Chapter 15: New World

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I thought it was the tracker jacker venom, at first. I thought it was manipulating my vision, influencing what I saw, even though one sting isn't supposed to have much of an effect on you. But the awe on Tristan's face, that mirrored mine, convinced me I wasn't the only one who was seeing the sight before me.

The location of the arenas are always kept secret. No one is ever supposed to know where the tributes are shipped off to. So, when I climbed up the rope ladder and was met with the view of a land I had never seen before, I supposed I shouldn't have been surprised. The land was green, with slightly rolling hills dotted with quaint little homes with colourful red and blue roofs. Tristan had come up the ladder right behind me, and we both just stood and stared at the welcoming sight before us. Finally, I asked him: "Is this part of the arena?"

"No," He answered, happily shaking his head. "We'll never have to go back to the arena again. We escaped the arena!" I laughed, not believing it could be true. But it was! There wasn't a tracker jacker, mutation, or tribute in sight. "Come on, Tally and Grim told me we need to find cover, quickly. The Gamemakers will come looking for us soon, and we can't let them find us," Tristan was already making his way towards the small village. I skipped along happily beside him.

The euphoria washed the hunger right out of my tired body. I no longer had to fear for my life with every step. We weren't in the arena anymore, we would never be in it again if Tristan's plan worked.

We walked up to the nearest home, one with a cheery blue roof and two flower boxes under the main floor windows. I held my hand up to knock, and glanced at Tristan, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded, giving me the go-ahead. I knocked twice. The noise seemed to echo throughout the otherwise quiet town. Ever so slowly, the door opened and revealed a girl only a bit younger than me, with two black braids and freckles across her nose and cheeks. The moment her green eyes spotted us, she ran off squealing:

"Strangers! Mommy, Daddy! There are strangers at the door! I told you they'd come!"

I looked at Tristan, wondering if we should stay and see what would happen, or if we should run while we still could. It didn't feel right to just stand there and wait for the girl's parents to come and chastise us for scaring their daughter. He didn't return my gaze, however, so I assumed he wanted to stay. After what felt like years, a women who looked around 30 came down the long hallway that led to the door which was left ajar by the little girl who answered the door earlier.

The women shot us a half-hearted smile before she spoke shakily: "H-hello."

"Hi," I smiled brightly.

The lady tucked a piece of her black hair behind her ear. Her curly bob framed her face nicely, and she had freckles, just like the little girl, who I assume was her daughter. "I don't mean to be rude, but... who are you?'

"I am Tristan, and this is Celia. I'm sure you've seen us on TV," Tristan stepped in.

"No... I must have missed you," The lady shook her head, obviously confused. "Were you on the local news?"

"I wish," I sighed. "But no, it was actually the Hunger Games."

"I'm sorry, the what?" The lady closed her door a few inches. That's when I realized how horrible I must look. Tristan and I hadn't showered for days, our clothes were torn and bloody, and we were both stick thin and dehydrated. Oh, and Tristan still had an eye patch over his left eye. We were gonna have to come up with something good to get into this lady's home and hide from the Gamemakers and the Peacekeepers.

"Ugh," I moaned dramatically, and fell into Tristan's arms. I managed to wink at him quickly before shutting my eyes and feigning that I had blacked out.

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