Chapter 7: Let the Games Begin

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This chapter is dedicated to gryffindor_lion because not only was she one of my first big supporters on this story, but she is honestly so sweet and, obviously, an amazing writer! Go check out her newest story, Maddison Swift-the Witch if you love Harry Potter and Taylor Swift!

I woke to someone gently shaking my shoulder. "Celia? Cece? Wake up," Tristan whispered softly.

"Mmmmm," I rolled over. My tired mind was telling me to get more sleep, my brain not fully comprehending the situation I was in.

"Cece... it's time."

Startled, I jumped out of bed. Today was the day. I was going into the arena.

There was no going back to sleep now. My mind was shocked awake.

Blinking back tears, I smoothed my silk pyjama pants and tank top down. Tristan smiled weakly at me. "Come on, we have to go to breakfast." I followed him, noticing we were both still in pyjamas. I guess we would get our Games clothes in the dining area.

The first person I saw was Blooming. "I'm going to miss you so much!" She scooped us into a group hug. "Please be careful," She released us and gave both of us some toast and jam for breakfast. I knew this could be my last meal for days, but I felt too sick to eat it. I was busy nibbling the edges when Tally and Grim walked in to give us some last minute advice.

"Don't be tempted by the bloodbath," Tally instructed. "Especially since you're not joining the Career pack. They'll want to pick you off right away."

"Just try and stay away from the Cornucopia in general," Grim added. "We'll be organizing the sponsor gifts and we'll send as much as we can."

"The most important thing would be to find water. We'll do the rest," Tally finished. Tristan and I tried to absorb as much information as possible.

Tally handed me a pair of tight black pants, similar to what I wore in training, and a black, long sleeve shirt. Tristan got a matching outfit from Grim.

"It's time," Tally sighed. After another group hug, our mentors walked us to the hovercrafts.

"They're separating district partners, so you'll each be in a different aircraft," Grim informed us. "But it won't be a long ride."

Tally embraced me one last time before I clambered up the hovercraft ramp solo.

All of the female tributes turned to stare at me as I climbed aboard. Spotting an open seat next to Emilia, I made my way over to her. She smiled at me as I sat down. I ignored the death glares I was getting from Diamond and Destiny who were seated across from me.

It wasn't long before the final stragglers climbed aboard and a lady came around to inject our trackers, so the Capitol could watch our every move. I winced and had to turn away when she did mine.

The ride was about 45 minutes, and none of the tributes talked the entire time. We all knew that at the end of the Games, only one would be left.

Finally, we arrived, and I was escorted to my launch station by two peacekeepers. They left as soon as I was inside the room. It was completely empty except for the glass tube on the far right side.

"2 minutes until launch," a lady with a high voice and a Capitol accent announced through the speakers.

"Over here," Sona smiled at me from the corner of the room.

"Sona!" I ran to her, my heart lifting slightly at the sight of her. Seeing someone familiar made me feel a bit more secure.

"I have something for you," She slid a fleece sweater over my arms. "The warmest tribute outfit I've ever seen. If I didn't know better I'd say you were headed to the Arctic." I shivered at the thought.

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