'Sanskar, why would Adarsh fit cameras in your room? And why would he attack you? There has to be a reason for every action.What reason does he have to attack you? Your enemies in your business circle might have done it. After all, you are well known so someone might be jealous of your success...'
Adarsh looked at his mother wondering whether she was supporting him or praising Sanskar. He gave her a glare but continued with his rant 'Enough of this. Let us find out about Nivedita. Who the hell has taken her?' he cried

'I am here Adarsh...'Nivedita entered with Ishan. Except for Sanskar, everyone was surprised. Seeing Nivedita, Swara rushed to her, 'Di, are you alright?' and hugged her. Swara understood that it was their plan to get the truth out from Adarsh.
'Who kidnapped you Nivedita?' Adarsh asked, looking at Ishan contemptuously
'No one kidnapped me Adarsh. I was in the hospital with Sujata aunty. But we wanted to know the truth about Suraj's death and only you could tell that.' She explained.
'How could you push your own brother into river Adarsh?' She asked achingly
'Stop it girl. It was an accident. He did not push him. And who are you to accuse him?' Annapurna asked with fury

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