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Sujata fell down unconscious and Annapurna screamed. Sanskar who was on the same floor heard her scream and rushed out. Adarsh was shocked on seeing Sujata and could not get over her accusations. She accused him of killing his own brother. What did she mean by that? He stood frozen inside the room. Sanskar and Annapurna knelt down beside Sujata, trying to wake her up. 

'Adarsh,bring water.' Sanskar directed

Adarsh brought the jug of water and Sanskar sprinkled it on her face but she was not opening her eyes. By this time, Ram Prasad, Durga Prasad and Uttara had joined them. Sanskar picked up his mother and carried her down. He rushed with her to his car. His father and uncle went along with him. Swara saw Sanskar rushing out with Sujata and asked Uttara who was trailing behind them. She was in tears when she narrated the incident. Swara hugged her and advised her to keep calm. Ishan told them that he was following Sanskar and asked Uttara if she wanted to go along. So Uttara and Shekhar accompanied Ishan to the hospital. Annapurna announced to the remaining people at the party about Sujata falling sick. So all of them wished for a speedy recovery of Sujata and vacated the house.

Swara stayed back to help Ragini and Parineeta in winding up. Sharmishta and Nivedita left for Baadi after assuring themselves that their presence was not needed. Swara wanted to remain there because she wanted to learn something more about the family. She was sure that there was an unsolved puzzle in the family. If Suraj had not committed suicide then who killed him? What made Sujata faint all of a sudden? She hoped that Sujata would recover quickly because she knew Sanskar was very attached to his mother.

Though Ragini and Parineeta accepted her help, they were generally cold to her. Swara was hurt with Ragini's behavior but she hoped that she would get over her anger soon. She knew Laksh too went out because Ragini informed her. Swara wondered why Annapurna or Adarsh did not accompany Sujata to hospital. She finished clearing up the main rooms along with others.
'I think everything is back to normal. Let us have a cup of tea.' Parineeta said and asked Swara
'How will you go home? It is getting late.'
'It is no problem. I will take a cab.' Swara replied
'No no, driver is here. He will drop you. Have some tea before you go.....'

Swara decided to go home and then find out about Sujata's health.There was an eerie silence in this house that she was uncomfortable with. She went up to the guest room to freshen up. She walked along the corridor of the first floor when she saw a room with slightly ajar door. She figured that it was Suraj's room. She strode into the room and peered at the framed picture of Sanskar's cousin. Suraj had an innocence in his eyes that was endearing. No wonder her sister fell for him. She absorbed everything about the room and she was leaving when her eyes fell on it. She gasped at the small cable that ran towards the frame. Above the picture, was a micro camera fitted. Nobody would have noticed it. Why would anyone fit a camera in this room? She immediately left the room. So many thoughts whirled around in her head. As she neared the guest room, she heard voices from another room. She discerned that the voices belonged to Annapurna and Adarsh. Adarsh was shouting at his mother.

She tiptoed to the French window of the room which was adjacent to the main door and hid herself behind the curtain, listening to their conversation...Adarsh was asking,
'What did she mean by 'you killed your own brother'? Ma, explain what chaachi meant by it..?' he asked petulantly

Swara was shocked but she was smart enough to put two and two together. This meant that something they were talking about caused Sujata's collapse. She listened to them carefully,

'I don't know Adarsh. Why don't you let it go and concentrate on your own problems? If Sujata survives, she is going to tell everyone that you were the reason for Suraj's death. How are you going to deal with it?'Annapurna asked savagely

Swara was aghast but pressed her hand on her mouth to stop herself from making any kind of noise. Dear Lord, he was responsible for Adarsh's death? Did Sanskar know about it? And Annapurna knew about it? She was protecting her dear son? Oh god! How could they fool the world like this?

Adarsh was saying, 'I don't know but I want to know what she meant. If you are not going to say then I will ask Papa.' he threatened
'No...Adarsh.' she screamed mildly and then there was silence in the room.

Swara wondered what was happening.Then she heard Annapurna weeping...

'Suraj is your father's son. His and Mohini's son...' Annapurna said defeatedly

'Who is Mohini?' Adarsh asked in confusion

'Suraj's mother and Sujata's sister. Your father and Mohini used to love each other.They were going to get married but your grandfather expired and they had to post pone the wedding. In the meantime, I came across your father and fell in love with him. I wanted to marry him but he did not give a damn about me. So I told my father. He took the proposal to your father and your uncle threatened Mohini with dire consequences if she went ahead and married your father. She got scared.Your uncle arranged for her to marry another man and she did. Your father got angry and he married me on the rebound. Later on we came to know that Suraj was his son.' She said with emotions overwhelming her.

'He never loved you....I always wondered why Papa was uncaring about your feelings.' Adarsh muttered thoughtfully and then as if something struck him, he said 'But Suraj was younger than me...Was he not?' he asked

'No, he was not. He was one year older but he joined school very late. His grandparents were not willing to let him go to school...'Annapurna explained

Adarsh laughed 'God Mom, you are unbelievable.You managed to attain the person you wanted.'

'Don't you see Adarsh? You are making the same mistake. You have a beautiful wife but you are still stuck up on that bitch.' Annapurna reminded him

Swara was fuming at the way Annapurna addressed Nivedita. She was appalled and shell shocked with the revelations. How cruel these people were? There seemed to be some movement inside the room so she hurriedly left her hiding place and went to the guest room. There, she sat down on the bed. Her mind was whirling with questions and confusion. Sujata knew about all this and she still married Ram Prasad? Why? Was she also threatened? But she and Ram Prasad seem to share a loving relationship. So what was the mystery? What happened to Suraj's parents? How did they die? Did Sanskar know about Suraj's father? She did not think so because if Adarsh was ignorant then Sanskar too would be unaware. She wanted to see Sanskar and talk to him. This would be a shock to him because she knew how much he loved Suraj. She made a decision and left Maheshwari House. She asked the driver to take her to the hospital. She found out from Parineeta that they had gone to City Asian Hospital.

In the hospital, the receptionist gave her the directions and Swara rushed to the intensive care unit. Ram Prasad was the only one present there.
'Uncle, how is aunty?'
'She is better...Thank god. The chest pain was caused due to angina. The acute pain made her unconscious.' He said
'Oh?? Is she conscious now?' Swara asked
'Right now, she is under sedation. But she was awake some time back and talked to Sanskar. She will be in the hospital under observation for two days. 'Ram Prasad told her

Swara's mind was working at breakneck speed. If she talked to Sanskar, then he knew about what happened before she fell down or was Swara assuming too much?
'Uncle where is Sanskar?' she asked
'I don't know. He left immediately after speaking to his mother. His number is unreachable now.' He said
'Ishan has taken Durga Prasad and Uttara home.' he further informed Swara

Swara waited for sometime but there was no sign of Sanskar. She called up Ishan who had just dropped Durga Prasad and Uttara home. He too had no idea about Sanskar's where about. Swara was worried now. Where was Sanskar? She did not trust Adarsh or Annapurna. She was not wrong when she found Annapurna ruthless. She and her son were heartless. How she went after Durga Prasad and married him in spite of knowing that he was in love with someone else. They would go to any length to protect themselves. She tried calling Sanskar once more but his phone was switched off. It was almost 10.40pm. Where the hell was he? She was sure that Sanskar knew about Suraj's death otherwise he would never leave his father in hospital alone. She called up Ragini to casually inquire if Sanskar reached home. But he had not.

She left the hospital when Shekhar joined Ram Prasad after his coffee break. He brought coffee for Ram Prasad. Her father had decided to give company to Ram Prasad and spend the night at the hospital. Swara left after assuring her father that she would reach home carefully. The long night stretched on and Swara was restless. Where are you Sanskar? She looked at the clock. It was 1am. She tried his number but it was still switched off. She was looking out of her window at the cloudy and starless sky when it struck her. Yes she knew where he would be... She got up and dressed. She woke Nivedita and explained that she was going to see Sanskar.

She took her Scooty and headed towards the Howrah Bridge. If it had been any other city, she would have got scared. But she knew Kolkata inside out so she was unafraid. She crossed the bridge and made her way towards his apartment. Her memory of the other day guided her towards the apartment. The security asked for details and let her in. She took the elevator to the pent house apartment. She was about to ring the doorbell but she stopped herself at the nick of the moment. Some instinct told her that he would not be inside the apartment. She took two steps at a time and reached the terrace. With pounding heart and racing pulse, she entered the terrace and looked around.The crescent moon was in the same spot but it was hazy due to the hovering clouds.The river flowed ahead with the same force and vigor.The memory of the other magical night prevailed over her thoughts. She probed around the terrace for Sanskar. She felt his presence but she could not see him. Her eyes searched desperately......

And then she spotted him. He was slumped on the corner stone seat on the other end of the terrace with his face buried in his hands. Swara was overcome with compassion and love. She could feel his hurt and ache but she was not aware of how much truth he knew. So she went quietly near him...

'Sanskar...'she called out and his head shot up at her voice. He looked at her as if he was seeing some vision in his dream.

'Swara...' he whispered questioningly, he could not believe that she was standing right in front of him...

He looked pale and agonized. His eyes spoke of an intense pain and torment. He combed his hair distractedly with his fingers. Swara remembered that whenever he was disturbed, he combed his hair with fingers. Swara watched his face and said

'Sanskar, uncle told me that you left after talking to aunty.....Did she tell you that Adarsh was responsible for Suraj's death?' she asked and went closer to him. She stretched her hand to touch his drooping shoulder but Sanskar straightened and looked up at her face. Her understanding and sympathy unlocked his sorrow and trauma. His arms went around her and pulled her close to him. He buried his face into her middle. Swara looked down at his silky head and hidden face. She bent and wrapped her arms around him tightly, enveloping him in her warmth. She held him as if she would never let him go out of her sight and placed her head on his.

'It is OK Sanskar. You don't have to be strong all the time.Cry your pain out.' She told him, brushing his hair back from his forehead. He dug his face deeper into her softness and wept for the first time in his life. He cried for his brother, for his unfair death, for the love that his brother lost, for the loss of Suraj's parents........What a sad existence it was for his brother...Suraj died at the hands of his own brother....How cruel life had been to him? Did Suraj know that Adarsh was his own brother? There were so many questions going in his head...He could not believe that his one brother was responsible for the other's death.

Swara was quietly comforting him and sharing his pain,hurt and loss. Sometimes life was so meaningless.There was no justification to one's life and death. She stroked him softly and kissed his head. Her strong Sanskar looked so defeated and vulnerable. She wanted to take away his ache. She wanted to bring back Suraj. She looked up at the moon.Two people she loved the most felt the loss of the same person. How could she ease the pain of these two beautiful and loving people? She asked herself.

Sanskar became aware of the present and pulled back. He had exhausted all his tears and there was no more left to cry. He looked up at Swara and smiled painfully. He stood up and cupped her face. He brushed a kiss on her forehead and said

'Thank you'

Swara stepped back, having made sure that he was all right.

'How did you know I would be here..?' he asked

Swara shrugged her shoulders and said 'Instinct...I went to the hospital and they told me that you had a long talk with aunty. I guessed that she would have told you what I overheard in the house...'

She described in detail what she heard in the house. Sanskar heard her out and paced the terrace,

'You know Swara, though I started doubting Adarsh after your sister told us about him, I never believed for once, that he would be responsible for his death..'

'Sanskar, what did Sujata aunty tell you?'

'She told me about what she heard Adarsh telling his mother....She also explained Suraj's parentage.'

Swara remembered the camera above Suraj's photo and explained about it to Sanskar. He frowned. Was Adarsh really responsible for the camera in his room and the attempts on his life? Swara was thinking of the same thing and suddenly both of them looked at each other...Dear god, he pulled Swara's hand and they rushed to the hospital...


Truth spills out but the identity of Sanskar's enemy is still in the dark.......

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