Chapter 1: The Quell

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Chapter 1

I'd like to dedicate this entire story to my friend/mentor/inspiration Boring_Tings lover her :)

I do not own the Hunger Games. All creds to Suzanne Collins! However, any new characters and ideas are my own creations, so please ask permission before using them in your own story! Thanks :)


My stomach churned with nervous butterflies as I walked into my family's roomy living area in District One. The butterflies always came around this time of the year, the time of the Reaping for the Hunger Games. Teenagers all over my District had been buzzing with excited energy for months, which was common place in a Career District.

My family was not common in this place.

My mom paced the room with worry. Not for me, I was only eleven, too young to be reaped. Next year it would be my turn, and I shivered just thinking about it.

My mom was worried about my brother, Cable. Over 150 years ago, my great-great-great-great grandparents were secret supporters of what has become known as 'The Mockingjay Rebellion.' Katniss Mellark, formerly known as Katniss Everdeen, was their hero. However, it wasn't long before the rebellion failed and the Capitol took control once again.

My parents tried to reassure me, saying there's no way the Capitol has records of who supported the rebellion. But no one could underestimate the Capitol.

So they worried. They worried that their babies, myself and my brother, would be torn from their arms forever. They worried that everyday would be our last day together. They worried that the fact they worried about the Games would only make our family stand out more in our victory-hungry district.

My mom took me in her arms. "My baby," She whispered into my hair. "You won't leave me, will you?"

"Never, mom. I'll be with you always," I hug her for a moment more. My biggest fear was leaving her, and the rest of my family. Sure, District 1 was a wealthy District and we will always have plenty of food to eat and water to drink, but we needed each other. I didn't know what I would do without my family.

District 1 may be known as a Career District, but my family definitely did not fit in to the expectations of a regular family in this district. We feared the Games. I didn't really know why, but I guessed it started way back with my ancestors, when they joined the Mockingjay Rebellion. Although my mom had never told me the full reason as to why my ancestors rebelled, I knew that it had to do with the Games taking a family member away. I think my mom is afraid that history will repeat itself, and if I'm being honest, I'm just as terrified.

We did have one thing to protect us, though. We were the only ones who thought that way. Everyone else in District 1 had been training for the Games their whole lives, and they would volunteer for us in a second. I hoped.

"Celia, it's starting," My dad called me in his deep, calm voice. Somehow, him and Cable always managed to keep their cool. Even then, in that difficult time, so close to the Reaping, they were reassuring my mom and I, telling us that we were safe. Cautiously I crept over to the TV, afraid of what was to come, afraid for Cable. They can't know, it's not possible...

"Ahhh... Another year, another Hunger Games," said President Dellya Snow, the first female President to ever rule the Capitol and the Districts. "But this isn't just any old Hunger Games is it? No, no! This is the 200th Hunger Games!"

A trumpet fan fare began, and I couldn't bear to watch as a small Capitol child brought a box stuffed with envelopes to President Snow.

"Where's number 200? Ah, there it is!" She snatched it with her long fingernails. "To remind the districts that the Capitol knows best, the Gamemakers will hand select the tributes from each district. One boy and one girl will be chosen, of any age. Due to the nature of the Quell, no volunteers will be permitted in these games."

My mom began to sob. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her, not fully understanding the danger the Quell presented to our family, only understanding that my mom was upset. "My baby!" She cried. "They are going to take you from me!"

At her words, the butterflies in my stomach overflowed and I broke out in sobs. It hit me that the Capitol had found a way to eliminate the only thing protecting Cable and I: volunteers. The Capitol knew! They were going to separate me from my mom, my family! "No, mom I won't let them! I'll never leave you! They can't make me!"

"Now, now," My dad stepped in before my fear could escalate, "Nothing has happened yet. We won't know anything for sure until the Reaping tonight." He gently pried me off of my mom, and gestured for Cable to guide me down the hallway towards my room. My dad stayed with my mom, wrapping her under his arm and whispering to her softly to try and calm her down. She was bawling, overwhelmed with the thought of losing either of her children.

"Cable! No!" I screamed, as I struggled to break out of his iron grip. "I can't leave her!"

"Celia, please try to settle down. We need to be strong. For mom," Cable insisted as he closed the door to my room behind us.

"Aren't you scared, Cable?" I asked as I wiped my tears, slowly coming to the realization that I hadn't been Reaped yet, I was still safe.

"I'm terrified. But what am I supposed to do? Mom would have an even bigger meltdown if I admitted that to her," Cable sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"What our ancestors did must have been pretty bad, eh?" I glanced at the ground, forcing my tears back, trying to be as strong as Cable was.

"Yup," Cable agreed glumly. "And if the Capitol knows, and if they're still mad, there's a pretty big chance I'm going in the arena."


So, first chapter! I've wanted to write this for so long, hope you enjoyed! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, if not Happy Holidays! Please leave feedback, it's greatly appreciated.

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