Chapter 11: Severed Ties

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Emilia gasped in shock when she noticed Tristan's eye patch. Tristan was looking better, the swelling was just starting to go down and there was no sign of infection. It looked like the sponsors had saved us.

"What happened to you?" She placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"An icicle hit me in my eye," He explained. "But a sponsor sent me this medicated eye patch and it feels better now. I don't think it will get infected." Riyla and Emilia nodded thankfully.

"You'll have to be careful, though," Riyla cautioned. "We don't want you to push yourself too hard."

Tristan replied, "I know, but it honestly doesn't hurt at all. I just can't see out of it."

"I hate to be the party pooper guys, but we all saw the anthem just a moment ago," Declan broke in.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"There's only ten tributes left," I stared at Declan, not getting his point.

"We need to talk about when we are going to split up."

His words hit me hard. There were ten of us left, the four careers, the loner girl from District 3, and the five of us. We were the biggest alliance, and everyone knows that alliances can't last forever. In the end, only one person lives.

"We can't split up, we only just found each other again!" I insisted.

"I know it sucks Celia, but you knew this would happen someday, right?" Riyla cooed.

I did, I just didn't think it would be so soon.

"So, is this the end?" Emilia gulped. Tristan and Declan nodded at each other slowly. A single tear traced down my cheek. "I'm guessing you two are sticking together?" she asked me and Tristan. We didn't have to look at each before we nodded in sync. Our alliance together was something we decided long ago.

But Emilia. She was my best friend, my big sister. How would I be able to split a part from her?

"Emilia, you're my District partner. We're in this together?" Declan turned to her. She nodded happily.

Riyla sniffed, and turned her back so we wouldn't see her break down. The loss of Tale, who wasn't just her District partner but also her brother, must be catching up with her. "Riyla, you can have your pick," Declan patted her back reassuringly.

"No," She insisted. "I can go on my own. Thank you for your offer, but I need to be by myself right now."

"Riyla!" I protested. "Please come with us." But Riyla shook her head.

"I just can't, please don't make things harder." Even though it pained me to do so, I knew I had to give Riyla her space. She was still grieving.

"Well, it was nice getting to know you all," Emilia initiated the group hug. It was hard to say goodbye. Deep down inside I knew I would never be able to harm any of my now-former alliance. I wasn't the type to backstab. After everyone broke away, Emilia grabbed my hand and led me a little ways away from the rest of the group.

"Celia, I know you are gonna be the winner of this thing..."


"Sh," she silenced me. "I wouldn't want it any other way. I just want you to know that you are like a little sister to me, and I wish all the best for you. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too," I struggled to hold back my tears. I needed to be strong.

Emilia embraced me for what was probably the last time. She was my best friend here in the Games, well besides Tristan. But Tristan was something different; he wasn't just a friend, he was a father figure, an adult role model. I needed both of them with me, but I could only have one.

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