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'You messaged ASAP. What is so urgent?' her voice came out in a whisper

'This....' he said and took her in his arms...He kissed her with all his pent up longing and desire...

Swara was shocked; she went still in his arms. His bone melting kiss was weakening her. She became aware of her surrounding and struggled to get out of his arms. His arms were like iron bands around her. She pulled herself back. He let her but he continued to hold her possessively. He was mesmerized by her eyes.

'Let me go Sanskar...' She said furiously

Swara stepped back fiercely and he reluctantly let his arms fall on his sides.

'I am not going to say sorry for that....' he said watching her brush her hair away from her face

'Did you call me here for this?' she asked, 'To grab me as soon as I enter....' her temper was rising

'No....' he said combing his fingers distractedly though his jet black thick hair....

'I am going to Hong Kong.' He said out of the blue

'So......?' she asked

His next words shocked her 'Come with me.'


'Come with me to Hong Kong. I will be there for two days. We can spend the time getting to know each other.' He explained

'What are you saying?' she asked stunned with his suggestion

'I have my favorite yacht anchored there. I will teach you sailing.' he suggested seductively

She did not know what to say.She was dumbfounded.Go with him abroad? God,was he even aware of what he was saying? She looked at him for a few minutes and then turned around to leave the room. She was almost at the door when he blocked her exit by planting his arms on the door on both sides of her

'Don't you ever walk out when I am talking......' he said furiously through clenched teeth

Swara slowly turned around and faced him. She folded her arms across her front

'Yes Sir.....' she snapped at him,her eyes condemning him. He watched her for some time, both their tempers highly provoked

'It is official. I want you to come with me. I need to make travel arrangements. We will leave tomorrow night.' He was rushing her...He knew it but he wanted her to go along with him...

'For god's sake Sanskar, do you even know what you are suggesting? I am an intern and you are taking me on an official trip? Why don't you take Viren?' she tried to be reasonable in spite of her anger.

'Don't teach me what to do...I told you I was going to make your life hell here. Either come with me or quit. I don't have the whole day to talk to you. Get back to work.' He said cruelly and turned his back on her.

She did not reply though she left his office. Instead of going to the Press room, she headed to the wash room.

There she took deep breaths and leaned on the wall. Why did he want to take her away with him? She was just getting to know him as a person, when he dropped the bomb shell. Laksh's words about Sanskar being a playboy came to her mind. Was she just a desirable thing for him? The thought hurt her so much that she wanted to cry her heart out. Why did his opinion matter so much?

For a moment in his office, she wanted to kiss him back. She wanted to let go off her constraints and enjoy the moment but the deep seated moral values that her mother and grandmother instilled in her reared its head. So far, she dealt with Sanskar without any concern but now she was scared. She was scared of getting hurt and realised anxiously that she had a weakness for him. God,what happened to all her doctrine of being a free spirit without any shackles? Her responsibilities to work stirred her from her thoughts.

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